Operation Disclosure
RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - February 20, 2018
Several hidden underground outposts were discovered around Yellowstone National Park.
The Cabal-MIC were attempting to set off Yellowstone Caldera (super volcano) with HAARP weaponry in a last ditch effort to commit martyrdom.
"If we can't have it, then no one will." This is the current mentality of the remaining rogue Cabal elements.
Alliance Ghost Operative Teams were dispatched to these locations and have successfully destroyed over 4 outposts in the area.
In other news, the collapse of the current financial system is imminent.
The new financial system is online, but currently dormant.
All currencies worldwide are gold/asset-backed on the new financial system.
The back screen rates you've been told about are from the new financial system.
The Alliance must release the RV in order to replace the current financial system with the new one.
This must occur before the current fiat financial system collapses.
It is a race against time.
If the Cabal cleanup operation is not complete before the collapse, the RV will be released nonetheless.
The Alliance will continue the Cabal cleanup operation Post-RV despite the risk.