Season 8, Episode 13
David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock. I'm here with Corey Goode, and in this episode, we are taking your questions and hearing what Corey has to say for the answers.
Corey, Welcome back to the show.
Corey Goode: Thank you.
David: Let's hit the ground running here:
“Perhaps this will be more of a reminder, but if there are negatively-oriented factions of entities on this planet who are slowing or delaying our Ascension Process, what can we do to combat this or break through these barriers?”Corey: Well, usually, what they're doing to hold back the Ascension Process is holding things back for you on a personal level.
Usually we scream out, you know, we're being persecuted or attacked. Or if we look deep, we usually find out that we're doing it to ourselves.
So I would say the answer to that question is, focus on yourself. Focus on working on all of those things inside that you've tried to hide from.
And as you begin to work more on yourself, then you're definitely changing the world one person at a time, but people watch what you are doing with your own self-work, and it is a good example for them as well.
David: Next question:
“It appears as if there are some delaying tactics going on, possibly from either side of the disclosure discussion, regarding Antarctica and our true history. Is it known what is going on behind the scenes and why we seem to be taking a leap forward in information, but then everything goes silent once again?”Corey: Well, you have to understand that they're not just going to drop the Antarctica information or the information about the Antarctic civilization under the ice.
They're not just going to drop the information about ruins found under the oceans very deep.
It's going to . . . They're going to have to have . . . There's going to be a catalyst for them to drop it, and mostly likely, that'll be some sort of movement against The-Powers-That-Be in the government.
That'll be a time for them to use a grand distraction method.
David: “A weapon of mass distraction.”
Corey: A weapon of mass distraction, yes.
David: So do you think that the Antarctic information is going to roll forward, but that it's more like their final get-out-of-jail-free card?
Corey: That's the plan, yes. They're going to release that information when they have to. And releasing the information during a time of chaos for them they hope will be a springboard for a more orderly future for the planet through their rule.