In the case of Iran, U.S. President Donald Trump was threatened and blackmailed into renouncing the nuclear deal with Iran, but facing opposition from the military as well as top allies, all that Trump could do was to appease the Khazarians with bellicose rhetoric. Even Trump’s rhetoric was met with a statement by the leaders of top U.S. allies the UK, Germany, and France contradicting Trump’s claims that Iran was breaking the nuclear deal.
The statement read in part that the deal “was unanimously endorsed by the UN Security Council in Resolution 2231. The International Atomic Energy Agency has repeatedly confirmed Iran’s compliance with the JCPoA through its long-term verification and monitoring programme.”
In other words, they were telling Trump not to start a war based on lies. This is something I have never seen the like of in many years of watching diplomatic statements.
In fact, the only country to support Trump’s bellicose rhetoric was the rogue Khazarian slave state of Saudi Arabia. In any case, Saudi Arabia’s satanic rulers are about to lose their main protector, as Israeli police close in on satanic pseudo-Jewish Israeli leader Benyamin Netanyahu.
The attempts by the Khazarians to use North Korea to start World War 3 are also failing. Last week two senior Japanese politicians made a secret visit to North Korea to negotiate a summit meeting between Donald Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un when Trump visits Asia in November, according to a source close to the Japanese imperial family.
This meeting, if it takes place (a final decision is pending), would probably pave the way for a peace deal as well as reunification of the Korean Peninsula. However, an even bigger announcement than that may also be in the works. According to senior Pentagon and Asian Secret Society sources a decision to