Stephen Paddock (above) "has been identified as the gunman in the LasVegas shooting", on 2 October 2017.
First picture of gunman
"Stephen Paddock worked for a predecessor company of Lockheed Martin from 1985 until 1988."
Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock
Here Are All The Hoaxes Being Spread About The Las Vegas Shooting.
There was more than one shooter.
Listen to the tape at RT and you'll hear two different automatic weapons
firing; one has a heavy thumping sound like an AK47 and the other is a
lighter report, similar to an M-16.
The guns are heard separately and together.
Footage with sound of multiple gunshots .
The guns are heard separately and together.
Footage with sound of multiple gunshots .
In 2000, Donald trump wrote: "I support the ban on assault weapons."
Is the Las Vegas shooting a Galdio-style psy-op by the Trump regime, prior to bringing in gun control?

Do these 'sexy' photos suggest a psy-op?