LISA TRANSCENDANCE BROWN – Most Powerful StarGate Alignment Ever! – Power Portal Activated – Huge Collective Clearing of Victim Energy – Close the Stories, Timelines Out – New Divine BEginnings – Higher Consciousness Timelines Ready for Implementation – 9-26-17

Lisa Transcendence Brown
Monday’s StarGate Alignment was OFF THE CHARTS POWERFUL and ran strongly all through the night…. Inner Earth/Galactically/Our Earthly & Planetary Bodies Cosmically Re-Aligned and WOW at the awesomeness of the feeling of “being back”. Whew, what a month of identifying/recognizing our old loop cycles/old programming and refusing to allow them to play out (again), holding the highest timelines fully from within and anchoring these new codes within our physical body templates/structures in order to bring our bodies through to a MUCH higher dimensional timeline experience!
Always in observance mode from within, we observe our deep programming of unconsciousness, which correlates to our human ego/Atlantean/Reptilian/Separation from Self as Pure Source Creator, duality/polarity and more. We see it and intentionally, consciously hold the highest and most expansive “new program” over the old one… we don’t go back, play in the old, keep allowing it, entertaining it…. we know how important it is to STOP UNCONSCIOUSNESS in it’s tracks…. and we need not keep playing the physical REALity out, because we see the old illusory/distorted constructs and we re-construct all fully from within.
We allow the space-time we need to pull away, be alone, hold our own field and not need to take care of/look out for others while we are doing this…. One thing these new higher frequencies have delivered over the last few months is our “fed up with human aspects” and breaking the programming of “doing for others” and “helping others” before we take care of ourselves…. I found that every time I stepped up to be kind, to help…. where there was any human’ness in the other, I got whopped upside the head with a “lesson” to teach me to stop trying to help… and the higher message kept being “let them deal with their own reality, stop trying to be kind”…. jeesh…. the opposite of what we had to do when we were opening our hearts over the years and did to live in Unity Consciousness, so it’s hard to stop doing for others when this is a part of Unity here….
Yet, this is all about balance and if we are the ones always doing, always looking out for others, always taking up the slack, then others who have not come to stand in their own power yet, who still live in different victim mentalities of “realities happening TO them” instead of seeing these are showing them the many facets of victim/dis-empowered/constantly on the receiving end of a “lesson” (experience), that there is a reason for this…. because we can only be Angels for so long before we have to grow a backbone and stand in our power and stop relying on others, stop expecting that others are going to take care of us…. and when we become the ONE THAT SHOWS UP without carrying all of that “wounded” energy, then there’s much more balance, respect, integrity and consideration for the ENERGY of those we affect/transmit to/connect with……
It’s not kind to constantly transmit out “being a victim”…. to anyone…. It’s not kind to ourselves to keep believing we are not the one’s fully responsible, capable and that we are the ones that have to pull ourselves up by our higher-self/higher heart-mind bootstraps, in Unison with Our Universe, AS our entire Universe and DO what we see will create/affect change… WE have to move the Energy ourselves…. we don’t sit around whining anymore…. As Multi-Dimensionals, we can whine to ourselves, complain/bitch & get it out without projecting it on others and do other things AS our Higher Selves…..
Many just “think” that being multi-dimensional is “one thing”. No, it’s EVERYTHING…. it’s recognizing that our EXPERIENCES AND ENERGY tell us which dimension WE are currently occupying with our physical body and consciousness too.
There are no dis-empowered victims in the 5th+ Dimensions:
You are here to take your own POWER BACK, from your own lower aspect/unconscious aspect/ego you….. You are no longer “broken”, not capable, don’t have what you need/it takes, need to be fixed or even healed (healing is a human word of “less/broken/lack” mentalities too). You are here to LOVE yourself, RESPECT yourself, BE kind to yourself, STOP living the old lack realities (as these are definitely not you being kind to you), and REMEMBER the beauty, perfection, purity that you are, as a SOUL and that you have the POWER to be/do anything you BELIEVE and tell yourself….
It’s in YOUR Stories…. that you keep telling yourself/others, regurgitating, insisting upon, have convinced yourself are true/truth… when in essence, they keep you FROM your highest & purest aspects of YOU.
Listen to YOUR stories, FEEL your stories… pay attention to the VIBRATION of every thought you “think” (observed without judgment, yet prepared to be shocked/amazed).
Your MENTALITY becomes your REALities… and if you keep “thinking” and telling yourself/others the stories of duality (victim/bad guy)…. then this is what you keep creating/bringing forth to EXPERIENCE in your own physical reality world.
Your Experiences ARE TO SHOW YOU, what you were not willing to see ABOUT YOURSELF before. They reflect BACK to you the vibrational frequencies/programs that YOU HOLD and transmit out (unconsciously and consciously). Unconscious realities play out first, as they are the “closest” vibration to physical density, so it takes you being conscious to SHIFT THE VIBRATIONAL EXPERIENCE yourself…. It’s up to YOU to HOLD the NEW HIGHER VIBRATION —- EVERY TIME — to BREAK the old tough programming that your stubborn ego held in place as reality before.
Every THING and every PERSON represents an aspect of you; Your highest aspect or your previous unconscious one… and it’s up to you to decide how to shift the entire reality into either a fully conscious one or let it dissolve/collapse it yourself. I re-educate those around me as to what is acceptable, what is of the highest state and what I will allow, as a part of UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS RELATIONSHIPS and if this is not the reality that appears, then I have to decide how to deal. When you BEcome the entire Universe, then everyone else is their own Universe too. Each fully responsible/accountable and receiving excactly what they transmit out. Where open, honest, loving, conscious conversation can resolve, this is awesome! Yet, where there are unconscious patters, often the other is not ready or needs to “go somewhere else” to work through their own deep programming… because this is what is respectful to each. When the story is gone, when there is nothing but gratitude and respect, when each is standing in their own power, then the reality can resume/begin anew, with all purposes/agreements as a POINT OF CREATION, inspiring, supporting each, contributions by each… in balance, without the old distortions anymore.
If you lead with dis-respect, lack of integrity/honor/love/consideration/kindness, then by those who are fully conscious, we can SEE/FEEL this and we won’t allow that portal/door to open at all. We will close it, the entire timeline, because it does not serve any of our highest purposes to experience “fake/BS/not pure stuff”. We require that your own Empowered Pure Honorable Integrity Kind Respectful Considerate and Contributory you show up… not just when YOU want/need something… that’s the old unconscious ways and there is ZERO TOLERANCE now. We all Know better and there is a higher aspect somewhere inside of you and that’s the aspect we REQUIRE to have any reality/experience at all….
We treat others with kindness, respect, integrity, love… from the depths of the CORE of our Divine Essence, unless they are playing the “incapable” game of not holding these qualities yet. Everyone as the ability/capability, yet each have to be WILLING TO FIND IT within themselves and LIVE from this place/space too. Your BEHAVIOR AND TREATMENT has an energy signature… this is what we READ and reply to accordingly. Your open & responsible higher-heart-self-mind or your closed one. This is what dictates realities and dimensional experiences too.
The VIBRATIONS of continuing to PRETEND that you don’t hold the power, don’t have the capability, don’t know how…. is over. Yes, it will be challenging to your human aspect, yes it will be very uncomfortable at first, because YOU are BREAKING your own PROGRAMMING and the immense unconscious ENERGY/beliefs that you held before. This is how we all do this. In the beginning, it’s TOUGH to go against/break/dissolve those old programs of our own.
The bigger the program (more energy), the more resistance/power it seems to have, the more we have to do this fully conscious to break through/reverse/dissolve/dissipate the energy ourselves. The simplest ways is just to close our eyes and shift fully to our heart and OPEN IT UP…. it may take everything we’ve got in the beginning, but we don’t just “give up”…. WE have the power to transcend ANYTHING THROUGH UNITY/FULL CONSCIOUSNESS again. When our hearts open, our minds will relax/go fuzzy and the power of the energy will start to dissolve…. You have to want to do this or “wait” until it happens to (for) you, and usually it’s much more uncomfortable, because the experience has to “catch you off-guard” to remove your ability to CONTROL everything like before. You don’t get to shut down/suppress anymore. The vibrations of multi-dimensional Earth won’t allow the unconscious programs to continue to be held in your bodies anymore….
The reason all of these “lower vibrational emotions/beliefs/mentalities/physical body things” are surfacing is because the old dimensions are gone. It’s time for you to let the old programs/mentalities go… you don’t need fear, judgment, lack anymore. Your beliefs/what you tell yourself/hold the programming for, these play out for you until you become conscious and choose a different/alternate reality/timeline and are ready to shift UP, into a higher vibration. Your human will hold onto the “lower” one out of safety/fear, because to it the “known” reality of less/lack/not enough is safer than the “unknown” ones of standing in our power, loving and respecting ourselves, being kind to ourselves and saying NO to the old program, because the constructs for the reality inside of us were so strong. These mega-high vibrations, collapse those constructs so that a whole new mentality/reality can be constructed, from a whole NEW FOUNDATION of Love, Respect, Integrity, Honor, Kindness, Compassion, Peace, Harmony and more… all through Unifying/Unification within…. We don’t allow ourselves to separate off from our own SOURCE CONNECTION anymore, we HOLD that connection above all… from within.
Constantly. It is time for you to MOVE from your old HOME of lack and less to full and infinite everything again. First you must choose to not want to keep LIVING THERE. You must be ready to move. Give your notice to your old reality. Not 30 or 60 days or later. NOW. Be done with it and welcome the NEW, GREET THE NEW, pack your bags (leave your old baggage) and only bring with you what supports your NEW EXISTENCE on NEW EARTH NOW.
NEW EARTH IS YOU HAPPY, INSPIRED, SHARING…. Being your Light, honoring yourself, so that you can FEEL GRATITUDE in every moment and share this with others, become generous, reciprocal and abundant in every way, yet you cannot do this if you are not loving and respecting yourself, getting your rest, moving your body, integrating all of this immense light/encodements into your physical body structures/systems, keeping your field clear, surrounding yourself with the highest vibrational everything and honoring when you need to release/clear old programs by observing and giving yourself what you need. Listen to your body, push your human through, overcome those perceived obstacles by opening up for your higher self to MOVE INSIDE OF YOU, to live inside your body, to be with you every step of the way… Relinquish your ego to your highest you/your Universe Cosmic Galactic Soul You, so that you can live your Highest Dimensional Experience here too!
Give yourself a break, take a break, go play, have fun, pat yourself on the back and stop trying to DO for everyone else where there is an imbalance and it’s not pure from your own heart. Honor you and allow others to honor you too. Maintain peace, unity and balance inside so that outside can play this for you too!
Pay attention to your overall vibration. Just because you are clearing/dealing with something, it doesn’t have to take all of your focus and energy, unless it’s a biggie that you’ve not honored before. Then give it the attention it needs through conscious release/clearing and then get back on the horse, shower, freshen up, get out in nature, unify back to peace inside and re-focus your energy on what you see/feel to accomplish/do. Do for others, volunteer, contribute your energy to create the feeling of inspiration from within.
Whatever you allow in your reality/field is yours. It’s up to you to shift the mentality/clear the emotion/energy and shift your whole body into a higher vibration. You must move energy in the direction you see/feel/know/are shown…. your human will get complacent and sit around… you must break this energy too. If you “need” to be busy all the time, slow down, stop. Pull away. Practice Presence until you have MASTERED LEARNING HOW TO JUST BE. This is the hardest thing for our human aspect in the beginning. You are REVERSING your habit energy. If you have fear of doing, then do. If you have to do, then stop doing. Everything is the opposite and we do not wait, we DO the vibration, transmit the vibrational reality that we are ready to experience….
Observe your lack mentalities, where you seek validation, where you seek anything at all. Connect deep inside to your inner knowing, channel your higher selves if you never have. They are your higher guidance from a higher dimension than you are, in a reality that’s already occurred and as you do this, your body will activate, your cells will activate, the ENERGY of these aspects will flood/fill/vibrate inside of you, so that you can BECOME THEM /merge as them/unify as your highest aspect of you fully again. This will require pure integrity, pure love, pure everything on your part. You won’t be able to be “small” anymore.
Practice your I AM presence until you FEEL the POWER of this within. Then you won’t need to do this anymore. Only the Ego aspect needs to do this. As your Ego dissolves, and you BEcome this, you won’t need to say it anymore. It’s to assist you with your own Embodiment.
Practice WE Consciousness. Speak AS WE, the entire Galactic Soul Collective of the Highest Realms as a WHOLE. Breathe WE through YOU… REMEMBER the PURENESS, THE UNITY… where there is absolutely NO separation from anything anymore. This will assist you with unification on a whole new level and bring you in to your NEW EARTH EXISTENCE ….
You will go through Your Ego to re-claim your power, then you will transcend your ego. All identities, label and everything you believed yourself to BE will go…. Your Highest Everything will replace this, yet other than for others to “find you” (teacher/guide/aspect/job), you won’t need to declare these anymore. Only to empower others. These were human creation, yet necessary for specific purposes of assisting with Awakening to Remembering fully again.
Zero Point Field is nothing and everything all at the same time. It’s you in your purest form, just energy, fully conscious, CREATOR/CREATION, SOURCE, the entire Cosmos/Universe, Galaxies all in the same SPACE again. No separation, fully expanded and ALL AS ONE AGAIN. In your purest essence, this is the space that you always occupy now, observing your aspects, observing realities, observing the entire Earth, each dimension/timeline, the ENERGY OF ALL. You will become/experience/see the Energetic Grids, the Crystalline Grids, StarGates and how all systems work/flow cohesively, intelligently and brilliantly as ONE living organism.
As you gain Galactic Access again, through your Galactic Core, clear your Galactic Karma and fulfill your missions/roles here, you will be able to SEE from these other galaxies, observing all that is occurring on the “small” Earth Ship. As you maintain your Ascended State, you will be able to observe Earth from the Heavens/Higher Dimensional Realms, then this will balance out after awhile, as you walk in Heaven on Earth, then your abilities to see, move to INNER EARTH and through the Cosmos as well. As you Embody your Soul, and each Higher Self Aspect fully descends to return to full consciousness within you, the entire Cosmos moves inside of you, with each planetary/moon/earth cycle activating your Cosmic DNA inside too. There are so many aspects of you that “return”, and as you EMBODY EACH ONE, walk as each one, without any Ego at all, reclaim each’s abilities, gifts, abundance and your physical body has re-constructed all according to highest Soul & Galactic Alignment, your body template has purified/cleansed unconscious distortions, then you will enter Avatar Consciousness/OverSoul Embodiment, completing initiations and cycles of each consciousness, working through each’s distortions to anchor all highest dimensional aspects down into your physical form here, undergoing an immense and continual upgrade/integration process that replaces your old body with your evolved Etheric Plasma Crystalline LightBody, where everything is simple, easy and pure. Your roles are very different as you go, evolving as you do, mastering all 12 “earthly dimensional aspects”, then the higher ones too. You are a gridpoint for NEW Earth and your body holds the codes for all of HUmanity and Galactic Schematics for our NEW Civilizations here and Heaven is the Gift you’ve achieved to live/exist/play in while you do this important work here.
As each are ready to bring forth these Higher Timeline REALities, truly, through committed and dedicated SERVICE for the whole/bigger picture/Divine Grand Plan, then each will step forward to UNITE and support in every way that contributes to this. You will have had to put your ego aside (dissolving this within) and come together in ways that support the whole. At this point, this is no longer about you, it’s about what you are here to BE/DO. It’s no longer hard, because you get it, and you’ve transcended your own separation/duality/selfishness from within. You REALize and REMEMBER why you chose to incarnate/walk-in here and are ready to embrace/fulfill your highest Soul Purposes/Galactic Missions/HUman Roles here. You don’t show up because you want something, yet because you have much to offer. All the gifts you’ve received, they have a purpose…. Everything does…. ♥
Take the higher road, step up and into your power, embrace the magnificence that you already are and stop the stories of dis-empowerment…. for if you keep bringing these forth, then you just keep re-creating them, to collapse… until you don’t believe them anymore. Dissolve them yourself, be done with every victim mentality/the energy and open up to SPEAK… “I AM READY for these next awesome realities… now “show me” what to do, tell me what to do”… then get up and DO that… and if it’s “sleep to integrate”, do this first, then get up and do as your body supports you. Love and respect your own body, for as you do, you will love the Earth too. As you love your Living Earth/Gaia/Nature/Universe, you will come to love/respect your awakening/coming alive body again too (LightBody).
NEW Earth is the playground we birth ourselves into, as Higher Selves, where we get to live while we “grow up/mature”, learn to get ourselves out there, be visible, contribute, clear abundance Karma and other lack programs while we move into full-service and prove ourselves to ourselves an all others that we can hold integrity/honor/our highest consciousness state ALL OF THE TIME, which is where we achieve/receive the “Keys to the Kingdom” as one of the PURE ONES, and the Gates of Heaven open up wide. Heaven on Earth is where we as ADULT SOULS LIVE, where Avatars live and it’s beyond EASY, simple and pure here. Everything is Energy and a physical reality to match vibrationally, our highest everything here. We still have to clear programming as it comes up, yet it’s different because we don’t surround ourselves with unconscious anything anymore, and it’s just ENERGY.
We work with the Energy of the Programming and break/dissolve it our self, allowing the physical to completely re-align to this. The physical dimension we LIVE IN ALL OF THE TIME is easy too, fully abundant and in-service, as we serve as anchor point/Guardians of NEW Earth and hold the templates/codes within us, constantly integrating, transmitting these out and inner-acting/teaching/guiding in every dimension, much in the dream/sleep state to assist others. Our waking states are simple, as we’ve flipped our realities, from outer to inner to inner to outer, from the physical to energetic to the whole physical being heaven and the only time we “see hell” is if a program emerges to clear. It’s fast and there’s no tolerance for anything unconscious. We re-educate, hold the “bar high” for others to step up/reach up and to do the work necessary to LIVE THIS EXISTENCE TOO.
Vibratory mis-matches are evident quickly and cannot maintain within the same space for very long. A few hours or maybe days, it’s not like it was before. Everyone must be fully conscious and living as Quantum Light BEings too. We see the constructs of realities and we collapse old, maneuver through space as we observe human linear time, no longer constrained by this anymore. Universal flow and maintaining Cosmic Flow through the Unified Cosmic Breath is in unison and all is constantly synchronizing here. Our StarGates allow us to “travel” without moving from this physical space. The more our cells are Quantum, the easier it is, once we master the landings of Quantum Jumping through simultaneous realities (which start out as crash landings in the beginning). Getting our “footing” for inter-dimensional travel takes a bit, as “time” will fling all about. Forward, backwards, sideways, stretching, looping and reversing. We have to be in-tune with everything all of the time to maneuver with great ease. Humans will collapse time just through their presence, because they do not function from Zero Point and it takes more of our energy to compensate for chaotic, dis-proportionate and unconscious spin rates that are often in reverse to Universal/Cosmic flow. The more unaware, the more our bodies/fields have to overcompensate, and it where we try to carry others in our portal/field too long, then our bodies will start to take up the slack, affecting our physical body’s/cellular vibration, so we now have to take great care on who/how long we allow others in our field. Everyone has to be fully conscious, taking responsibility, otherwise their cellular body/spin rate is “backwards” and they are not in command of their own spin rate/field. We have to take great care, as we only take responsibility for that which we have the capability to maintain, serves a mega-high-important purpose and is fully aligned with the bigger picture for all of us here. Our physical bodies have to be completely re-built to sustain in different ways than before. They need more care, more balance and more dedicated “time” (space) to integrate these Higher Earth Codes, which is why you will see me taking more “me/body” time now, as Gatekeeper & Gridkeeper roles continually increase as we go. ♥
I love you! Injoy your NEW REALITIES and get ready… as we all step higher into our next phases/purposes here. ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown
Avatar Consciousness/OverSoul Embodiment, Galactic Guardian and Template Holder for Our NEW Earth