Thank you Joan… again. Amazing!!
Two links of relevance:
http://www.tbrnews.org/?p=2235 (this was in DWs talk)
http://www.tbrnews.org/?p=2406 (not in DWs talk)
5/22/17 HIGHLIGHTS from my Notes ~ THREE-HOUR [actually, 4 hr.] INTENSIVE w/ DAVID WILCOCK at ‘Contact in the Desert’ ~ Joshua Tree, CA ~ many beautiful and diverse topics were touched upon during this talk…
…a long segment was devoted to the VERY new and extremely positive news about Pizzagate and the eradiation of pedophila in Washington DC, and another, to science that proves the coming of the Flash. I may do another post about the part of this talk explaining high-vibrational diet, weaponized foods, and how the cancer mechanism works…
…in these notes, I’ll be focusing-in mainly on BIBLICAL PASSAGES THAT DESCRIBE THE SOLAR FLASH AND ASCENSION as mentioned in this talk, w/ David’s commentary added ~ the passages I am using are the King James version and sometimes may be excerpts…
…the solar flash can be compared to the burning of magnesium metal; a brilliant white-hot flame…it transforms you into a meta-human being…it meshes the soul and the physical body…