It is time for Canadian LBO of bankrupt US Corporate government
This was also why the British Royal family held an emergency meeting last week at Buckingham Palace and then announced the retirement of Prince Philip.
Both emergency meetings had to do with the cashing of Super Petchili or Lung-Tsing-U-Hai bonds backed by Chinese gold and held by many members of the world’s royal families, according to a senior bank source. To be exact, according to this source, in exchange for resigning, Prince Philip was allowed to cash his Petchilis meaning the British Royal Family now has in its hands enough money to totally transform the planet.
If so, then this means Canada is now in a position to ask creditors of the bankrupt United States Corporation for financing of a leveraged buy-out of its operations. The result would be an end to the never ending insanity and criminality emerging out of Washington DC.
We will look deeper into this further down because, in terms of how this will affect the planet, this under the radar move is far more important than the French Presidential election. This was stolen by the Rothschild’s on behalf of their slave Emmanuel Macron with a in your face, Satanic 66.06% of the vote.
The French election was really a German/Russian proxy war over the control of Europe. US naval intelligence reports that German troops were sent into France prior to the election to while Pentagon sources say Russian troops were sent into Serbia at around the same time.
As things stand now, Hitler’s daughter Angela Merkel has repeated her father’s accomplishment of conquering France, this time through stealth rather than through open warfare.
Regardless though, Japanese military intelligence is now saying that defeated French presidential candidate Marine le Pen was in fact the daughter of a Mossad agent. What this means is that the Rothschilds would have won the French election even if she had become president. The battle for France has by no means ended, since a majority of the French viewed the election as “having to choose between plague and cholera, between the fascist dictatorship and that of the bankers.”
The evidence of Macron’s tax evasion and other criminality exposed by hackers just before the election will not go away and criminal prosecution followed by a real French revolution is still in the cards.
In any case, the election theft in France does not change the fundamental reality that France is bankrupt along with Italy and Spain and that Germany is their main creditor, meaning these countries were stealth conquered via finance.
The proxy competition between Germany and Russia over influence in Europe is now moving East.
On that front the Russians sent at least 150,000 troops “to defend Serbia and stop Daesh heroin and hashish operations in the Balkans,” according to Pentagon sources. The Russians are also there to stop a Khazarian mafia greater Albania project, the sources continue. Apart from securing a new distribution route for Afghan heroin, the Khazarian greater Albania project is also about stealing trillions of dollars’ worth of mineral resources, according to Serbian intelligence sources. The Russians are now stopping this resource theft and ethnic cleansing of Christians by the Khazarians.
Overall, it appears as if the Germans and the Russians jockeying to establish their respective zones of influence in Europe.
The war against the Satan worshipping Khazarians is also now looking to expand into something involving all of the monotheistic religions. This was first seen in early 2016 when Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church had the first meeting between the heads of these two churches in 1000 years. Last week Pope Francis went to Egypt to meet the top Muslim clerics there to get their support against the Satanists and their Daesh army.