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Here it comes again…
One of the two purposes of this blog is to utilize the heckler effect to stop any fast-moving globalist plots, thereby forcing them to advance their New World Order (NWO) agenda in a piecemeal effort over the course of years rather than months. So in service to this purpose, this entry will take a more in-depth look at the three-phase globalist plan for 2017 that I outlined in the previous note…
Phase 1: Darkness Falls – In this phase, the globalists will trigger the Big Crisis that will precede the launch of the NWO, and it could involve some or all of the following elements…
- a shooting encounter between the Americans and Chinese in the South China Sea,
- nationwide riots by migrants in France following the first round of the French presidential presidential election on April 23,
- a partial shutdown of the US government after April 28 that will prevent the distribution of food stamps on May 1,
- nationwide May Day riots in the US led by paid “leftist” agents provocateur, who could be joined by restive elements of the population whose food stamps were cut off,
- a sharp downturn in the markets blamed on the US/China conflict and the widespread social disorder, and
- a coup against Trump that will lead to his quick replacement with Vice President Mike Pence.
This phase will unfold in the late-April thru May timeframe.
Phase 2: The Long Night of the Vampires – In this phase, the globalists will use the global financial crisis triggered by Phase 1 to confiscate much of the public’s wealth through a series of bank failures and bail-ins. They will also use President Pence to intensify the confrontation between the US and Russia.
Since the world will be rattled by the shooting encounter between nuclear powers and the unfolding economic crisis, Putin and the BRICS will introduce proposals in the UN “to overhaul and restore confidence in the global financial system” and “to reform the UN so it’s more able to prevent conflicts like the one between the US and China.”
This phase will unfold between May and September, and it is during these months that the alt-media will sell Putin’s UN-to-NWO overhaul to the public.
Phase 3: The Dawn of a New Day – In this phase, the long-building conflict between the US and Russia will reach its climax, and it will trigger a full economic shutdown and take us to the very edge of a nuclear war. It is at this point that the globalist minions playing the “white hats” role in the US government will stage a counter-coup along with the US military to replace Pence with Rand Paul (who will be the most senior elected official left standing after the counter-coup has made all of its arrests). Paul will then cooperate with Putin and China’s new leader, Li Keqiang, in pushing through the UN / financial system overhauls to get the world moving again.
In the hours / days ahead, I’ll fill in more details about the elements in each stage. Then we can just wait and see what they do at the Trump/Xi summit this Thursday and Friday.
[Addendum 1 – Same Day] – The Year of the Four (or Five) Presidents
In Update 5, I talked about how Trump’s planned fate might be modeled after the Roman figure Vindex. And if you look at what happened in Rome after Vindex fell, you’ll see that it led to the Year of the Four Emperors. We could be looking at the same thing here in the US this year…
President #1 – Barack Obama (January 1 – January 20)
President #2 – Donald Trump (January 20 – May)
President #3 – Mike Pence (May – September)
President #4 – Rand Paul (September onward)…

…From the Drudge Report. “Ace” = “Ace in the hole”
President #2 – Donald Trump (January 20 – May)
President #3 – Mike Pence (May – September)
President #4 – Rand Paul (September onward)…
…From the Drudge Report. “Ace” = “Ace in the hole”
In a second variation of the presidential plan I covered in Update 7, we could see the Year of the Five Presidents…
President #1 – Barack Obama (January 1 – January 20)
President #2 – Donald Trump (January 20 – May)
President #3 – Mike Pence (May – September)
President #4 – Jeff Sessions (September – November)…

…From a Google News search for “jeff sessions rand paul”
President #5 – Rand Paul (November onward)
President #2 – Donald Trump (January 20 – May)
President #3 – Mike Pence (May – September)
President #4 – Jeff Sessions (September – November)…
…From a Google News search for “jeff sessions rand paul”
President #5 – Rand Paul (November onward)
History repeats itself because our world is ruled by the same old families running the same old schemes.
[Addendum 2 – 4 April 2017] – How the US-China war crisis will likely unfold
If you look at the pre-crisis narration in the propaganda press, it’s not hard to see how the South China Sea war crisis could develop…
In May, the Japanese will be sending one of their helicopter carriers to the South China Sea to train alongside the US aircraft carrier that is already in the region…

…From The Japan Times / Reuters
…From The Japan Times / Reuters
In response, the Chinese may declare an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) in the South China Sea, which is something they’ve already done in the East China Sea…

…From the South China Morning Post
…From the South China Morning Post
And the Chinese are already shadowing ships and aircraft in the area, so US, Japanese, and Chinese forces will be in very close proximity to each other, with the Chinese verbally harassing aircraft operating from the carriers…

…From The Diplomat. Here is a notable passage…
…From The Diplomat. Here is a notable passage…
“Wang’s comments on aerial interception could presage the declaration of an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) over the South China Sea by China. Beijing made a similar declaration in November 2013 for the East China Sea, where it disputes territory with Japan.”
Since Xi and Trump portray themselves as nationalistic peacocks, the rules of engagement given to both sides will likely be “don’t back down” and “you may fire if fired upon.” In such a swirl of forces that have such dangerous rules of engagement, all it would take is one globalist agent opening fire to turn the South China Sea into a war zone. And once the shooting starts, neither Xi nor Trump will want to be the one who backs down.
I would expect the fighting to last only a few days at most, and while it’s going on, all trade and financial exchanges between the two nations will be frozen. This is what will start the global economic crisis. And given the economic oblivion that would result if the conflict were to continue and expand, powerful forces in both the US and China will compel both Xi and Trump to knock it off.
Once the “needless, economically ruinous conflict” has stopped, all of Trump and Xi’s political enemies will smell blood in the water, and they’ll pull out their long knives and move to unseat both leaders. This is what will lead to the coup against Trump and the replacement of Xi by Li Keqiang.
As for the physical outcome of the engagement, Chinese forces in the South China Sea will be routed and their bases will be left temporarily unusable. And America will be badly stung by the loss of their aircraft carrier and/or an attempted nuclear missile attack by North Korea. A nuclear war scare is important for the globalist agenda because it will stimulate the UN to start seriously considering reforms. So…
The nuclear war scare in the May US-China Conflict will put institutional reform front and center on the UN agenda, and the much more serious nuclear war scare in the September US-Russia Conflict will compel them to enact the reforms without further delay.
The reformed UN will then be the multilateral / multipolar NWO the globalists have been planning all along.
[Addendum 3, Part 1 – 4 April 2017] – How they’ll trigger chaos in the streets
The Big Crisis will start in France – in fact, its precursor events are already happening with sporadic demonstrations and riots there over recent incidents of “police brutality.” But the current unrest will be nothing compared to what will happen after the first round of the French presidential election on April 23. I wrote about it in a postscript of a previous entry…
>>> What do you think will happen if Le Pen places in the top two of the first round of voting and qualifies for the runoff election?You’d expect to see “angry, fearful migrants” rioting in the streets and carrying out terrorist attacks, wouldn’t you? This is especially true if Le Pen places first.So I think that’s what the globalists will do to push Le Pen over the top: have their paid provocateurs and terrorists stage riots and terror attacks possibly before, and DEFINITELY AFTER, the first round of voting. If voters have to walk by burning cars and rioting Muslims on their way to the runoff polls, whom do you think they’ll choose? <<<
With this in mind, we can see that the coming rioting in France will serve two purposes:
1) It will lead to a public backlash that will propel Le Pen into the French presidency at some point this year. The second round of the election on May 7 could be postponed due to rioting or Le Pen could lose, but she (or another pro-Putin candidate) WILL be installed by the end of the year.
2) It will serve as the starting point of the Big Crisis that leads to the UN’s “reform” into the New World Order. Having Le Pen (or an alternative pro-Putin candidate) installed as the President of France is a necessary step in the UN “reform” process. See Update 8 – The globalist strategy for the French and UK elections for more details.
[Addendum 3, Part 2 – 4 April 2017] – Turkey and the Holy War
Now let’s pause for a moment to shift our gaze to Turkey. On April 16, just a week before the first round of the French election, the Turks will hold a referendum that will essentially turn Turkey into a Muslim Caliphate with Erdogan as the Caliph. This development is so important to the globalist plan that the Hidden Hand has actually shown itself in order to support it…

…From The Times
…From The Times
Just like Trump appears to have been given the role of “Vindex” in the globalist script, Erdogan has been given a role as well: that of the “Dajjal,” the Muslim Antichrist. And according to the globalist prophecy script, Erdogan’s Dajjal character has been conspiring with “Satanist” Western leaders like Merkel to destroy Christendom with an Islamist invasion. Can you guess who is scripted to stop the Dajjal? Yep, it’s none other than Vladimir Putin, who has been given the role of the “Messiah” who will defeat the Satanist/Islamist alliance.
Just take a look at this “last warning” issued via Turkey’s Daily Sabah on March 19…

…From the Daily Sabah
…From the Daily Sabah
Take careful note of the word “populist,” then ask yourself some questions…
Who is the next populist leader up for election in Europe?
– That would be Marine Le Pen.
How will the Caliphate feel if she is the top vote-getter in the April 23 election and is just one step away from the Presidency of France?
– They won’t like it.
How will Erdogan respond if Muslim riots break out all over France and incidents of “police brutality” are alleged by the rioters?
– He will call for all Turks and Muslims to rise up “in defense of their rights,” and riots and “lone wolf terror attacks” will spread throughout Europe. This will give us the “Summer of Terror” that was originally scheduled for last year. And like any fireworks show, you can expect it to end with a big barrage right as we reach the US vs. Russia climax point in September.
So mark your calendars and maps: the Christian-Muslim holy war goes hot on April 23 in France.
++++++++++New Material++++++++++
++++++++++New Material++++++++++
[Addendum 3, Part 3 – 5 April 2017] – How they’ll trigger riots in America on May 1
Looking now to the setup for riots in America, let’s take things by the numbers…
1) Funding for the federal government runs out after April 28, so a continuing resolution must be passed by then to keep the government running.
2) The Republicans are about to piss-off the Democrats by amending Senate rules to force-through their Supreme Court nominee…

…From Fox News
…From Fox News
And House Speaker Paul Ryan and White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus are continuing to piss-off the Republican House Freedom Caucus by trying to force-through a “bad” health care bill. Have a look at this little preparatory propaganda piece from Townhall to see the rationale for the Freedom Caucus’ coming action…

…Here are some notable passages…
…Here are some notable passages…
>>> Gohmert didn’t blame Trump completely for the newfound tension between the White House and the Freedom Caucus. That deteriorating relationship, he argued, is thanks to pressure from Ryan and White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, who Gohmert called “establishment to the core.”Trump, Gohmert said, “was ready to make a deal” with the caucus after meeting with them on health care. Trump agreed with them “twice” after meeting, yet each time Ryan and Priebus pushed back…If the GOP leadership keeps pushing the AHCA through as is, the president’s administration will be defined as a “fraud,” he said.“It is going to destroy his administration.” <<<
As you can see from these hints, the globalist script calls for Establishment Republicans like Ryan, Priebus, and Pence to push through a disastrous health care bill in order to sabotage Trump’s presidency. But the script also calls for an adequate number of diehard Freedom Caucus members to stand their ground and stop the Establishment effort. These diehard “heroes” will join with Democrats to stop the continuing resolution in order to get Trump’s attention and compel him to wait on health care and purge Priebus from the White House. In other words, they will help trigger a government shutdown “to save Trump from Establishment sabotage.”
3) The House of Representatives will leave Washington on Friday for their Spring recess. When they come back, they will have only four days to pass the continuing resolution…

…From The dates highlighted in blue are the days the House is in session.
…From The dates highlighted in blue are the days the House is in session.
4) If Congress is unable pass the continuing resolution, the government will partially shut down. And wouldn’t you know it, the shutdown will fall on the 100th day of Trump’s presidency…

…From CNN. In America, it is a tradition to reflect on the accomplishments of a president in his first 100 days in office. And when the media and historians write about Trump’s first 100 days, they will talk about the US government grinding to a halt. None of this is happening by accident.
…From CNN. In America, it is a tradition to reflect on the accomplishments of a president in his first 100 days in office. And when the media and historians write about Trump’s first 100 days, they will talk about the US government grinding to a halt. None of this is happening by accident.
But how does a government shutdown figure in to demonstrations and rioting, you ask?
– Here is an article from a previous shutdown drama that tells you how…

…From The Huffington Post. Here is an excerpt…
…From The Huffington Post. Here is an excerpt…
“The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which provides monthly food benefits to 45 million Americans, will go dark if Congress fails to pass a law funding government operations after Oct. 1, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which oversees the program.”
SO WHAT WILL HAPPEN when over 40 million Americans go to the sto’ on May 1 to buy baby milk powder and Corn Nuts and their EBT cards are declined for lack of funds?
– Nothing pretty, I assure you. And if the globalists green-light their plan, you’ll find out in just a few short weeks.
5) On May 1, May Day, paid anti-Trump agents provocateur will stage demonstrations and riots that could then be joined by people whose food stamps were not delivered. Here is a preparatory propaganda piece setting expectations for what is to come…

…From Alex Jones has been talking about this on his show too.
…From Alex Jones has been talking about this on his show too.
And here is another propaganda piece from the Strategic Culture Foundation that talks about the “Purple Revolution”…

…I guess a Purple Revolution is what you get when a generation of Prince fans are running globalist psyops.
…I guess a Purple Revolution is what you get when a generation of Prince fans are running globalist psyops.
So if you put paid provocateurs onto the streets just in time to attract the attention of tens of millions of desperate people with no money for food, you have the recipe for a nationwide explosion of unrest. And this unrest will continue up to the time the Japanese arrive in the South China Sea to get the war crisis started.
6) The combination of chaos in America’s streets caused by “Trump’s inability to govern” and a “needless, economy crippling” clash with China caused by “Trump’s diplomatic incompetence” will give the “Establishment” the excuse they need to move on Trump and replace him with Pence. That’s when Phase 2 of the globalists’ 2017 plan will kick in.
More addenda may be posted to this entry over the coming hours / days.
Love always…