Will it be World War or World Government as Trump Presidency Approaches

The Chinese responded by reminding the West, via the White Dragon Society, that in 1979, during the Sino-Vietnamese war, when Russia sent a mechanized army into China, Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping had it destroyed with a hydrogen bomb. The remains of this army can be seen on Google Earth and serve as a reminder why starting a war with China is not a good idea, Chinese intelligence officers say.
The sabre rattling is, in any case, just posturing in advance of heavy duty negotiations on how to change the way we run this planet that will resume in earnest once the Trump presidency starts. The result is likely to be some sort of loose, democratic and meritocratic world government being formed because the alternative, nuclear holocaust, is unthinkable, sources involved in the negotiations say.
Make no mistake, the Trump Presidency is a second American revolution and it will deeply affect the operations of the international secret rogue government. Russian intelligence operatives contacted the WDS last week to seek reassurance the Trump presidency will be allowed to go ahead. They were told by the WDS that Trump was not going to be another assassinated leader like Kennedy because, unlike Kennedy, Trump has the backing of the US military. Here is what Pentagon Sources had to say about the matter: “A CIA plot to whack Trump is unlikely since the military has read them the riot act. There are no Geneva conventions for domestic enemies of the state and military justice is swift and lethal.”
However, Trump is not going to be allowed to do everything he wants, especially when it comes to Israel, the Pentagon sources say. “The UN Security Council may vote on January 17 to impose 1967 borders on Israel enforced by sanctions,” they say. Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and Trump “may be forced out if they oppose the will of the international community, as peace and settlement of all conflicts is needed for a global currency reset,” the sources add.
Russian FSB sources, for their part, were able to confirm that when Donald Trump visited Russia in 2013 he was offered the chance to sleep in the same hotel room that Barack and Michelle Obama had slept in. “Everything is bugged and recorded in all the hotel rooms around the Red Square in Moscow,” says an FSB source who confirms video was recorded of Trump getting prostitutes to urinate on the bed the Obamas had slept in. “At the time he did not think he was going to become president so he did not care,” said the source, who operates a security firm for VIPs in Russia and claims to have a copy of the recording. However, the Russians point out he did nothing illegal and has never been blackmailed by them about this incident. Trump, for his part, has already announced his first overseas visit will be to Russia to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin.
In any case, what is happening in the world is not about Donald Trump, he is just one aspect of a historical revolution. This revolution began in earnest with the British vote to exit the EU, took a further step with the election of Trump and is now headed for a Frexit or French EU exit, as French Presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen met with Trump last week in New York.
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