Monday, October 10, 2016

Celebrate Columbus Day by remembering the only Native American to defeat the Federal government in war

Columbus Day has rightly become the subject of disdain and sharp criticism given the altogether ridiculous idea he "discovered" a land already inhabited for aeons and wrought genocide against its population.

Peoples indigenous to that land have since been forced to battle an equally brutal government for the right to simply exist. Centuries of exploitation and genocide have corralled these original inhabitants into (in many cases) arbitrary areas politely termed "reservations" — but are decidedly more akin to 1930s German ghettos.

And the government of these so-called 'United' States still continues its exploitation, as in its surreptitious alignment with Big Oil to allow construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline which will likely contaminate the Standing Rock Sioux' drinking water — and that of some 18 million people, all told.

Thanks for nothing, Columbus.

But in light of the stark reality of the conqueror's brutal legacy, a few shining moments of resistance evidence the power of the indigenous to quash governmental usurpation — as is the innate right of humans anywhere.
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RT News: Space war, Vatican knowledge of extraterrestrials revealed in Podesta emails

Aliens want to help mankind but fear our violent tendencies, according to an email exchange revealed by Wikileaks. Mails sent by astronaut Edgar Mitchell to John Podesta cite an impending space war and the Vatican’s knowledge of alien life. 
“Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk,” Mitchell, who died in February, tells Podesta in the mails from 2015, before mentioning a “nonviolent” alien species that wishes to share with mankind “zero point energy.”

Podesta was serving as counselor to President Barack Obama during the exchange, before he left the position to become chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. These emails emerged before Monday’s second batch of the ‘Podesta Emails’ were released by Wikileaks.

Neil Keenan's Response To Benjamin Fulford & RV/GCR Update - October 10, 2016 | October 10

News from the Family shared with Neil states that the Global Currency Reset should be ready this coming week, or soon after. The Dinars be first with the ZIM’s following shortly afterwards.

The International Monetary Fund has already been handled by the Family. They have three people inside the IMF and they are now running the IMF. Christine Lagarde is only the front person.

Further updates will be published as they come to hand.


Reported by Blake via IntelDinarChronicles


I am sorry to learn that Ben Fulford says I am dead. I just checked myself, and everything seems to be in place; I went to the toilet and everything worked just fine.

I even checked Ben's emails and Skype messages to see if he actually sent me any. To be frank, I did not receive anything from him, so I am not sure what emails he is talking about. Then again, according to Ben, I am "dead" so why should I be so concerned?

I will tell you why. I am concerned, because I have so many people that I care about, and I cannot go anywhere until I complete what I started. I am concerned, because I have so many dear friends that would be heartbroken should something happen to me. I am concerned, because damn it, I do not want to lose the person I love nor my son...Thaas why! I want to enjoy everything we have accomplished after this is over with and begin to really live again.

Benjamin Fulford Update - US elections to be cancelled and war crimes tribunals to be held Pentagon and CIA sources say

US elections to be cancelled and war crimes tribunals to be held Pentagon and CIA sources say

The US Presidential election due for November 8th will be cancelled and instead there will be war crimes tribunals held, sources in both the Pentagon and the CIA say. The excuse for cancelling the election will be the resignation of one of the presidential candiates, the CIA sources say.

Here is the raw intel from the CIA:

“There is now a 90% probability that the elections will be postponed.” 

I asked my contact in DC why? His answer was: 

“You can’t have an election with one candidate”

I asked him which one will be removed. His reply was:

“I am not allowed to tell you, let’s just say that Obama will make the announcement very soon.”

The Pentagon sources, for their part, say “The 911 law will push Saudi Arabia to expose Israel, Bandar bin Sultan and the Bush cabal behind 911 and will lead to a real truth commission and a war crimes tribunal.”

Since it is only a few weeks before the election, it will not be long before we see if these predictions come to pass.

$9.3 Trillion Missing From Pentagon. Not An Issue To Corporate Media.

The Inspector General for the Department of Defense just published a report saying that the Undocumentable Adjustments for the DOD in the fiscal year ending 2015 totaled $9.3 trillion. This is according to Catherine Austin Fitts in her latest interview.

On September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld said on CBS News that he and his Comptroller rabbi Dov Zakheim could not trace $2.3 trillion in DOD spending. He promised that in the future he would implement accounting procedures so that taxpayers would know where their money went.
On September 11, 2001 there was an entire section of the Pentagon workforce busily at work attempting to trace trillions of missing dollars.

Flight 77 had taken off from Dulles International Airport at 8:20. The 911 Commission says Hani Hanjour who had trouble flying a Cessna piloted the 757 from 2,200 feet into 330 degree power drive coming in at the opposite side of the Pentagon building at tree top level. He successfully killed most of the men and women who had been looking for the missing money. Apparently, Muslims in Al Qaeda who are known to work for the CIA would rather kill the accountants than the top generals and admirals at the Pentagon.

To date I have never seen anyone in Presidential races or in the media said that we ought to discuss the issue $9.3 trillion going walkabout.

ZAP Update - October 9, 2016 STILL BREATHING
From: "The Office of Poofness" <>
Date: Sun, October 9, 2016 10:16 pm


"Still Breathing"

I'm like a child looking off on the horizon
I'm like an ambulance that's turning on the sirens
Oh, I'm still alive
I'm like a soldier coming home for the first time
I dodged a bullet and I walked across a landmine
Oh, I'm still alive

Am I bleeding? Am I bleeding from the storm?
Just shine a light into the wreckage, so far away, away