Many serious questions have come up in private chat rooms and bulletin boards in regards to the removal of FREE WILL from humanity. Here is a paradoxical statement from one of the alternative community members and gives a general view as to the controversy involving Zorra and the dinar, religious, alternative, new age communities.
"It should not be called FREE WILL if this being named "Prime Creator" can remove and retract humanities FREE WILL when ever it deems necessary."
Posted below are the two conference calls that took place.

December 26, 2016
Zorra Intel Call Link (12/26/2016):
A Few Call Notes:
- HUGE!!!!! Free Will has just been removed from all those who would try to stop the GCR
- Reluctant to give EXACT date again, thus between now and Inauguration at the latest.
- (Way Earlier is expected)
- No Disaster will be allowed to occur from the Cabal or their Minions
- Free Will will be returned in full after the GCR has completed or there after
- Zim and Dinar will be redeemed at Face Value (Out Of Country Rates)
- All Main GCR Currencies available at Sovereign Rates (Privately Negotiated Rates)
- Individuals will be able to redeem (not said but implied)
- Much More!
December 27, 2016
Zorra, Gary, One Who Believes, Intel Call Link (12/27/2016):
A Few Call Notes:
- Free Will Removed means Cabal Minions Prevented From Stopping the Blessing
- Free Will: Will be returned in full after the GCR has completed or there after
- Zim and Dinar will be redeemed by INDIVIDUALS at the Exchange centers
- (No Group Required)
- Much More!