"On Deck"
GCR/RV/Republic/GESARA Update
December 2, 2016
"Patience is power. Patience is not an absence of action; rather it is "timing" and it waits on the right time to act, for the right principles and in the right way."
-- Fulton J. Sheen
Aloha CC,
Is anticipation getting the most of your good patience currency community?
The psy-ops are done thankfully. No more need to hold back the roll out plan now that the NPTB rooted out all the evil in the banking circles at Wells Fargo. Those cabal agents were deeply embedded, and difficult to discover, let alone catch in the act.
Look, it's not to say that every employee is a bad apple at Wells Fargo, but it is to say the higher levels of management and board members were given a unique opportunity to service humanity and instead they choose to keep us enslaved.
They lost. We won. Simple as that.
I just won't bank there now because I can't have any negative Wells Fargo energy attached to my person. They blew it big time. Yet so did Chase (Rockefeller), Bank of America (Vatican) and Citibank (Rothschild)… all were intentionally deceiving the American public… guess I had naive hope for Wells Fargo… shame on me of thinking they were any different... because in truth, all Tier 1 banks were just a bunch of well dressed thieves… corrupted liars to the core.
Oh well, live and learn I suppose.
Thank you Elders and Grandfather for seeing through their games and making alternative plans to ensure the event--even if it took a lot longer than was comfortable. Hopefully, we learned a little of the depth of patience you had to master in order to execute such a delicate and complex process successfully--again for our Republic.
We do know the Chinese desire to see the global economy kickstarted well before the Christmas holiday buying season, but we thought that was to begin before Thanksgiving, as long as it come by this weekend right? Right. Sobeit.
On another note, the Republic Continental Congress has been busy passing laws, waiting for more than 50 public Presidential signatures to come after the January 20, 2017 inauguration.
Hearing Obamacare advocates, gay marriage supporters and pharmaceutical companies are not going to be happy, like at all. Neither will pro-abortionists or military contractors from what we're being told.
Turns out the restored Republic comes with a very strong conservative platform per is the will of the Chinese and Russians, as well as the conservative base of pro-Republic White Hats that sacrificed for this restoration to happen.
Liberals might as well take an eight year vacation from what
we're hearing. Because given the volume of money coming on line to do projects and eliminate debt, Republicans are sure to rule the roost for a decade plus by default.
Sovereign rates will be on-screen at redemption centers only, and not in bank branches. So if you want on of those higher sovereign rates to save your corner of the world, all you must do is call an 800# and go to an off-site redemption center.
Once at your appointment, those currency exchangers will ask you to sign NDA's and offer you structure payout programs that are meant for both your personal wealth and humanitarian programs / job creation projects. You can opt out and take a greatly reduced lower rate if you so choose.
Or if all you want is a quick foreign currency cash exchange transaction at said lower rates with absolutely no strings attached, you can walk into a local currency exchange branch of any bank by calling to make an appointment from their website, per normal.
That's the big difference. Humanitarians (and Zim holders) will be sent to off site redemption centers. Non-humanitarians can just go to regular brick and mortar branches and exchange.
Simple. Easy. Clean.
This means today that eEveryone is on-deck awaiting their turn at bat. The good news it's Friday, and the global market swill close at 4pm EDT. Plus, it's a good solid month before new year's day, which means 30 million of us are soon to redeem our now valuable currency assets.
The bad news few understand the mercy that is about to flood the dimension, and many will suffer from the sheer volume of change. Hopefully you have prepared your soul enough through sincere surrender and study. Because if not, it's too late--the RV game has already begun with existing HSBC customers.
God is with us.