It Just Got WAY BIGGER: Wikileaks Bombshell Reveals Clinton Email “Where They Are Literally Pricing How Much It Costs to Transport Children”
Silver Doctors
the past 48 hours, rumors and whisperings have emerged from the FBI’s
reopened investigation into Hillary’s emails found on Anthony Weiner’s
laptop that SERIOUS ADDITIONAL crimes were under investigation,
unrelated to the email server case, involving among other things, child
Wikileaks has just released perhaps the biggest Bombshell yet, claiming emails “showing how the Clintons supported child stealer Laura Silsby”
including an email “where they are literally pricing how much it costs to transport children”.

In January 2010, an earthquake in Haiti left hundreds of thousands of people dead, injured, and displaced, and over a million homeless.
Three weeks after the earthquake, Haitian authorities arrested a group of Idaho missionaries for attempting to cross the border into the Dominican Republic with 33 children, without papers or proper authorization. The missionaries claimed they had the good intentions to set up an orphanage, 3 but investigations showed that none of the children were orphans and that the missionaries may have been attempting to smuggle the children out of Haiti to be adopted internationally. Despite evidence of association with child traffickers, the Haitian justice system—prodded in part by President Clinton’s diplomatic efforts on behalf of the missionaries —determined that none of the missionaries were guilty of illegal activities, except the leader Laura Silsby, who faced a lesser charge of organizing illegal travel.
Full text of email pricing how much it costs to transport the children:
___Wikileaks has just released perhaps the biggest Bombshell yet, claiming emails “showing how the Clintons supported child stealer Laura Silsby”
including an email “where they are literally pricing how much it costs to transport children”.
In January 2010, an earthquake in Haiti left hundreds of thousands of people dead, injured, and displaced, and over a million homeless.
Three weeks after the earthquake, Haitian authorities arrested a group of Idaho missionaries for attempting to cross the border into the Dominican Republic with 33 children, without papers or proper authorization. The missionaries claimed they had the good intentions to set up an orphanage, 3 but investigations showed that none of the children were orphans and that the missionaries may have been attempting to smuggle the children out of Haiti to be adopted internationally. Despite evidence of association with child traffickers, the Haitian justice system—prodded in part by President Clinton’s diplomatic efforts on behalf of the missionaries —determined that none of the missionaries were guilty of illegal activities, except the leader Laura Silsby, who faced a lesser charge of organizing illegal travel.
Full text of email pricing how much it costs to transport the children:
Hillary Clinton Email Archive
From: To: Date: 2001-01-01 03:00 Subject: NEW LIFE CHILDREN’S REFUGE (NLCR)
UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05766639 Date: 08/31/2015
RELEASE IN FULL New Life Children’s Refuge (NLCR) New Life Children’s
Refuge is a non-profit Christian m inistry dedicated to rescuing, loving
and caring for orphaned, abandoned and im poverished H aitian and D om
inican children, dem onstrating G od’s love and helping each child find
healing, hope, joy and new life in Christ. W e w ill strive to also
equip each child w ith a solid education and vocational skills as w ell
as opportunities for adoption into a loving Christian fam ily. NLCR is
in the process of buying land and building an orphanage, school and
church in M agante on the northern coast of the D om inican R epublic. G
iven the urgent needs from this earthquake, G od has laid upon our
hearts the need to go now vs. w aiting until the perm anent facility is
built. H e has provided an interim solution in nearby Cabarete, w here w
e w ill be leasing a 45 room hotel and converting it into an orphanage
until the building is com plete. Future Buildings and Plans for NLCR in M
agante • Nueva Vida Refugio de Ninos: Provide a loving Christian
home-like environment for up to 200 children, both boys and girls,
initially focused on ages 0 – 10 years old, later expanding to include
teens up to age 16. • Nueva Vida Escuela Cristiana: Provide a solid
education for children in the refuge as well as in the local community
if have sufficient space/resources. Plan to begin with
PreSchool/Kindergarten up to 6th grade, teaching English/Spanish,
Reading, Math, Science, History, Geography, Health, Music/Art, as well
as Christian values/truths. Plan to add higher grades and courses on
vocational skills when needed. • Nueva Vida en Christo Capilla: On site
Chapel for the children from the refuge and the community • Sick
Bay/Medical care: for incoming children that are in need minor medical
care • Greenhouse/Livestock: Provide for nutritional needs of the
children by growing fruits and vegetables and raising cows/chickens for
milk and eggs • Seaside Villas at Playa Magante*: Villas for adopting
parents to stay while fulfilling requirement for 60-90 day visit as well
as Christian volunteers/vacationing families. • Provide opportunities
for adoption through partnership with New Life Adoption Foundation which
works with adoption agencies in the U.S. to help facilitate adoptions
and provide grants to subsidize the cost of adoption for loving
Christian parents who would otherwise not be able to afford to adopt. •
Seaside Café at Playa Magante*:small beachfront restaurant serving the
community and adopting parents Directors: Laura Silsby and Charisa
Coulter Interim D.R. Address: Cabarete, DR Permanent DR Address: Playa
Magante, DR U.S. Address: 1577 N. Linder Rd Kuna, ID 83634 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05766639 Date: 08/31/2015
• For God to guide us to the children He wants us to bring to NLCR and
for their physical, emotional and spiritual healing Donation Requests:
Funds or Supplies as outlined below Rescue Mission in Haiti • RI Flights
for the NLCR/CVBC team: $400/each from Las Vegas to Santo Domingo, $220
from Boise to Las Vegas • Transportation of the Children: $1800 to
charter a bus in the DR to bring 100 children to safety in the DR •
Food: during transport of the children —protein bars, pediasure,
formula, • Water: will need to buy in Santo Domingo, DR before heading
into Haiti Upon arrival to NLCR in DR • Food/Water: $/week dependent on
number of children • Medical Supplies: Deworming medication,
Anti-Diarrhea meds, Antibiotic ointments, splints, bandages, antiseptic
wipes, hand santizers, disposable gloves, children’s tylenol • Hygiene:
disposable diapers, pull-ups, wipes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo,
soap • Bedding: lightweight blankets & sheets for 45 full size beds,
and 90 twin size beds • Clothing & Shoes for children ages
0-12years • Small stuffed animals, dolls, toys, coloring books Tax
Deductible Donations can be made to New Life Children’s Refuge through
Central Valley Baptist Church or can deposit or wire directly into the
NLCR Bank account at Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo Bank Account: 7884311494
Routing # for Wires: 121000248 Not for Profit EIN #: 27-1394022 C ontact
Inform ation: New Life Children Refuge: Laura Silsby, Executive
Director and Founder 208-861-7879 cell, Charisa
Coulter, VP and co-founder 208-340-8856 cell,
Website under construction: Central Valley
Baptist Church Carla Thompson, Missions Coordinator 208-407-0269 Pastor
Clint Henry