Two new ExoNews TV episodes have been released of Tony Rodrigues who claims he was used as slave labor for several secret space programs, one of which was German-run program known as the Dark Fleet, which was originally built in Antarctica. In two earlier episodes (parts one & two) he discussed the first seven years of his alleged “20 and back” program where he says he was used as a drug courier in Peru, sex slave in Washington State, and finally taken to the Moon when he turned 16 to be trained for space operations.
In these additional episodes from an ExoNews TV interview conducted on August 29 at Mt Shasta, California, he discusses his memories of being on a secret corporate base on Mars, and anther base on the Asteroid Belt planetoid Ceres.
His account of the brief period he spent on Mars has similarities with the claims of Randy Cramer who says he spent 17 years stationed there as a super soldier in a military base that was kept totally separate to civilian bases run by a corporation. In part two of this five part series, Rodrigues described his brief month-long stay at the Mars military base, where he claims that he fought alongside the super soldiers as a “slave soldier” in a failed military program.
In part three, Rodrigues states that after his slave soldier program was ended, he spent a month or so completing aptitude testing on the Mars corporate colony base called Aries Prime, which Cramer was the first to publicly identify. Gray extraterrestrials identified his innate abilities which would determine the kind of future space missions he would perform.
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