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Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force,
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the Supreme Law of the United States
Sunday July 10, 2016
Dots Connected: The Clintons and Bushes are Cold-Blooded Murderers
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expertsource
UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that the dots have been connected reference the CIA-scripted Dallas massacre, the CIA-scripted Orlando Pulse nightclub homosexual psy op and the recent attempt to assassinate presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump in Las Vegas, Nevada. Note: The massacre in Dallas, Texas took place within miles of Dealey Plaza and, as originally reported by Brian Williams of MSNBC, was an organized urban assault army aka a CIA domestic assassination team, which involved five (5) individuals all DHS informants and CIA assets.Three of the individuals aka suspects, who were originally arrested by the Dallas Police, were carrying automatic weapons, wearing bullet proof vests and gas masks that were designed to protect them against pepper spray. Unbelievably, all three (3) urban military CIA/DHS-scripted terrorists were released by the Dallas Police on direct orders of election stealer, Constitution shredder, cocaine snorting, AWOL and soon to be convicted Iraq war criminal junior George W. BushFRAUD and criminal NAZI CIA Director William Brennan. Item: It should be noted that the Dallas Police force has been and continues to be under direct control of the NAZI Paperclip Bush Crime Family and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.\We can also divulge that junior George W. BushFRAUD, sociopath CIA stooge Bill Clinton and his lesbian demon Satanic wife Hildabeast aka Hillary are having weekly conference calls in which they discuss the need to declare MARTIAL LAW on American soil within thirty (30) days and use illegal FOREIGN BORN occupant Muslim Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro as their CIA puppet.P.S. HIGH Treason Traitors Bushes and Clintons are desperate to declare MARTIAL LAW given their partnership has been exposed and their dirty secrets reference HIGH TREASON, coup d'états, massive financial theft, political assassinations, scripted terrorist events and blatant stolen elections have now been totally exposed. At this hour, U.S. Military Flag Officers tied to the U.S. Military Grand Jury operating in Washington, D.C. are now in possession of a polygraph test in which John Hinckley, the individual who attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan, passed when it came to answering questions concerning who ordered him to try to assassinate President Reagan, in which Hinckley answered “Neil Bush”.

Man to Oswald's left, in center with tie, is reportedly Rafael Cruz, the father of the man
who wants to be the next president of the United States. Photograph taken on August 16, 1963
outside the International Trade Mart in New Orleans. Oswald used the alias A J Hidell.
It's possible Cruz may have also used one. Wayne Madsen Report
Dallas Shooter Micah Johnson Attended Islamic Seminary School with Orlando Shooter Omar Mateen
Micah Johnson – Dallas Shooting Suspect
Story by Brian Michael - Get Off The Bs - 2016-07-09
Earlier today, NBC News reported that
the Dallas Police have named Micah Johnson of Mesquite Texas as the
lone gunman responsible for shooting 11 people, killing five police
officers in Dallas Texas during a Black Lives Matter protest on Thursday
Johnson shared two things in common with Omar Matten (Orlando gunman), James Wesley Howell (suspect in failed assassination attempt at Gay Pride parade) and Michael Sandford (assassin who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump in Las Vegas NV.)
an exclusive interview with Marcus Dwayne Robertson, he informed us
that Micah Johnson enrolled in his online “Fundamental Islamic Seminary
Course” in August of 2015.
According to Fox News, the FBI has identified Robertson as a convicted bank robber and for his recruiting terrorists and inciting violence.
Additionally Robertson openly and vigorously preaches against homosexuality.
Marteen, Howell and Sandford were all students of Robertson through his Islamic seminary course
“I have never recruited terrorists. We teach a traditional Islamic educational path. We teach the classical texts that have been passed down from the first generations of Muslims,” said Robertson.
However, Fox News reported that Federal
prosecutors in Robertson’s bank robbery case said that wiretaps from
2011 proved Robertson instructed one of his students, Jonathan Paul
Jimenez, to file false tax returns to obtain a tax refund to pay for
travel to Mauritania for terror training.
When asked if Johnson knew either Howell, Mateen or Sandford, Robertson said that he could not comment on their relationships with each other, however Robertson said, “many of our assignments require students to work together to complete group assignments. They would have studied together on several occasions to complete their studies.”
police said Friday that detectives found bomb-making materials,
ballistic vests, rifles, ammunition and “a personal journal of combat
tactics” in Johnson’s home. Johnson used a SKS rifle and a handgun in
the attack, multiple law enforcement sources told NBC News.
Monica police sources previously speaking to Brenda Corpian off the
record confirmed that at the time of James Howell’s arrest, he was in
possession of three ‘very expensive’ SKS Assault rifles.
this time we do not have confirmation from the ATF, sources within the
Dallas police have told us that the rifles found in Johnson’s home were
traced to a weapons supplier who sells to foreign governments and local,
state and federal agencies.
advised that due to the mass fubar’s going on right now within HLS and
the FBI, we are receiving conflicting information from our sources
within both agencies. However we are confident to publish that within
the next week the mainstream media will report that Johnson was
previously under investigation by HLS and FBI agents and that they
determined Johnson to be ‘non-active’ with no explanation from either
Last month Brenda Corpian reported that upon reading a FBI’s affidavit (.pdf),
it is clear the FBI’s informant encouraged and walked a suspect through
every aspect of a planned terror, including providing him with what he
thought was an explosive device.
reading the suspects incoherent conversations with various FBI
informants, it is clear he possessed neither the mental or technical
capacity on his own to perpetrate the attacks he was arrested for.
Brenda Corpian further reported that recent information has come to light stemming from a recent Fox News Story and
interview with James Wesley Howell, that links Omar Mateen, James
Wesley Howell and Michael Sandford as members of a large U.S. terror
organization that targets emotionally troubled young men and women to
commit terrorist acts in the U.S.
has never established how Howell’s, Mateen’s and Sandford’s connection
with Robertson led all of them to a CIA training camp in Virginia.
However, their connection with Robertson turned out to be more than a
coincidence when her interview with Howell and his initial statement to
the Santa Monica police, established the fact they all knew and had
trained with each other in a VA camp Howell believes was operated by the
“I had no idea that the CIA was involved until I arrived at the camp in Virginia with others to start our training….I have read about places like the camp…but it was not what I was expecting….I don’t think anyone else was expecting it either,” said Howell.
we say for sure that Micah Johnson’s enrollment with Robertson’s
Islamic seminary course is more than just a coincidence? No, but we do
not like coincidences of this nature. Use your own best judgment as to
whether or not we have found another ‘mentally ill’ person targeted and
trained by the FBI or CIA, who for some reason was deemed not to be a
threat and escaped their attention to commit another unexplained
terrorist attack on our soil. Unrelated, we highly doubt it.
We will continue to update this story as new information becomes available.
Tom Heneghan Explosive Intelligence Briefings
http://www. tomheneghanbriefings.com/ Lesbian-Demon-Hillary-Clinton- Along-With-the-U-S-CIA-Linked- to-Orlando-Massacre-of-49- Americans-for-Political- Purposes__06-26-2016.html
Failed Trump Assassin Michael Sandford Trained With Omar Mateen
http://getoffthebs.com/fbi- agents-posing-as-islamic- terrorists/
Fox News Says Orlando ISIS Terrorist Omar Mateen Connected to My Pal Radical Muslim Imam Marcus Dwayne Robertson
https://pibillwarner. wordpress.com/2016/06/13/fox- news-says-orlando-isis- terrorist-omar-mateen- connected-to-my-pal-radical- muslim-imam-marcus-dwayne- robertson/
Orlando Imam Marcus Robertson Filed a 2012 Federal Lawsuit on FBI Claiming he Worked for FBI & CIA Who Wanted Him to Fire on American Citizens in West Africa
http://www.pibillwarner.com/ 2016/06/orlando-imam-marcus- robertson-filed.html
Fox News Says Orlando ISIS Terrorist Omar Mateen Connected to My Pal Radical Muslim Imam Marcus Dwayne Robertson
Orlando Imam Marcus Robertson Filed a 2012 Federal Lawsuit on FBI Claiming he Worked for FBI & CIA Who Wanted Him to Fire on American Citizens in West Africa
DULY ELECTED President Albert Gore Jr.
awaits inauguration, our U.S. Constitution that is
the Supreme Law of the United States demands it!
As we live free or die, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and
Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000,
U.S. Constitution DULY ELECTED, non-inaugurated,
natural born REAL President of the United States.
Al Gore on Restoring the Rule of Law
http://www.acslaw.org/acsblog/ al-gore-on-restoring-the-rule- of-law
Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000,
U.S. Constitution DULY ELECTED, non-inaugurated,
natural born REAL President of the United States.
Al Gore on Restoring the Rule of Law
. . .