Efraim Halevy, former Head of the Mossad, in Hampstead. HAMPSTEAD in London
In 2015, there were reports of child abuse in Hampstead in London.
"The alleged abuses involve a network of pedophiles ... including school teachers, priests, social workers, health care workers, child protection agencies and police officers.
"Although an initial Police Medical examination revealed physical evidence of abuse, the UK legal establishment failed to begin formal investigations into these allegations."
Suppressed Pedophilia Allegations Reveal Culture of Satanic Ritual

Alisa and Gabriel. "Members of the cult film, edit, translate and sell the movies around Europe, Russia, Ukraine, America."
The whistleblowers were two children.
"After the children's mother, Ella, brought these accusations forward, the children were taken from her...
"According to Ella, the children were asked by police to retract their statements in later police interviews, conducted after the children had spent 6 days in two separate foster care accommodations.
"Notably, the children's initial statements correlated with each other while also being extremely detailed, however their later retractions (issued after a week in institutional placement) were entirely dissimilar."
Suppressed Pedophilia Allegations Reveal Culture of Satanic Ritual

1983 - In Jordan, Minnesota, several children made allegations of satanic ritual abuse against their parents and an unrelated man. The man confessed and then identified a number of the children’s parents as perpetrators. Twenty-four adults were charged with child abuse though only three went to trial with two acquittals and one conviction.[53] Despite strong medical findings of sexual assault, all other charges were dropped.The children made allegations concerning child pornography, child murder, and ritual sacrifice.
Suppressed Pedophilia Allegations Reveal Culture of Satanic Ritual

1983 - In Jordan, Minnesota, several children made allegations of satanic ritual abuse against their parents and an unrelated man. The man confessed and then identified a number of the children’s parents as perpetrators. Twenty-four adults were charged with child abuse though only three went to trial with two acquittals and one conviction.[53] Despite strong medical findings of sexual assault, all other charges were dropped.The children made allegations concerning child pornography, child murder, and ritual sacrifice.
In Hampstead, the child whistleblowers, Alisa and Gabriel, "tell of the father, the father's mother (the children’s nan), the father's sister and brother (aunt and uncle) all being complicit.
"It is also said that the father (Ricky Dearman) and his siblings were raised into this cult environment by their parents.
"A quick search of the father, Ricky Dearman's Facebook 'friends' shows ... one particular fellow (a friend of the father) displaying his latest mask, a replica of a mask worn by serial sex attacker, the Beast of Jersey..."
Suppressed Pedophilia Allegations Reveal Culture of Satanic Ritual
"A quick search of the father, Ricky Dearman's Facebook 'friends' shows ... one particular fellow (a friend of the father) displaying his latest mask, a replica of a mask worn by serial sex attacker, the Beast of Jersey..."
Suppressed Pedophilia Allegations Reveal Culture of Satanic Ritual

Child pornography is said to be a $20 billion industry.
"The children's statements said that they worship the 'Supreme Master', while the Satanic Bible states that 'Satan's ministers will obey all commands of the Supreme Master'...
"The father is ... an actor with affiliations with 'Supreme Master Television'...
"Supreme Master Ching Hai... There is a suspicion that Ching Hai works for the CIA and its friends...
"Former sect members say Ching Hai has proven to be a disturbing and dangerous sect ... Allegations include child rape, child pornography, child trafficking, prostitution, mind control, ritual torture and murder involving children and animals..."
Suppressed Pedophilia Allegations Reveal Culture of Satanic Ritual / Evidence of Organized Pedophilia and Child-Trafficking Implicates Governments, Media, Churches and Charities
"Former sect members say Ching Hai has proven to be a disturbing and dangerous sect ... Allegations include child rape, child pornography, child trafficking, prostitution, mind control, ritual torture and murder involving children and animals..."
Suppressed Pedophilia Allegations Reveal Culture of Satanic Ritual / Evidence of Organized Pedophilia and Child-Trafficking Implicates Governments, Media, Churches and Charities
In 1991, Dianne Core and Fred Harrison wrote 'Chasing Satan - An Investigation into Satanic crimes against children'.
JUSTICE DENIED: Scorpio satanic cult of abuse and the child sex trade.
Core wrote of children being bred so that they can be sacrificed in ceremonies.
"Teresa was taken to a big house, where children were kept in cages."

Paul Bonacci in front of the ranch where, reportedly, Johnny Gosch, and other boys were held captive. Paul Bonacci has stated that, as a youth, he was forced to participate in satanic snuff films. He identified Bohemian Grove as the location of a satanic murder. Paul A. Bonacci said that, as a child, he was kidnapped by the US military, tortured and subjected to sex abuse and mind control. In 1999, in a court in Omaha, he won $1,000,000 in damages.
What about the Scorpio child abuse cult?
JUSTICE DENIED: Scorpio satanic cult of abuse and the child sex trade

The Scorpio cult operates in the UK and has links to the USA and beyond.
It is involved in child abuse, the trade in child porn, Satanism and mind control.

The police and social services appear to be protecting the Scorpio cult.

The cult delights in producing 'evil' children.

The Scorpio cult is believed to have links to the USA.

In 1991, Dianne Core and Fred Harrison wrote 'Chasing Satan - An Investigation into Satanic crimes against children'.

Children get murdered by the cult.

In Humberside, in the UK, evidence of the Scorpio cult was uncovered, and then suppressed.

Scools and teachers were linked to the cult.

The cult was briefly reported on by the media.

The police are said to be part of the cover-up of child murders.

Oude Pekela. 1989 - a group of parents published allegations in a conservative magazine that their children had witnessed Satanic Ritual Abuse and had been ritually abused from May, 1987 until October 1988 in Oude Pekela, in the Netherlands. During the initial investigation, only the non-ritual aspects were reported in the press and investigated by the authorities. In 1989 the Christian news program Tijdsein reported allegations that included satanic ritual abuse, to which there was no official response. Oude Pekela doctors Fred Jonker and Ietje Jonker-Bakker alleged that several children had been abused by unknown men in the context of satanic rituals.

Michael Aquino of the United States military who was a mastermind behind MK Ultra and Mind Control, then later head of the NSA.
A Dundee charity revealed the terrible toll of ritual sexual abuse ... "Children as young as five are being forced to take part in torture and violent sex acts as part of a brutal underworld of ritual abuse in East Scotland. A leading charity has received as many as five calls a day from survivors of gruesome ceremonies that have included the stealing of babies and grotesque sexual abuse. The charity’s project coordinator, Joseph Lumbasi says "You hear about people who were made to do torture at as young as five and even kill people. "We get a lot of people describing satanic ceremonies and set-ups of a religious element that accompany the abuse."