The writing process goes through five major "all or nothing" deadlines where you have to drop everything to get it done: the first draft, the final draft, the review pass, the copy-editing pass and lastly the galley copy, where you see what it will look like on the pages when it is finally published and get a thick stack of physical paper mailed to you.
All five of these stages have been crazy for me. I had a sixth deadline where I had to produce the first half of the first draft as well, and that made it much worse because even finished first-draft pages are one of the last development stages I do. No "half up front" contract will EVER be signed again!
I ended up having to disregard the first draft pass in favor of sending out sections of the book as final because we were so close to the edge. So that caused weeks upon weeks of condition-critical, stay-up-all-night deadlines. Horrible. I was exhausted once it was complete. The review pass blended right together with it, since finals were being sent out, edited and sent back as I went. I ran it right up until a mega taping for Gaia.
Just days after I got back from Gaia, I had to dive in on a frantic deadline for the copy-editing pass. There were tons of notes I had to address. Once again it was insane. I ended up remaining awake for 30 hours at the end and working from 9:12 PM to 1:44 PM without getting up from the chair except to pee and one time to eat. I needed tremendous recovery time after that, but managed to add 25 new pages to the book that were utterly awesome and made it significantly better in about five different places.
Now I just finished the galley copy edits at a much more relaxed pace, but tomorrow was the deadline so I couldn't put it off. I have tons of people clamoring for an article and it is coming, but I had to do this and get it done first. I made minor changes of a sentence here and there, written in red pen on the physical paper, and have to photograph and send them in before I am finished.
Corey has just written a small briefing of what has happened in his world after I had delayed it too much to write about it on my end due to these immovable obstacles. I will be weaving these data points into a much larger narrative once we get there:
Overall I must say it was a marvelous experience to read the book at a sane speed, with all the different series of edits merged together into a final composite. I hate to say it this way but I am absolutely blown away by how good it is. I can hardly wait to see the type of reactions this is going to cause and the magnitude of spiritual awakening it will trigger in the people who read it.
There has truly never been anything like this before. I can honestly now say it is indeed "Full Disclosure in a Book," done exactly the way the benevolent ETs instructed me, which I now outline at the end. I am unbelievably thrilled to have it done, and in just over three months you will have it!
I am also speaking at Contact in the Desert coming up the first weekend of June, and will be giving participants a sneak-preview of much of what is in the book. More on that in the article as well.
I have enough energy to do more writing, particularly after how inspired I was by reading this. Events are moving so quickly that there are already things I wish I could put in the book, but I can only make very small changes at this point -- so they will be appearing in the article! Stay tuned!