At least 400 people have been arrested in Washington, DC after
the Democracy Spring march and sit-in at the US Capitol building.
Protesters focused their demands on creating fairer elections and
politics that are unmarred by corporations' big bucks.
Estimated 500 activists #DemocracySpring arrested outside the US Capitol in #DC today pic.twitter.com/ESLG2hv6nV— Paulina Leonovich (@Polly_evro) April 11, 2016
Police are saying we hit the record for most people ever arrested at the US Capitol #DemocracySpringpic.twitter.com/xEswXXLn9e— Brian Schepis (@skepys) April 11, 2016
“People are fed up with the system, they are fed up with the corruption, and we want free and fair elections,” Cenk Uygur, host of the TV show Young Turks and one of the participants in the protest, told RT. “This is our core American right.”
Ret captain Ray Lewis among last to get arrested in 'Democracy Spring' sit-in at US capitol https://t.co/okKd97phCCpic.twitter.com/yeznEyNaHb— RT (@RT_com) April 11, 2016
— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) April 11, 2016
These people are making history and there is no mainstream press here #DemocracySpring— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) April 11, 2016
Government by the People and Fair Elections Now Acts
These two proposed bills are designed to get money out of politics. The Government By the People Act is designed to increase the power of the small contributions, while the Fair Elections Now Act would provide for public funding for candidates.Last batch of #DemocracySpring activists awaiting to be arrested, sit-in 3.5 hours on pic.twitter.com/pUBJjtURee— Paulina Leonovich (@Polly_evro) April 11, 2016
“Let’s get together, let’s clean this up, let’s make some solutions. Corporations are not people, money is not speech,” she added.
Arrests on hold as police say there's no more space to put #DemocracySpring protesters https://t.co/zxjs0VXSY3pic.twitter.com/Rkagv5RaA6— RT America (@RT_America) April 11, 2016
Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2015
This bill, which was introduced last June, would update the gutted Voting Rights Act of 1965, as well as protect voters from a slew of state laws designed to restrict access to the polls.Cop: "I need one more space to fill"— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) April 11, 2016
Woman pops up and volunteers. #DemocracySpringpic.twitter.com/FmwQGRkzBP
Voter Empowerment Act of 2015
Introduced in March 2015, this bill would amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to increase public access to voter registration and make it easier for people to vote. It also introduces penalties for anyone, including election officials, from preventing a person from voting.Right now at #DemocracySpring!! pic.twitter.com/faRzUZtzO1— Lee Camp [Redacted] (@LeeCamp) April 11, 2016
.@cenkuygur says it's time we start civil disobedience #TYT#DemocracySpringpic.twitter.com/eMbkQrbEms— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) April 11, 2016
Democracy for All Amendment
This proposed constitutional amendment “ends the big money dominance of our elections and allows for Congress and the States to set overall limits on campaign spending, including prohibitions on corporate and union spending in the political process,” basically overturning the Supreme Court’s decision in the infamous Citizens United case.Jails filling up as arrest continue @ sit-in to get money out of politics. #DemocracySpringpic.twitter.com/ggNsZLcxgx— Nebojsa Malic (@NebojsaMalic) April 11, 2016
"Money ain't speech! Corporations aren't people!" Chants @ #DemocracySpringpic.twitter.com/FiE5M8GKmH— Nebojsa Malic (@NebojsaMalic) April 11, 2016
Confirm a Supreme Court nominee
Democracy Spring holds no position on President Barack Obama’s nominee, Judge Merrick Garland, but is calling on the US Senate to “to fulfill its constitutional duty to hold hearings so that the American people may learn more about his positions on campaign finance and voting rights and, ultimately, take an up or down vote on the nominee,” the group said in its statement.— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) April 11, 2016