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Originally Posted at Operation Disclosure:
"Fall of Rome"
March 9, 2016
New Republic President of the United States Paul Ryan will be making a prime time address to the nation very shortly, announcing his appointment as the 45th President of the Republic, as well as the selection of General Joseph Dunford (former interim Republic President) as his Vice President.
This peaceful transition of power falls within all established Constitutional guidelines, and thus everything should appear normal to both a domestic and global viewing audience, as there is precedent for a US President to resign (Richard Nixon 1974). So President Ryan will first have to announce the resignation of former President Obama and Vice President Biden, who we are told have pre-taped resignation speeches.
This is why Obama is nowhere to be found since the State of the Union Address and Biden is suddenly traveling to Israel. Also, this is why the military is on high tactical alert -- just in chase there are disruptions within the general population over the unannounced Obama Administration exit -- hence the need for helicopters, deployed ground forces and heavy transport vehicles.
President Ryan will then announce the closure of the Federal Reserve Bank, as well as a new US Treasury issued gold backed currency called the United States Notes. It is in US bank vaults/ATMs now and have a 1:1 exchange ratio. Again, nothing out of the scope of ration eventual unordinary, just the way the Elders prefer to handle everything… subtle and understated, but truthful and transparent.
President Ryan will be making a few other changes, which we have yet to lock down exactly what those will be.
It is anticipated that Ryan's speech will come either Wednesday or Thursday evening @ 8pm. And those of us following the RV can look for redemption appointment 800#s to be released simultaneously (internet, phone, email) as President Ryan declares the gold standard and new USN's publicly to the world. This is considered the surrender of the cabal (note: SKR accounts are also scheduled to be released at that time).
Private groups like those lumped together in Reno (as well as the internet group) are now scheduled to begin physical redemptions starting at @7am on Friday 3.11.16and go through Tuesday March 16. With bank branch or a mass public redemptions beginning as early as March 21 (start of spring) and continuing for exactly one month. Notifications to sub group leaders are coming. International and Contract rates are great, so get in early and do your business because rates will be going down not up in the future.
Friday April 22 has long been the day we understood the new gold sport price (benchmark standard for all currency value) will be announced at the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE). This would mean the entire RV process took exactly 1 year from when the TRNs were first allowed to be traded or allowed to "go live" on back screens, therefore constituting the official beginning of the RV.
This is why so many have said the RV is done… and yet its not. Again, be flexible as dates and times are fluid given the importance of guaranteeing security for such a hyper-unusal event.
As for the Presidential Race… eventual Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton will bow out either for health reasons or because she's being prosecuted for past transgressions… or both… Bernie Sanders will be the lame duck Democratic nominee in November's general election.
The Republican nominee will not be Donald Trump, as he will patriotically step aside in the best interests of the country, so President Ryan can and will ultimately be the sitting Republican Presidental nominee, with the full support of his conservative party base.
This is why Ryan was given the Speaker of the House position, so that in this moment he would be President, and possibly for 8 years plus his short tenure this term. At this time, it is unclear if General Dunford will also be on the ticket, as many believe that is doubtful. Expect the General either to return to his post as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs or retire.
Anyway you look at these upcoming events, it's clear we're in the middle of historic world moments, very much like the Fall of Rome circa 476 C.E.. Guess the more things change, the more they really do stay the same. The below link is a musical "tribute" to the multiple sources who have contributed to this post over the years, hoping soon we all shall witness history repeating itself peacefully… as one family known as humanity.