Thursday, March 3, 2016

Tanaath of the Silver Legion Update - March 3, 2016

Duality Plays

by Tanaath on 03/02/16

Thanks to everyone who joined in the meditations. Captain X CS is considering making this a weekly thing, since people seem to like them. Now, to resume my posts…

Duality Plays

We currently live in a dualistic state. Well, that’s something of a simplification – there’s more than just black and white, dark and light, good and evil, or any of the other duality constructs at work here. But in general, life tends to find axes (as in the plural of axis, not the plural of axe) to polarize around down here. Our current experiences generally go through some degree of polarization. Most of the galaxy has some kind of orientation – whether simply broken down to Service to Self or Service to Others. [STS, STO]

Many in the New Age community perpetuate the belief that the higher dimensions don’t experience duality. It’s commonly believed that once one goes beyond about the 5th or 6th dimension, they no longer experience any form of duality – and according to that belief, that means that there’s no beings in those dimensions that cause harm to others or abuse others or go on power or ego trips like we see down here. I once believed this myself, until I personally started to encounter very high dimensional beings from all of the ‘high densities’ of this universe, and even from other, older universes – and those beings demonstrated readily that they were not immune to selfishness, greed, ego, power trips, or abusive actions against others. I also personally witnessed higher dimensional beings who were mature, honest, dedicated, sincere, and genuinely interested in helping others – such do exist. Whatever we might personally believe about the relationship between the notion of duality and density, my personal experience demonstrated to me that these things are not related.

However, I did observe that at those higher densities, the dualistic expression isn’t as common. Most people seem to be quite content to live lives that don’t polarize strongly and lives that don’t infringe on others. But the ones that are problematic… are really problematic. They’re what we’re dealing with here – the intensity of our lower-dimensional duality play is not natural but artificially exacerbated by beings with a vested interest in forcing all of us to polarize. I believe that if left to our own devices, most people won’t polarize – there will always be those who self-polarize very strongly over some axis or another, but they’ll be the minority. The majority will simply just be – too busy trying to live their own lives to get too unbalanced one way or another. This majority tends to the good or benevolent side of neutral, but that depends a lot on species and society (which is one way we can choose our ‘default’ tendencies when being born).

By forcing the people in the lower dimensions to polarize strongly, the beings who want to control our universe create a situation in which it becomes extremely easy for an individual, group, society, or even entire galaxy to become dangerously unbalanced. This kind of duality polarization is a great way to create divisiveness, which is something that the universe killers eagerly exploit wherever they can foster it, or wherever it occurs ‘naturally’. Polarization breaks us down into smaller and smaller groups that are easily co-opted, infiltrated, or manipulated into taking actions that are against our ultimate best interests. Being out of balance with oneself and with others also makes it harder for us to achieve our own goals and regain our own power.

Be very wary of ‘this or that’ constructs. The ones who are trying to take us out are very very fond of creating dualistic setups with two false poles entirely under their control, while stamping out or deleting any suggestion that alternatives exist to those two false choices. When you are given a choice between a ‘this or that’, choose to make your own solution, because inevitably the ‘choices’ offered to you by an outside force is are false ones. The nature of the ‘choices’ being offered to you is truly nothing more than the lack of choice and the lack of free will; once again, it is a trap to suborn yourself to the will of something else.

What about The Light and The Dark? Oh yeah, we can’t get too far into discussing duality without discussing these two constructs. These are the two duality constructs that are often presented to us as reality. The Dark is supposed to represent everything unpleasant – selfishness, greed, ego, harmful acts, things that hurt us and that we don’t enjoy, epitomized by the concept of evil. The Light is supposed to represent the opposite – goodness and mercy and kindness and love and all the things we generally enjoy or like. We’ve got a lot of baggage packed along with these two concepts – and one is generally represented as ‘the right thing to do’ (Light) and the other as ‘the wrong thing to do’ (Dark).

Well, we don’t have to look very far to see that things such as selfishness, greed, ego, and the intent to harm or abuse others exist. Nor do we have to look very far to see that kindness and mercy and love exist. But the division of all beings and all reality into either one or the other is a false dichotomy. The absence of photons doesn’t make one evil, and the presence of photons doesn’t make one good. Do your best to mentally deconstruct and unpackage all of these concepts. It’s possible for a being to be a terrible egoist in some respects and yet be very kind or helpful or otherwise ‘nice’ in other respects. The Light and Dark as is commonly held is a falsity meant to lure people into a polarization trap. Doing something ‘wrong’ once doesn’t cast one out forever, and anyone can choose to change themselves.

The push to polarize also has the consequence of pushing polarized beings into conflict with each other. In healthy universes where there is not a lot of polarization, evil exists, but it doesn’t come into contact with most regular joes, because they’re not strongly polarized themselves. Only the very strongly polarized tend to experience those extremes of polarity and duality conflicts. In our universe the conflict has become somewhat self-sustaining and consumptive in that those who are not strongly polarized are pulled into it whether they want to be there or not, and tend to polarize as a result in order to resist the things they don’t want to experience.

The key to escape duality is to become balanced within oneself. You can be a good person without having to swear allegiance to any hierarchies of the light or any other dualistic concepts – those things are part of the apparatus of the Demiurge, the illusory choice that instead serves only to recruit beings to the great falsehood. If you want to be a good person, then just be a good person. Do your best to help others in ways that you can, do your best to try to live a clean life and improve whatever is around you. And don’t be afraid to make mistakes – every being makes mistakes, and even the most devoted Service to Others beings have to care for themselves as well.

Resist the urge to polarize against others, even if you don’t agree with them. Try to keep your mind focused on the goal – your own freedom and the freedom of those around you to choose your own existence and enjoy your own life to the fullest. Your fellow human beings – regardless of their religion (and regardless of how misguided religion is) or their race, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, job, hobbies, or whatever – are all in this with you. You have more in common with the other people on this planet than you have different. Resist the many, many pushes towards division and further separating ourselves into smaller and smaller groupings that can easily be suborned. Even if you don’t agree with them, if we can break free from all these vicious cycles, we’ll all be free to live in our chosen ways without harming one another.
Stay tuned for As Above, So Below

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