Heneghan Emergency Update: Iranian Ponzi Scheme Unravels

Iranian Ponzi Scheme Unravels
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
Hillary and Bill Clinton, Jeb Bush, George H W Bush and George W BushFRAUD
Sunday January 17, 2016
UNITED States of
America - It can now be reported that U.S. Assistant Secretary of
State Victoria Nuland recently visited the Russian Federation presenting
evidence fingering current U.S. Secretary of State NAZI ‘Skull and Bonesman' John
Kerry Cohen, former U.S. Secretary of State NAZI Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton,
Kerry's 3rd cousin former year 2000 illegal White House occupant NAZI George W.
BushFRAUD, financial terrorist NAZI George Soros, current Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and alleged U.S. FBI agent aka Israeli Mossad asset
Robert Levinson, still living in Iran, with operating an international drug
trafficking cartel utilizing the Bank of Iran, the Central Bank of Iraq, the
Bank of Israel, the Central Bank of Ukraine as well as Saudi-owned U.S.
Citibank with the drug trafficking being funded by the Saudi funded
Clinton-Bush Foundation, the alleged terrorist group known as ISIS, along with
the Muslim Brotherhood, utilizing ISIS black market sales of crude oil at $20
per barrel.
The proceeds from this
Ponzi Scheme are then laundered utilizing crooked Luxembourg banks and the
Iraqi dinar currency (some counterfeit) through the aforementioned Saudi-owned
U.S. Citibank, the Central Bank of Japan and none other than an outlaw foreign
currency trading exchange in NORTH KOREA! (laugh out loud).
Note: It is important to
remember that financial terrorist NAZI Jew George Soros helped enable North
Korea along with the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate to get nuclear
weapons. This evidence, which was supplied to the U.S. Department of Justice
and the U.S. Inspector General by Ambassador Leo Wanta, is still being
illegally classified as 'national security' by the illegal Obama
Soros is also receiving
millions of dollars in bribes that supplements his own illegal trading and
swindling for importing millions of North African and Middle East so-called
"refugees", a quantity have been linked to rapes and sexual assaults
of citizens in the nations of Germany, Sweden, Austria, Denmark, Finland,
Norway, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, France and Great Britain.
P.S. At this hour,
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde has
ordered an emergency meeting of all IMF members concerning this latest
Iranian-Israeli George Soros instigated foreign currency Ponzi Scheme involving
the $159 BILLION of STOLEN U.S. TREASURY FUNDS that are about to be turned into
Iraqi dinar-Citibank derivatives.
In closing, direct
message to Bush Crime Family stooge and lifelong CIA and Israeli Mossad asset
Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton and her sociopath husband, Bush Crime Family stooge
and lifelong CIA asset Bill Clinton aka "Doughnut Boy": CEASE AND
Your latest attacks on
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders concerning the release of his
medical records reaches a new low in desperation and NAZI gestapo tactics.
Note: The two sociopath
Clintons used their crooked bank fundraiser, noted NAZI Jew homosexual David
Brock (laugh out loud) actually worked for alleged Clinton era independent
counsel Kenneth Starr in the 1990s when Brock at the time helped directly fund
alleged Clinton era whistleblower CIA asset anti-Al Gore NAZI and
self-proclaimed paid assassin and alleged born again Christian, Larry Nichols.
David Brock has raised
millions of dollars for loser NAZI lesbian Hillary utilizing crooked banks
like U.S. Citibank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo Bank, German NAZI Deutsche
bank, Bank of New York Mellon and has been a major bag man in THEFT OF U.S.
TREASURY FUNDS involving Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation.
Homosexual Brock has
also been fingered in participating with the little cowardly bitch, Larry
Nichols, and the Bush Crime Family in orchestrating physical threats against
the family of Nazi Albert Gore Jr. of Carthage, Tennessee during the year 2000 election
dispute aka a HIGH treason NAZI Paperclip NSA orchestrated coup d'état versus
the American People.
Note: Following the path
of fellow Tennessean, the great American democratic President Andrew Jackson,
Nazi Gore has challenged the little NAZI bitch,
homosexual in-the-closet, AWOL from his own National Guard unit, war criminal,
total coward, cocaine snorting, election stealing, U.S. Treasury embezzler
George W. BushFRAUD to a duel showdown in an alley using Tennessee squirrel
guns on at least 80 occasions.
Gore would
also consider a physical fist fight with little NAZI bitch any time, any place
for HIGH TREASON against the American People, against our Constitution and
against our American Republic.
The cowardly little
bitch BushFRAUD, who went AWOL from his own National Guard unit and had to
attend a cocaine, homosexual rehab center paid for by his TREASONOUS daddy,
hangs up the phone like a yellow coward in 4th grade that can't defend himself.
Tom Heneghan
Intelligence Briefing September 28, 2008 excerpt
Blunt, a lifelong CIA
asset, along with Senator Kit Bond, Republican of Missouri, and former
Democratic presidential candidate and Speaker of the House Richard Gephardt,
cooperated for years with the Bush-Clinton-Iran/Contra-mega Mossad- Mena,
Arkansas arms and narcotics money laundry with the [privately owned] Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis used to disguise the ILLEGAL profits and converted dollars
into Japanese yen currency.
In fact a secret
account exists at the [privately owned] Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
called the 'Boatmen's Special Account'. This account has direct tie-ins to the
Chicago Mercantile Exchange and TRILLIONS of dollars of commodity derivatives.
Reference: The
Arkansas State Development Finance Authority run by Clinton-Bush stooge Bob
Further, Blunt, Bond
and Gephardt conspired with the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate to
assassinate, in the year 2000, the Governor of Missouri, Mel Carnahan, before
Carnahan could reach St. Louis on his ill-fated aircraft and present 'smoking
gun' evidence of this TREASON to Gore and then Texas Governor George W. Bush
before they had their final debate in St. Louis, Missouri in October of 2000.
Reference: Right
before the presidential debate started in St. Louis, Gore personally walked over to Bushfraud as
to confront the little sexual deviate-cocaine snorting- AWOL misfit.
we recall, the misfit Bushfraud cowered in his chair knowing that Gore
was aware of the assassination of Governor Mel Carnahan, and that the
Vice President of the United States might be ready to enforce immediate
justice upon Bushfraud by beating the living hell out of him.
Further direct message to homosexual NAZI David Brock: The
patriotic U.S. Military, along with the joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task
Force operating on American soil for over 200 years, have issued a direct
arrest warrant for your pathetic little ass. You will be tried and, upon
conviction, dealt with massive due prejudice along with ALL other traitors and
NAZI Paperclip filth, including U.S. media 'royal court messengers' that have
enabled the destruction of the American Republic.