Your part in this great adventure in learning
is to support these changes and to welcome the great beginnings of your
prosperity. It is as well to mean the start of new and freer banking
and currency operations. You are to become wealthy and the master of a
system that is to allow you to set up your healings and permit the
various humanitarian projects that are to aid your fellows and change
this realm’s ecology efforts. Millions of species, which represent this
realm’s flora and fauna, are to be saved from oblivion. In addition,
many species that were nearly ready to be decimated are to be saved. The
vast amount of pollution is to be eliminated. The problem of waste that
currently clogs your sewers and prevents you from obtaining the amount
of drinking water needed can be easily corrected. You are to be able to
employ technologies that are to transform your world. Moreover, you are
to introduce methods that are to alter the unsafe nature of your
transportation systems. You are entering a new and dynamic reality!
As you can see, you are on the verge of a
vastly reformed reality. This realm is to adopt new governance and a
much more transparent financial system. This process is to finally bring
the recognition long denied by the West to China and the rest of the
third world. These long underpaid nations are to be able to develop and
construct water and sewage systems that were formerly thought too
expensive to undertake. These humanitarian projects are to transform
your world and permit all to enjoy the modern living systems long denied
them. In this new realm, all humanity can contribute to the projects
that can transform your water, land and air. You are to bring to Gaia a
means to restore her to full health and allow all humanity to live in a
most marvelous age. In this reformed environment all are to be
prosperous, learned and able to equally participate in the new time.
This is a time which is to bring you a whole host of ways to be a true
land guardian of Mother Gaia! All of this is merely a prelude to our
formal arrival.
Our arrival, as noted in a number of previous
reports is to bring you our special mentors. Before they come, a number
of formal teaching sessions are needed by your Ascended Masters. These
sessions are to permit you to learn about your true history in detail;
to learn about your reasons for being here and how the Atlanteans
suddenly plunged you into limited consciousness. You will learn as well
how your various languages, cultures and religions were forged. The
former role of the Anunnaki and their minions is to be exposed as well
as how your transformation back to full consciousness is to happen. Once
these many truths are fully absorbed, you are then prepared for what
our mentors are to frankly tell you. All of this is to be somewhat
shocking to you. The most vital point is to realize just how much you
are connected to each other. Of key importance is to really Love each
other. Become aware of each other in this new Loving way and be able to
truly appreciate how you can together save Gaia and each other!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! This
is a most auspicious time for Gaia and for all humanity. The Anunnaki
and their dark minions are finally being isolated. Long ago, when we
began our special journey, humanity was firmly under the thumb of this
evil oligarchy. At times, it seemed as though they were omnipotent.
Under the guidance of Heaven, we persisted and slowly began to form
secret societies to aid the Light and to start to bring humanity back to
the Light. This prolonged operation began decades ago to succeed and to
permit the Light to safely take down the dark cabal. Over a decade ago,
our blessed helpers in Earth and in Heaven hit upon a methodology,
which is succeeding as planned. The vital point here is therefore for
you to remain positive and able to fully support these most noble
efforts. Amazing things are truly ready to happen!
All of this is positive proof of the degree
of honor, which Heaven is righteously composed of. The dark oligarchs
were strongly bent on making you mere pawns in a method to permanently
isolate you from your families in Spirit and in space. These
possibilities are now thwarted. What we ask of you is to remain
positively supportive of what our allies are working so diligently to
achieve. A new financial system that fully supports a state of permanent
prosperity is now practically in effect. There are a number of
programs, which are quickly to forge new and enlightened governance.
These operations are as well complete and ready to come online. These
grand blessings are only the start of how this formerly dark reality is
to change. Thus, dear Hearts, your time to shine is finally upon you. Be
wise in your decisions and brilliant in your actions.
Remember who you really are. You are not one
who blithely follows actions inculcated into you by the dark. You are
really one who can see the distortions given by the dark to twist your
beliefs to ways more friendlily to theirs. This time is one of full
liberation from these dark ways and a turn in glee to the true belief
embedded in the moral ways of the Light! This procedure is now happening
as you turn from war and wayward discontent to a new way that
emphasizes your connectedness to each other and to the Light. This
growing truth is to enable you to join together and successfully steward
the many types of Gaia’s flora and fauna. We are proud of you and are
most delighted to supervise each one of you. The future of this great
realm is truly bright and filled with your sacred Light!
Today, we carried on with our report of what
is happening worldwide. Be happy and know that great wealth and a much
overdue time for your liberation from the dark is now underway. The
Light is making it possible as well for your return to full
consciousness! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and
never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat
Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)