Thursday, January 21, 2016 by: J. D. Heyes
(NaturalNews) In early November, Chino Valley, Arizona, residents Marie Snow and Cori Gunnels made a discovery which they said frightened them. According to published reports -- and there were few -- they witnessed what appeared to them to be 50- to 60-foot long "raindrops," which were "solid" in nature, falling in clusters from the sky after seeing a C-130 military transport plane and two escort aircraft fly overhead.
As reported by the news website IntelliHub, the pair were of the mind to gather some samples of the fibrous material, which was found in stringy blotches clinging to fences, plants and other structures throughout the bucolic landscape of the region, to have them examined by experts, with the hope of figuring out what it was that was dropped from the sky. Snow, the website reported, even decided not to touch the strands with her bare hands, and collected them on white pieces of paper.
Not long after, Snow decided to contact her local news station, KPHO, a CBS affiliate, and asked them to investigate her discovery. A few days later, the station sent a reporter, Greg Argos, to look into Snow's finding and get her story, including the part where the fibrous material appeared to be distributed overhead from a military transport aircraft.
"However, what happened after CBS 5 interviewed Snow may shock you," IntelliHub reported.
"Biodegradable gauze"
The roughly three-minute video piece produced by KPHO reported Snow's details and included some quotes from her regarding her discovery. The report noted that the fibers gathered by Snow, which were "thicker than a spider web" and "very strong," were taken by the station to Grand Canyon University's Forensic Science Lab for testing.
According to the report, Melissa Beddow, director of the university's forensic science program, tested the substance samples under "40 times magnification." Though at first the samples stumped her, she eventually concluded that they were likely "biodegradable gauze" from "nearby cattle farms." She said they were comprised of "a mixture of wheat, gluten, flour and bacitracin, an antibiotic."
As further reported by IntelliHub, that conclusion did not satisfy the curious:
However, after the local news piece aired, Snow and others were skeptical of Argos' findings. Snow was soon after urged by Al DiCicco, who appears in the documentary film "Shade the Motion Picture", a film about covert and sinister bioweapons testing programs, to contact Intellihub News and get independent testing of the samples done by a reputable lab. And that's just what Marie Snow did.
On Nov. 22, Snow contacted IntelliHub's Shepard Ambellas for another attempt at finding out what to do next, since the Chino Valley resident remained unconvinced of the local media's findings. Ambellas said he advised the same thing DiCicco did: Get some independent testing done.
Snow and Gunnels sent several of the fibrous samples to a credible laboratory located in Redding, Calif.
Chemtrail materials confirmed
The work order for the samples numbered "14K0279" was dated Dec. 4, 2014, the order numbered "14K0683" was dated Dec. 2, 2014. They both came with this guarantee: "All analysis were performed under strict adherence to our established Quality Assurance Plan." Both said that "solid" "fibers" were submitted by "Marie Snow" for "general testing."
"Astonishingly, both tests concluded that both samples indeed tested positive for three metal analytes, 'Aluminum,' 'barium' and 'strontium,' three substances commonly known by dedicated researchers to be found in persistent contrails, i.e. chemtrails and or geoengineering, terraforming operations as pointed out by investigative researcher, activist, Rosalind Peterson, Agriculture Defense Coalition, in Shade the Motion Picture," IntelliHub reported.
But the rest of the mainstream media has thus far ignored the story -- and, for that matter, most all other "chemtrail" stories, unless they are attempting to discredit the notion or the sources bringing the issue to the public's attention.
You can -- and should -- read the full IntelliHub report here.
You can see SHADE the Motion Picture here.