ECETI New Years Letter
James Gilliland
I am presently in
Australia so I already experienced New Years Eve by the time you read
this letter. Its funny I can procrastinate and still be on time, which
is pretty much my nature. Time never really worked for me, I like the
Aussie expression when they ask what time is it they say summer. Over
here it is summer, 105 degrees while back at home in Washington State
the doors are covered with snow with lots of digging. The herd of Yaks
are loving it. While contemplating what I want to do the next year I
think it is best to contemplate the previous year and how we can do
things better. Forgive the past, ourselves, others, gain the wisdom from
the experiences and start creating a better tomorrow. Do a ceremony
around releasing people, places and events. Be grateful for the things
that serve you and release the things that don’t. It is time to be
brutally honest with our selves and others. We don’t have the luxury of
suppressing our true feelings or denial.
2016 is going to be a fast and furious year with lots of
changes. It is imperative to shift into creative mind and out of
reactionary mind. The struggles for power and control will come to a
climax. The tyrants will continue to war upon each other and try to
carry out their agenda. Unfortunately for those who remain in denial and
ignorant of these agendas will suffer the reactions to the actions of
tyrants. Those who continue to serve the beast will fall with the beast.
The source itself, the Earth or Sophia Gaia has a plan. The
Ultradimensionals, Ascended Masters, Saints and Sages are all aligned
with this plan. Even the Nature Kingdom is aware of and will be
participating in this plan. There are forces unimaginable gathering
together to implement this plan. It has everything to do with the
awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. What some call
ascension or a frequency shift.
Those who are not in alignment with the new frequencies
will not fare well in this process. If you are not frequency specific or
rising to the occasion your world will come to an end. There are two
paths and the gap is increasing exponentially. Like many of the
prophecies foretold one path will end in complete collapse or demise,
the other will continue. Those who choose universal law, which is best
expressed as Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom
and Prosperity for All, “ Unity Consciousness” will fare well in the
days to come. Those who choose power and wealth at the expense of
humanity and the Earth will not. The real wealth is living a life in
alignment with soul and spirit. It is empowering others, serving the
higher good.
What so many do not factor in is divine intervention.
Most do not know the higher order or workings of the cosmos. In the UFO
community many have their necks cranked back into the past. Some are
still trying to prove the ships are real while others are making them
demons or angels. There are those who proclaim all ETs are good, some
proclaim all are evil. We cannot pigeon hole this phenomena. While most
of the Omniverse is benevolent there are still some groups that are
extremely self serving even malevolent. Those who teach a one sided
truth are doing a major disservice to others. One promotes fear the
other promotes ignorance and exposes people often to unseen negative
influences. The real path to self-mastery and maintaining ones
self-authority is to teach how to use discernment and heal unseen
negative influences which includes malevolent ETs.
Another disservice is to ignore the inner work making
everything external. Many focus only on nuts and bolts, back
engineering, etc. What is sad is those who cannot grasp the
multidimensionality of UFOs are extremely jealous of those who can to
the point of being threatened. When you add the shills and
disinformation agents the whole field gets convoluted. I have been
censored redundantly for bringing out a more unlimited or higher
perspective in the field of ufology. Is there any question why they have
not contacted the major UFO groups? One group wants to worship them,
another wants to fight them, while still another wants to ignore them.
Where is the unity? Is there any cooperation? Which group would the ETs
choose? Any enlightened or benevolent ET would take the high road and
wait for some common ground or agreement. It would be awesome for
everyone to stop, take a deep breath this new years, allow a little
flexibility in your be lie fs and choose to side with truth over
ulterior motives. Apply universal law in every aspect of your life. I
can say with conviction I don’t know everything, my truth is flexible,
and I am open to new information and knowledge. I don’t need to wear the
suits and ties, act as the ultimate authority, or strut around as if I
am superior. Its time to be authentic.
Happy New Year, Buckle Up
James Gilliland