Short Situation Update

Some members of the Cabal are trying to spin Disclosure, hoping to appear as part of the positive faction in order to avoid arrest at the time of the Event:
Some media are trying to spin that partial Disclosure even further, making it into a joke:
But nevertheless, the truth about JFK assassination and its connection to Disclosure is coming into the mainstream:
Dragon sources have communicated that current militia standoff in Oregon is a false flag operation which has been designed by the Cabal to test the reaction of militias to certain conditions. This situation will not escalate as the vast majority of the Cabal does not want civil war in USA, knowing very well that civil war would accelerate the process towards the Event and their final defeat. What they want instead is a state of controlled chaos and tension which enables them to keep control and delay the inevitable for as long as possible.
The following study clearly shows that in a stratified society with pronounced inequality, the elites can not survive the collapse of the society for much longer than the commoners, regardless of their superior material and financial resources:
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