A concerted push is under way to end Khazarian mafia rule this year
The current geopolitical situation, especially in the Middle East, Europe and the United States, is one that is ripe for regime change. The biggest event of 2016 may well be the fall of the Khazarian mafia government in the United States. With this primary source of evil and warfare removed from power, world peace should also be possible in 2016. However, this cannot be done by passively observing world events; everybody must do what they can to ensure planetary liberation this year.

The Washington DC regime that uses Obama as its puppet and spokesperson is deeply divided. Many support the Obama regime. However, the fact is the Obama regime presided over the mass slaughter of innocents in Japan on March 11, 2011
. http://benjaminfulford.typepad.com/benjaminfulford/2015/12/statement-of-benjamin-fulford-tokyo-japan-witness-statement.html
Those Americans who consider the murder of foreigners as legitimate foreign policy must nonetheless remember this regime has not prosecuted any of the insiders responsible for the murder on September 11, 2001 of thousands of Americans. Nor do they tell the truth about this event.
In addition, this regime has not acted in any way to arrest the criminals in Wall Street responsible for trillions of dollars’ worth of fraud that has impoverished most Americans.
The Russian government has also publicly and officially accused the Khazarian mafia that illegally seized power in the US of setting up biological warfare facilities all over the former Soviet Union. When such accusations are made in public diplomacy, it is a sign the accuser is ready to prove these accusations. White hats in the US military have also confirmed the creation of these biological warfare labs.
These facilities were set up as part of a plan to use disease, starvation and warfare to eliminate 90% of the world’s population. Make no mistake, despite trying to put on a relatively benign face with Obama, the Khazarian mob ruling the US has been caught red handed trying to murder billions of people. That means they are trying to kill practically everybody who is reading this plus their friends and families.
The majority of the world’s citizens are peaceful and reluctant to engage in violence. However, when somebody is trying to kill your family, you are legally entitled to kill them in self-defense. Failing to defend your family is in itself a crime.
The White Dragon Society and their allies are in the process of fighting this genocidal gang. As a part of this, next week it will formally demand that Chodoin Daikaku, head of some of the world’s biggest martial arts societies, the heads of the world’s military and intelligence agencies and others to act in legitimate self-defense and permanently destroy the genocidal Khazarian mob.
A lot has already been done, especially in the Middle East where all the air-forces of Khazarian proxies like Turkey, Israel and Syria have been grounded by a Russian, Chinese and Pentagon white hat alliance.
China has passed a new anti-terror law that will allow its agents to hunt down Khazarian gangsters anywhere in the world “in concert with US and Russian special forces,” according to Pentagon and Chinese sources. The Chinese have already dispatched special forces to
Syria near the border of Israel in the Golan Heights, according to the sources. Russian, Pentagon white hat and Chinese special forces in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere are actively hunting down and killing Israelis, Turks, Saudis and “even yanks on the wrong side,” Pentagon sources say. The Chinese are also taking a special interest in hunting down Uighurs operating in Syria and Iraq.
The Satan worshipping Khazarian regimes of Turkey and Saudi Arabia are now in deep trouble. Saudi Arabia basically “signed its own death warrant” last week by executing the well-liked Shiite Imam Nimr al-Nimr, according to CIA officials. The real Muslim world has not forgotten the Saudi regime’s massacre at the Hajj last year. They thus recognize the Saudi regime is not fit to guard the Islamic Holy Lands. That is why the Saudi call for a 34 nation Islamic “anti-terror” alliance will only be met with lip service at best. Saudi Arabia is set to be partitioned and it is only a matter of time before King Salman and his deputies find their own heads on the executioner’s chopping block, they said.
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