by Lance Schuttler
With the signs that the intensity of the geopolitical chess game is continuing to increase, it’s been decided that Part 3 of this developing story needed to be written. If you have not yet read part 1 or part 2, consider doing so before finishing this article as it will make much more sense. Once again, there is a battle going on between a very large international alliance that is working for the benefit of humanity versus a shrinking cabal of banking and political elite. This battle is taking place politically, financially, militarily, and energetically; and is becoming increasingly clear to see.
September 7th, 2015: China’s New Oil Contract Signals Shift Away from Brent Crude and US Dollar. Beginning in October, China will begin trading their new oil contract with the yuan and not the US Dollar. This move is huge as the Brent Crude Oil contract has been the global benchmark since the 70′s. The question is, will OPEC nations continue their pivot East by dropping the Dollar and using the yuan?
September 10th, 2015: China’s Shanghai Gold Exchange announces that physical gold bullion will be allowed to be used as collateral on future’s contracts, beginning September 29th, 2015. “This development is an important one for the gold market and is bullish for gold. It shows, once again, that gold is slowly but surely becoming a cash equivalent and as money again. Gold’s re-monetisation in the international financial and monetary system continues.”
September 12th, 2015: Ex-NYSE Chief Admits “It’s not a fair market…It’s bad for the country.” Dick Grasso comes out and slams the markets on Wall St. For someone “in the know” like Mr. Grasso to come out and say this publicly, shows that worldwide confidence in the system is evaporating. Additionally, it shows that more and more people once on the “inside” are coming out and blowing the whistle.
September 17th, 2015: The Federal Reserve announces that it will not raise interest rates. As many economists have been saying, the Fed is stuck and are backed into a corner; with the corner shrinking by the day.
September 22, 2015: Hacktivist group Anonymous announces “Black October” campaign against the U.S. banking system, which calls for all citizens to use only cash as a means to accelerate the implosion of the central banking pyramid scheme. Though people may not think this is much of a deal, we can be certain it is as every action creates a ripple effect in the fractal universe we live in. The effects may or may not become immediately felt, but you can be sure this campaign will have a large impact in bringing down “the matrix.”
September 24th, 2015: ” In a startling turn of events, retired general John Allen will be stepping down as special envoy to the global coalition fighting ISIL and will be leaving government employment entirely.” As we are seeing, the NWO-created “ISIL” illusion is collapsing.
September 25th, 2015: U.S. House Speak John Boehner resigns. Interesting that two very big names and positions resign almost simultaneously, isn’t it? This resignation came also as Pope Francis was visiting the U.S…
September 27th, 2015: Citing directly from the Zerohedge headline, “China To Join Russian Military in Syria While Iraq Strikes Intel Deal With Moscow, Tehran.” If you remember what many of the signs have been in the past two articles, you’ll notice that the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) nations trend is continuing. We are seeing the Alliance come to the aid of those nations who have been controlled by the banking/political cabal.
September 28th, 2015: Reuters reports that Swiss competition watchdog WEKO has launched an investigation into whether UBS, Julius Baer, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Barclays, Morgan Stanley and Mitsui conspired to set bid/ask spreads in the metals trading of gold, silver, platinum and palladium. As Zerohedge reports, “UBS is about to blow the cover on a massive gold-rigging scandal…which simply means that now the official countdown on the announcement of what will be revealed as the biggest gold-manipulation and rigging scandal in history, has begun.”
October 1st, 2015: CNN analyst says on live television, “U.S. led ISIS coalition.” Essentially, CNN just said the US is working with and helping ISIS. The lies continue to be revealed, either incidentally or intentionally.
October 5th, 2015: Russia Today reports that over 50 ISIL targets have been hit by the Russian Air Force and that the terrorist group is now severely dismantled. Russia has done in a few days what was allegedly taking the U.S. years to do. The Cabal’s ISIL lie will continue to unravel and will lead to much more freedom and peace throughout the Middle East and world.
October 6th, 2015: Physicist Mehran Keshe announces that he will begin distributing the prototype and blueprint of his reactor that allegedly produces what many know as “free energy” on October 16th, 2015. I suggest we approach this with an open mind and optimism. We all know that the time is coming when these technologies can no longer be suppressed. The only question is, how much longer will it be?
October 8th, 2015: Monsanto announces it will cut 12% of its’ employees as profits continue to fall. The poisoning of our world will not last much longer.
October 8th, 2015: Germany’s largest bank, Deutsche Bank, announces a $7 billion quarterly loss along with the potential elimination of the bank’s dividend. The following day, Switzerland’s second largest bank, Credit Suisse, announced that it too needs more cash and will begin a “substantial capital raising” plan.
October 8th, 2015: Fund manager Dave Kranzler of Investment Research Dynamics says “Something just blew up in the global financial system.” In his article, Dave talks about the significance of Deutsche Bank’s $7 billion loss announcement and its relation to Glencore’s crashing stock. These two events are massive and according to this analyst, is “evidence the bankster’s rigging scheme is crumbling.”
October 9th, 2015: Steorn Orbo announces that it will give a live videocast showing of their alleged free energy technology on October 28th, 2015. What will the result be?
October 9th, 2015: Norway continues to experience financial issues as Zerohedge explains the situation, “Another Petro-State Throws in The Towel- The Last Nail in the Petro-Dollar Coffin.” We see the war and oil backed US Dollar continuing to fail. The banking cabal is on it’s last leg.
October 9th, 2015: The White House announces it will stop it’s campaign to train Syrian rebels to fight ISIL. Translated, we continue to see the cabal’s plan to overtake Syria failing miserably and their “ISIL” lie coming to light.
October 9th, 2015: China’s Central Bank launches a global yuan payment system. “The China International Payment System (CIPS) intends to internationalize the yuan and challenge the US Dollar’s [previous] dominance.” Helen Wong, HSBC’s China chief executive says, “The establishment of the CIPS is an important milestone in yuan internationalization, providing the infrastructure that will connect global yuan users through one single system.” The global currency reset into metal and asset backed currencies just took a massive leap closer to full implementation.
October 12th, 2015: Coming back to what I’ve written previously in part one and part two, movements to free the global collateral accounts continue to be made with much success by Neil Keenan and his team. As I’ve stressed before, if there is one item from these articles that you could research, the movements to free the global collateral accounts for humanity’s benefit would be it. Again, these accounts have very strong ties to the assassination of JFK and to the events of 9/11. Do yourself and the world a favor and begin to learn about the deepest financial secret the banking cabal has: the global collateral accounts.