I have fallen so far behind on reporting on other details that nearly a book a data download is now required before this meeting.
I am not going to make any more promises of reports to come that I circumstances get in the way of.
I will however attempt to get the details of recent briefings posted before this new round of meetings.
I am wondering why I am being pulled into these when Gonzales has been taking point on these types of meetings recently. He has not been in contact with me as much recently after our last round of briefings and the contentious meetings with the SSP Alliance Council where they made sure I knew exactly what they thought of me and me being forced down their throats and then a followup meeting where they made amends.
We have a strained relationship at this point but are required to work together right now. Quite a lot has had to play out with the Earth Alliance and the deals they have been striking with the Secret Earth Governments/Syndicates as well as their Non-Terrestrial allies.
These are all things I have touched on lightly but have not fully reported on as promised. I apologize I have not gotten that data out to date.
I had hoped for some more recovery time after my surgery before anything like this occurred but have actually been shocked that I have been left alone as much as I have. I think this was done after the threats and invasions of and against my family in recent months. Now is not a time to be deceived or controlled by prior belief systems. We need to keep our reality bubbles permeable yet strong while using our discernment with all information coming down the pipe including data delivered from my own.
For each of us, focus on your inner work. Become more loving, forgiving an Service to Others on a daily basis. When we were children we were loving and service to others before the world squeezed it out of us. The faith and love of a child is something we should work to obtain once again in our daily lives. This may seem like a silly video to some but if it doesn't move your heart maybe you are not yet on the right path.
TY, More to come as soon as possible,
Kids decide between helping the Homeless or Ice Cream