The final cleanup on aisle 5 is in full throttle. All borders for dinar export are most definitely closed.
All broker or dealers have been informed to stop the movement of sales.
All TRN are officially golden standard,
An individual claiming to be some kind of paymaster to a specific recognized group, I find in my opinion that his assertion on this matter to be strange, new and not so to my major knowledge. I would advise credentials just to make things clear on this subject.
We are now anxious awaiting this final phone call. It all squares down to this part of the ride. It is finally on the US best interest to give the signal on this impending GCR and 204 Country Revaluation.
The hyperinflation speech is well past due and must be announced shortly without further ado, no more schemes or lies by this or any government.
These are my views on our current situation here and abroad.
Please have all your paperwork ready for we await a high government official signal and that is in that happening.
God bless, Happy Journeys, Na'maste, Bluwolf (you may post everywhere)