Brandy Vaughan, a former sales rep for Merck & Co, details how vaccine companies are using vaccines as a vehicle for massive profit and not public health. Brandy decided to become an activist when the demons in our state and federal government began pushing through mandatory vaccine laws. Brandy says giving children vaccines is like playing Russian roulette with our children and furthermore mandatory vaccination is simply a way for vaccine makers to make huge profits off our children.
Please post Brandy’s video on all social networks. I think she’s a great speaker and has the experience with Merck and how they covered up the harm they were doing with the drug Vioxx. Email her video to all your friends and tell them to do the same! It’s fun to spread the truth and destroy the lies of the new world order!
Our entire medical system is a fraud. The ONLY thing I trust them for is trauma care. But it all makes sense when you know John D. Rockefeller created the modern allopathic (focused on drugs) medical system. Of course, John D. Rockefeller never used any of these harmful drugs he made money on himself, he had his own naturopath doctor that used natural cures till the day he died of very old age! His allopathic medical system was part of the new world order plan to control the world’s population, make them sick and make money all the way. It’s a brilliant plan if you think about it. And many of you reading this article are still falling for it! Going to your Rockefeller trained man in the white coat to give you some poison pills at the drug store that never cure you of anything. I am curing my own high blood pressure naturally with a product created by a Nobel winning doctor that costs less than a $1 a day! In less than 3 weeks I’m already seeing results and I feel great. I don’t trust M.D.s with anything unless I have broken bones or blown out knees.
Former Merck Rep Spills the Beans on Vaccines – It’s for Profit Not Public Health!
Further Reference:
Listen to Dr. Dunegan give out the entire New World agenda he was told in 1969 by Dr. Day, the head of planned parenthood! He was told they could cure 98% of all cancers in 1969 but those cures would not be released by the Rockefeller Institute because there were too many people in the world and they had to die of something! He was told they would create diseases they had never seen before! And you trust these brainwashed idiots in the white coats with the diplomas hanging on the wall? You have to be VERY dumb to be a doctor and not have figured out by now that natural cures work much better! Even the father of the M.D. system used natural cures and not the garbage pills he sold everybody else! Don’t be a sucker!