Thankfully, our server is robust, and significantly expensive. We have to do it that way because of the threats we face and the high traffic we get. One of the things we have is a RAID array on our database. This means that everything is stored in more than one place. We shouldn’t lose any data. No word yet on when we will be back up, but it will probably be just in time for us to lose the entire weekend. LOL.
Also, in case you haven’t read it on his Sphere Being Alliance page, Corey got hit with an epic problem on the way out from doing our next round of tapings. After getting up early and SEVEN HOURS of delays, they canceled his flight and had the gall to tell his family they couldn’t fly out until Wednesday.
In all the years I have traveled I have never been delayed by more than one day. The idea of a four-day delay is almost unthinkable. And it was his daughter’s birthday to boot.
They set out on an epic 15-hour drive, only to find out that there is a massive conference of wind turbine engineers going on, which led to almost total occupancy of every hotel from Colorado through Kansas. So they drove to exhaustion, crash-landed at a very nasty motel, and now have 12 more grueling hours to get through.
On this shoot, the rule was literally “Massive Negative Greeting Every Day.” My own Alamo shuttle bus actually broke down on the way to the airport. The driver rebooted it and drove in with hazard lights and a slow speed. I filmed it just to document the highly bizarre and ongoing interference we encountered.
I see all of this stuff as confirmation that the work we are doing is of high significance in restoring peace, freedom and prosperity to our planet. And all this does is make me want to fight even harder to get the word out — so congratulations, guys!