Monday, June 1, 2015

Neil Keenan Update - June 1, 2015$93+(ninety+three)+quadrillion+in+asset+backed+funds.+%231ab.jpgIs There Trouble in Jakarta? Neil Keenan Missing? 

A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum last evening… I was alerted to the presence of some possible problems for Neil in Jakarta.

According to those that were present, it appears that he came face to face with some Mercenaries when he went to visit an Elder in the jungle. The vehicle outside of the house had some faux military markings on it, while a smattering of these same markings were spotted on his person.

It was assumed by all that this attempt at deception was to give the Elder’s family, associates and neighbors the implication that he really was somebody, other than who he really was. Neil implied that he was one of George Soros’ goons.

I have had some conversations with Neil in the past concerning Soros and the opinion held by many is that he is afraid of Neil.

We had heard that over the past years that the use of Merc’s in what is believed by the Cabal to be valuable landscape has been rather commonplace. In fact, the word on the “grapevine” was that there were many such stakeouts going on at this time across the Indonesian landscape.

To me, the amazing part of that scenario seems to be the GPS that George gave his goons to locate the assets of the Global Accounts appears to be broken. Due to the fact that the Merc’s have not been airlifting boxes of assets from the supposedly valuable landscape, there just can’t be any other explanation.

Oh, maybe just a minute… maybe there can be another argument made for the ineffectiveness. And that would be the IQ levels of the humanoids that George has given the task of operating the GPS “thingies,” simply are too low to execute.

But whatever the case may be, the Merc that was at the Elder’s home was just sitting on his butt doing nothing. Of course, Neil could not let an opportunity like that go by, as the story goes. He attempted to engage the Merc in conversation with his usual light hearted prankster rap but the man had little to say.

The only sound that came from his mouth was an order for everyone to pose for a picture. But this is where the quick thinking of the Indonesian native Nelu proved invaluable. He was in control of the only camera in the room. Before he handed it to the big guy, he set the camera so that the next picture snapped would vanish in 90 minutes.

I would assume that he had some explaining to do to HQ when he discovered that the picture he snapped was not in the camera.

This guy was having a bad day in regard to his future job opportunities. His updated resume will now have to include the fact the Elder had “left the building” and was nowhere to be found and the picture that he took of the people he was sent to keep away from the Elder had vanished. Oh well, maybe Blackwater can use him in the Ukraine.

In regards to the Cabal and Neil’s little squabble, let’s look at some facts. There have been multiple assassination attempts on Neil’s life over the past several years of which the success ratio is hovering somewhere south of .001%.

The assets of the Global Accounts remain intact. He is the only non-Asian to ever enter a bunker. The ability of the Cabal to mirror the accounts at the UBS in Switzerland has been reduced to a number that is causing some serious liquidity problems for the Khazarian Mafia Banksters. (Lookout George… you may be called upon to make a serious grant to the cause!)

I suppose that I should be more concerned about Neil’s whereabouts being a mystery at the moment, as I had been sent a little bit of information concerning a future event involving a car bomb.

But it always seems that when weighing the facts against the probabilities of Neil losing the battle against the “bad guys,” I have found that there just might be something else at play here. Could there be some invisible forces that may have tilted the point spread in one direction or the other?

I can’t point to anything definitive on this point, but I would recommend that you call your Bookie and place whatever you can afford on “Neil and the Global Accounts -6”, as I feel quite certain they will cover the spread.

By Anonymous