The Veterans Today / RT / PressTV Disinformation Conglomerate (Part 2 – Deconstructing the Bizarre Tale of Leo Wanta)
Leo Wanta and Veterans Today
Since my second awakening back in 2009, I’ve come across information about Leo Wanta numerous times, but I never really paid it any mind because it always came across as quite odd and ridiculous. Now that I’m exploring Veterans Today (VT), though, I am compelled to address the Wanta issue. He is listed as a member of their editorial board…

…and as their “bureau chief” in Austria…

So let’s begin our examination of Leo Wanta by looking at the credentials listed next to his name.
In the editorial board listing…

…it is claimed that he was the “National Director of Intelligence” under Reagan, and also the “Inspector General, Department of Defense.” Upon researching these claims, this is what I found…
> “National Director of Intelligence”: this title would lead the typical casual reader to assume that Wanta had served as the DNI (the Director of National Intelligence), but this couldn’t possibly be true because the Office of the Director of National Intelligence wasn’t formed until April 22, 2005, well after Reagan’s tenure as President. And you will find Leo Wanta’s name nowhere in the listing of the Directors of National Intelligence or in the listing of the Directors of Central Intelligence, the DNI’s predecessor office. This being the case…
It would appear that Leo Wanta’s “National Director of Intelligence” title is both phony and misleading.
> “Inspector General, Department of Defense”: the Office of Inspector General, US Department of Defense was formed in 1982, so it did exist during Reagan’s presidency. Unfortunately for Mr. Wanta, though, he never served in that Office…

…Do you see Leo Wanta’s name among the Directors or Acting Directors? Neither do I. This being the case…
It would appear that Leo Wanta’s “Inspector General, Department of Defense” title is fraudulent.
Now let’s look at his listing as the “bureau chief” in Austria…

…In this listing, his name is written “Lee” Wanta, and he is again fraudulently given the title of “Inspector General, Department of Defense US under President Reagan.” But he is given a new intelligence title this time: “White House Director of Intelligence.” Let’s have a look at that…
> “White House Director of Intelligence”: this title is different than the “National Director of Intelligence” title he is given in his editorial board listing, but it too sounds quite impressive to the casual reader. The only problem is that this position seems to have never existed. After searching for any records relating to this claimed office/position, I found that there were only two intelligence positions in President Reagan’s White House staff. They are listed here in this page from the Reagan Presidential Library…

…and both Chairpersons served from 1982 through the remainder of the Reagan presidency.
This being said…
It would appear that Leo Wanta’s “White House Director of Intelligence” title is phony.
Seeking clarification on these apparently phony/fraudulent titles, I decided to go to Leo Wanta’s official website…

…and see what it might say about his past.
On the site, I found a link to a 339-page PDF titled WANTA! Black Swan, White Hat by Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall, so I examined it to find information that might clarify things. This was found on page 13…
>>> Leo/Lee Emil Wanta has never been employed by an American intelligence agency, but has worked for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the U.S. Department of the Treasury (including the Secret Service), U.S. Customs Service (et al), US State Department, the National Security Council, US Department of Defense, the US Department of Justice, Office of Strategic Investigations (OSI), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), among others. Wanta is – or was, depending on your perspective – what is termed “a junkyard dog” – a covert intelligence operative, a Secret Agent. He reported directly to President Reagan. In fact, he was Ronald Reagan’s favorite “junkyard dog.” Wanta’s official title was Personal Intelligence Coordinator to the President of the United States. <<<
So despite having “never been employed by an American intelligence agency” (this explains-away the lack of any records that he ever did anything he claims), he somehow “worked for” all those different agencies. And although he was an off-the-books “Secret Agent,” he still had an “official title”: “Personal Intelligence Coordinator to the President of the United States” (another made-up, yet impressive-sounding title). So now he has three imaginary titles from his supposed time as Ronald Reagan’s personal superspy:
1) “National Director of Intelligence”
2) “White House Director of Intelligence”
3) “Personal Intelligence Coordinator to the President of the United States”
“Well, gol-ly, Mr. Wanta, that’s mighty impressive”…

As for his supposed tenure as the “Inspector General, Department of Defense,” the Black Swan, White Hat PDF offers this passage on page 79…
“Grassley and Roth both wrote letters to President Reagan recommending Wanta as Inspector General of the Department of Defense. Other well-known names did, too. Copies of these letters can be found in Chapter One links.”
Let’s have a look at those letters.

The Roth Letter: on page 13 of the Black Swan, White Hat PDF, there is a link to a PDF of this letter…

Now that you’ve read the letter, take a moment to imagine yourself as a US Representative, and one of your constituents (who is also a local activist in your party) sends you his resume and tells you he wants to be the Department of Defense Inspector General. What would you do? You’d write a letter of recommendation (just like this one) to go with the resume, and you’d pass them both along to the relevant government office. In your letter, you’d make sure to highlight the person’s claimed qualifications to make the constituent happy, even though you know he has no chance of getting what he wants. That is exactly what this letter is.
The Grassley Letter: also on page 13 is a link to a PDF of this letter…

From the looks of it, Mr. Wanta had been pressing a number of Congressmen and Senators on the Inspector General post through calls and correspondence, and they were trying to appease him. Note how the letter says “your loyalty and support of the Reagan administration as you had outlined to my Administrative Assistant.” Apparently, Mr. Wanta had tried to sell his qualifications to be Inspector General to one of Grassley’s staff, and the letter assures him that what he conveyed was taken into consideration.
Beyond what the letters say, take a look at the dates on them. The Roth letter was dated June 9, 1981, and the Grassley letter was dated March 25, 1984. This indicates that Mr. Wanta had been pestering various Congressmen over the Inspector General post for about 3 years. In light of this, one needs to note what else Mr. Wanta claims he was doing during that timeframe. According to Black Swan, White Hat, this was going on…
(page 15) “The adventure of this $27.5 trillion American began before January 20, 1981, when Ronald Wilson Reagan took his Oath of Office to become the 40th President of the United States of America. It began in Los Angeles when Wanta was contacted and was asked to go to the office of William French Smith (who Reagan appointed Attorney General) where Wanta met with Smith, William Colby (CIA Director, 1973-76), and William Casey (CIA Director 1981 to 1987. After President Reagan was sworn in, the meetings moved to Washington, D.C.“
(page 22) “As Reagan’s Task Force began meeting in late 1980, Bill Casey decided Leo Wanta should work with him. Casey would become Reagan’s CIA Director and Wanta would become Reagan’s Personal Intelligence Coordinator – and, his favorite ‘junkyard dog.'”
(page 27) “This was the set-up planned for Wanta in the early 1980s – during the task force days – when it became apparent secret agent and covert intelligence operative Leo Wanta was the person on whom President Reagan was relying to cause the fall of the Soviet Union Ruble.”
(page 30) “Massive plans to bring down the economic stability of another nation take time to implement. The Presidential Task Force began meeting in late 1980; in 1981, a recommendation was made to President Reagan by the Task Force and there were things he needed to implement to pave the road for Leo Wanta’s entry into the Soviet Union’s monetary system.”
These passages bring to mind a few questions:
If Mr. Wanta was already being groomed back in 1980 for his crucial “secret mission” to bring down the Soviet Union, why would he be trying in 1981 to become the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, an office that would have completely sidetracked him from his “historic” task?
If Mr. Wanta was already rubbing elbows with the heavy hitters on the Presidential Task Force back in 1980, why was he trying to pass his resume to the Reagan administration via his local Congressman in 1981? Wouldn’t he just tell Reagan face-to-face that he wanted the job?
His story makes no sense, but nothing about Wanta does. When scammers tell so many lies that they can’t keep track of them, discrepancies like this pop up. There are more letters of his I can pick apart, but I’ll save them for an update. Right now, I’d like to go ahead and explore one last fraudulent title of his…
“Ambassador” Leo Wanta
I’ve been wondering why all of Leo Wanta’s supporters, as well as his Black Swan, White Hat biography, refer to him as “Ambassador.” As it turns out, he claims to have been the Somali Ambassador to Canada and Switzerland. So how did an American guy from Wisconsin become Somalia’s ambassador to Canada and Switzerland? That’s a damn good question.
In Black Swan, White Hat, this is what we are told about it…
(page 96) “At the beginning of the 90’s, Wanta became Ambassador of Somalia in Canada. The ‘how’ and ‘why’ is mysterious, but one thing is clear; diplomatic strings must have been pulled fiercely. In April 1993 the Ruble-manipulator changed functions and was appointed Somalian Ambassador in Switzerland.”
(page 106) “In addition to being the Somali Ambassador to Canada and also to Switzerland, Wanta was named Chairman of the Somali Central Bank. Though the central bank appointment was never finalized by the Tribal Council (the ambassadorships were) because of Wanta’s bogus arrest in Lausanne, Switzerland, the appointment as Central Bank Chairman was made by the recognized (by Somalia) President of that nation, Haji Mohamed Hashi Haile.”
(page 115) “He had been named Somali Ambassador in June, a month before his arrest this day, July 7, 1993.”
Hmmm… so not only did the Somalis trust the “Great White Man from the North” so much that they made him (a foreigner) their ambassador to two separate nations at the same time, but they also made him chairman of their central bank. Wow, this guy’s resume is as impressive as that of his Veterans Today cohort, Gordon Duff! The only problem with this story is that in 1993, Somalia was in the middle of a civil war and had no functioning government…
“In 1991, the Barre administration was ousted by a coalition of clan-based opposition groups…
Many of the opposition groups subsequently began competing for influence in the power vacuum that followed the ouster of Barre’s regime. In the south, armed factions led by USC commanders General Mohamed Farah Aidid and Ali Mahdi Mohamed, in particular, clashed as each sought to exert authority over the capital. In 1991, a multi-phased international conference on Somalia was held in neighbouring Djibouti. Aidid boycotted the first meeting in protest. Due to the legitimacy bestowed on Muhammad by the Djibouti conference, he was subsequently recognized by the international community as the new President of Somalia. Djibouti, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Italy were among the countries that officially extended recognition to Muhammad’s administration. However, he was not able to exert his authority beyond parts of the capital. Power was instead vied with other faction leaders in the southern half of the country and with autonomous subnational entities in the north….
…Aidid saw UNOSOM II as a threat to his power and in June 1993 his militia attacked Pakistan Army troops, attached to UNOSOM II in Mogadishu, inflicting over 80 casualties. Fighting escalated until 19 American troops and more than 1,000 civilians and militia were killed in a raid in Mogadishu during October 1993.”
As you can see, Wanta claims to have been made a Somalian ambassador and the chairman of the Somalian central bank at a time when there was open warfare on the streets of Mogadishu. While he was supposedly receiving his ambassadorial appointment in June of 1993, Aidid’s militia was attacking UN troops, and the Blackhawk Down incident happened just a few months later. Also worth noting is that the only quasi-recognized Somali President at the time was Ali Mahdi Mohamed, not the man who supposedly gave Wanta his positions, Haji Mohamed Hashi Haile.
When searching for information on Haji Mohamed Hashi Haile, I came across this article at The American Muslim…
>>> The vampire image comes into greater focus when one notes the growing indications of involvement of international organized crime. The south central lands of Somalia were colonized by Italy. Specialists on Somalia have noted that the individual with the largest army in Mogadishu is an Italian “who refuses to give his surname.” The principle accused toxic trade company is the Italian import-export firm Progresso. The Sunday Telegraph of London dated September 13, 1992 ran an article entitled “Has the ‘savior’ of Somalia just sold his country for $4 billion?” The article speaks of the business relations that a person named Haji Mohamed Hashi Haile (who claims to be the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of Somalia and President of the United Somali Salvation) has with an organization called the Investor Corporation of America. The President of Investors Corporation of America is Joseph C. Ripp. Ripp was sentenced to four years in federal prison on November 13, 1984 after pleading guilty at a Pittsburgh court to a huge mail fraud scheme. He served more than three years. “Mr. Ripp is also alleged to have had links to the Mafia and the drug underworld” as a result of having “been identified as a business associate of Philadelphia La Cosa Nostra member Raymon ‘Long John’ Martorano, convicted on July 31,1984, in the murder of Philadelphia union boss John McCullough.” <<<
Given all this information, the most likely scenario is that Leo Wanta purchased his illegitimate ambassadorial credentials from this Somali scammer.
One further note on Wanta’s ambassadorial status is offered by Greg Szymanski in a 2006 pro-Wanta article on The Story Of Leo Wanta ‘The 27.5 Trillion Dollar Man’…
>>> Regarding the Rich arrest in Switzerland and his meeting with Foster, Wanta said this on The Investigative Journal last week:
“I was named Ambassador from Somalia to Switzerland and Canada as a cover to arrest Rich…” <<<
Here we have another example of a scammer telling so many lies to so many people that discrepancies in his story inevitably develop:
If the Somali ambassadorship was just a cover (and was demonstrably phony), why does his official bio claim the ambassadorship was real, and that he was also appointed as chairman of the Somali central bank? Why do Wanta and his supporters continue to call him “Ambassador Wanta”? (Because it impresses the rubes, that’s why.)
The Final Verdict
Having looked through all this information, I find myself remembering a passage I encountered in the first version of Leo Wanta’s Wikipedia bio…
“Wanta’s lawyer claimed that his client was delusional, and really believed to be a secret agent of international central bankers, being disappeared at the behest of powerful figures.“
…which is confirmed by Black Swan, White Hat on page 180…
“Chavez did not submit written evidence provided to him by Wanta in time to get it included in Discovery… thus, when it came time for Wanta to testify and present his evidence, none was available to prove Wanta’s history of working with American intelligence agencies as a covert operator. Thus, it was never presented to the jury. For example, AAG Haag and his chief witness (Dennis Ullman) – and even Wanta’s lawyer, Chavez – couldn’t decide (they told the jury) whether Leo Wanta was a secret agent or (playing the Swiss card) someone who imagined his life as Ronald Reagan’s James Bond.“
It’s pretty clear to me that Leo Wanta is indeed delusional, and like many of his type, he is convincing in his portrayal of himself. It is also clear that Wanta’s story is being used by a constellation of faux-truther figures, websites, and organizations to dupe awakening people into believing a false narrative about who is really behind the chaos in our world (and the New Order that will follow).
Seeing the ridiculously phony nature of Wanta’s story laid before us, what does it say about the people who actively promote it and/or treat it as though it is something real, such as…
> the editors and writers of Veterans Today,
> Alfred Lambremont Webre,
> Christopher Story,
> David Wilcock,
> Kerry Cassidy,
> Jeff Rense,
> Greg Szymanski,
> Benjamin Fulford,
(I will address these folks in the next entry of this series.)
All of these people promote each other’s garbage information in one giant circle-jerk of fraud, and the narrative they offer the public is nothing more than rancid pabulum for the infantile mind. It’s time to set aside the pabulum and start eating our broccoli.
During my time blogging, a number of people have written to me and said, “Ken, we need to kill the elite in order to put a stop to what they’re doing. No other solution will work.” This is not true. If we were to somehow kill off all the top-level parasites in the system, new parasites would inevitably gather to fill in the vacuum left behind. Wherever you have chum in the water, sharks will gather to eat it up, and wherever you have gullible humans, conmen will gather to exploit them. You don’t stop the con by killing the current crop of conmen; you stop it by educating the overly-trustful so they can’t be conned anymore.
The “elite” offer us the mainstream media and the controlled side of the alternative media to keep us ignorant and juvenile in our thinking, and by doing so, they make strong, capable humans into helpless children who need “parents” to guide them. If we want to move out of the shadow of our abusive and controlling “elite” parents, we have to grow up. So let’s give up the ridiculous fairy tales of White Hats versus Dark Hats and Nazionists versus Dragons and face reality. Facing reality is the first step to recovery.
Offered with love to all…
Since my second awakening back in 2009, I’ve come across information about Leo Wanta numerous times, but I never really paid it any mind because it always came across as quite odd and ridiculous. Now that I’m exploring Veterans Today (VT), though, I am compelled to address the Wanta issue. He is listed as a member of their editorial board…
…and as their “bureau chief” in Austria…
So let’s begin our examination of Leo Wanta by looking at the credentials listed next to his name.
In the editorial board listing…
…it is claimed that he was the “National Director of Intelligence” under Reagan, and also the “Inspector General, Department of Defense.” Upon researching these claims, this is what I found…
> “National Director of Intelligence”: this title would lead the typical casual reader to assume that Wanta had served as the DNI (the Director of National Intelligence), but this couldn’t possibly be true because the Office of the Director of National Intelligence wasn’t formed until April 22, 2005, well after Reagan’s tenure as President. And you will find Leo Wanta’s name nowhere in the listing of the Directors of National Intelligence or in the listing of the Directors of Central Intelligence, the DNI’s predecessor office. This being the case…
It would appear that Leo Wanta’s “National Director of Intelligence” title is both phony and misleading.
> “Inspector General, Department of Defense”: the Office of Inspector General, US Department of Defense was formed in 1982, so it did exist during Reagan’s presidency. Unfortunately for Mr. Wanta, though, he never served in that Office…
…Do you see Leo Wanta’s name among the Directors or Acting Directors? Neither do I. This being the case…
It would appear that Leo Wanta’s “Inspector General, Department of Defense” title is fraudulent.
Now let’s look at his listing as the “bureau chief” in Austria…
…In this listing, his name is written “Lee” Wanta, and he is again fraudulently given the title of “Inspector General, Department of Defense US under President Reagan.” But he is given a new intelligence title this time: “White House Director of Intelligence.” Let’s have a look at that…
> “White House Director of Intelligence”: this title is different than the “National Director of Intelligence” title he is given in his editorial board listing, but it too sounds quite impressive to the casual reader. The only problem is that this position seems to have never existed. After searching for any records relating to this claimed office/position, I found that there were only two intelligence positions in President Reagan’s White House staff. They are listed here in this page from the Reagan Presidential Library…
…and both Chairpersons served from 1982 through the remainder of the Reagan presidency.
This being said…
It would appear that Leo Wanta’s “White House Director of Intelligence” title is phony.
Seeking clarification on these apparently phony/fraudulent titles, I decided to go to Leo Wanta’s official website…
…and see what it might say about his past.
On the site, I found a link to a 339-page PDF titled WANTA! Black Swan, White Hat by Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall, so I examined it to find information that might clarify things. This was found on page 13…
>>> Leo/Lee Emil Wanta has never been employed by an American intelligence agency, but has worked for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the U.S. Department of the Treasury (including the Secret Service), U.S. Customs Service (et al), US State Department, the National Security Council, US Department of Defense, the US Department of Justice, Office of Strategic Investigations (OSI), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), among others. Wanta is – or was, depending on your perspective – what is termed “a junkyard dog” – a covert intelligence operative, a Secret Agent. He reported directly to President Reagan. In fact, he was Ronald Reagan’s favorite “junkyard dog.” Wanta’s official title was Personal Intelligence Coordinator to the President of the United States. <<<
So despite having “never been employed by an American intelligence agency” (this explains-away the lack of any records that he ever did anything he claims), he somehow “worked for” all those different agencies. And although he was an off-the-books “Secret Agent,” he still had an “official title”: “Personal Intelligence Coordinator to the President of the United States” (another made-up, yet impressive-sounding title). So now he has three imaginary titles from his supposed time as Ronald Reagan’s personal superspy:
1) “National Director of Intelligence”
2) “White House Director of Intelligence”
3) “Personal Intelligence Coordinator to the President of the United States”
“Well, gol-ly, Mr. Wanta, that’s mighty impressive”…
As for his supposed tenure as the “Inspector General, Department of Defense,” the Black Swan, White Hat PDF offers this passage on page 79…
“Grassley and Roth both wrote letters to President Reagan recommending Wanta as Inspector General of the Department of Defense. Other well-known names did, too. Copies of these letters can be found in Chapter One links.”
Let’s have a look at those letters.
The Roth Letter: on page 13 of the Black Swan, White Hat PDF, there is a link to a PDF of this letter…
Now that you’ve read the letter, take a moment to imagine yourself as a US Representative, and one of your constituents (who is also a local activist in your party) sends you his resume and tells you he wants to be the Department of Defense Inspector General. What would you do? You’d write a letter of recommendation (just like this one) to go with the resume, and you’d pass them both along to the relevant government office. In your letter, you’d make sure to highlight the person’s claimed qualifications to make the constituent happy, even though you know he has no chance of getting what he wants. That is exactly what this letter is.
The Grassley Letter: also on page 13 is a link to a PDF of this letter…
From the looks of it, Mr. Wanta had been pressing a number of Congressmen and Senators on the Inspector General post through calls and correspondence, and they were trying to appease him. Note how the letter says “your loyalty and support of the Reagan administration as you had outlined to my Administrative Assistant.” Apparently, Mr. Wanta had tried to sell his qualifications to be Inspector General to one of Grassley’s staff, and the letter assures him that what he conveyed was taken into consideration.
Beyond what the letters say, take a look at the dates on them. The Roth letter was dated June 9, 1981, and the Grassley letter was dated March 25, 1984. This indicates that Mr. Wanta had been pestering various Congressmen over the Inspector General post for about 3 years. In light of this, one needs to note what else Mr. Wanta claims he was doing during that timeframe. According to Black Swan, White Hat, this was going on…
(page 15) “The adventure of this $27.5 trillion American began before January 20, 1981, when Ronald Wilson Reagan took his Oath of Office to become the 40th President of the United States of America. It began in Los Angeles when Wanta was contacted and was asked to go to the office of William French Smith (who Reagan appointed Attorney General) where Wanta met with Smith, William Colby (CIA Director, 1973-76), and William Casey (CIA Director 1981 to 1987. After President Reagan was sworn in, the meetings moved to Washington, D.C.“
(page 22) “As Reagan’s Task Force began meeting in late 1980, Bill Casey decided Leo Wanta should work with him. Casey would become Reagan’s CIA Director and Wanta would become Reagan’s Personal Intelligence Coordinator – and, his favorite ‘junkyard dog.'”
(page 27) “This was the set-up planned for Wanta in the early 1980s – during the task force days – when it became apparent secret agent and covert intelligence operative Leo Wanta was the person on whom President Reagan was relying to cause the fall of the Soviet Union Ruble.”
(page 30) “Massive plans to bring down the economic stability of another nation take time to implement. The Presidential Task Force began meeting in late 1980; in 1981, a recommendation was made to President Reagan by the Task Force and there were things he needed to implement to pave the road for Leo Wanta’s entry into the Soviet Union’s monetary system.”
These passages bring to mind a few questions:
If Mr. Wanta was already being groomed back in 1980 for his crucial “secret mission” to bring down the Soviet Union, why would he be trying in 1981 to become the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, an office that would have completely sidetracked him from his “historic” task?
If Mr. Wanta was already rubbing elbows with the heavy hitters on the Presidential Task Force back in 1980, why was he trying to pass his resume to the Reagan administration via his local Congressman in 1981? Wouldn’t he just tell Reagan face-to-face that he wanted the job?
His story makes no sense, but nothing about Wanta does. When scammers tell so many lies that they can’t keep track of them, discrepancies like this pop up. There are more letters of his I can pick apart, but I’ll save them for an update. Right now, I’d like to go ahead and explore one last fraudulent title of his…
“Ambassador” Leo Wanta
I’ve been wondering why all of Leo Wanta’s supporters, as well as his Black Swan, White Hat biography, refer to him as “Ambassador.” As it turns out, he claims to have been the Somali Ambassador to Canada and Switzerland. So how did an American guy from Wisconsin become Somalia’s ambassador to Canada and Switzerland? That’s a damn good question.
(page 96) “At the beginning of the 90’s, Wanta became Ambassador of Somalia in Canada. The ‘how’ and ‘why’ is mysterious, but one thing is clear; diplomatic strings must have been pulled fiercely. In April 1993 the Ruble-manipulator changed functions and was appointed Somalian Ambassador in Switzerland.”
(page 106) “In addition to being the Somali Ambassador to Canada and also to Switzerland, Wanta was named Chairman of the Somali Central Bank. Though the central bank appointment was never finalized by the Tribal Council (the ambassadorships were) because of Wanta’s bogus arrest in Lausanne, Switzerland, the appointment as Central Bank Chairman was made by the recognized (by Somalia) President of that nation, Haji Mohamed Hashi Haile.”
(page 115) “He had been named Somali Ambassador in June, a month before his arrest this day, July 7, 1993.”
Hmmm… so not only did the Somalis trust the “Great White Man from the North” so much that they made him (a foreigner) their ambassador to two separate nations at the same time, but they also made him chairman of their central bank. Wow, this guy’s resume is as impressive as that of his Veterans Today cohort, Gordon Duff! The only problem with this story is that in 1993, Somalia was in the middle of a civil war and had no functioning government…
“In 1991, the Barre administration was ousted by a coalition of clan-based opposition groups…
Many of the opposition groups subsequently began competing for influence in the power vacuum that followed the ouster of Barre’s regime. In the south, armed factions led by USC commanders General Mohamed Farah Aidid and Ali Mahdi Mohamed, in particular, clashed as each sought to exert authority over the capital. In 1991, a multi-phased international conference on Somalia was held in neighbouring Djibouti. Aidid boycotted the first meeting in protest. Due to the legitimacy bestowed on Muhammad by the Djibouti conference, he was subsequently recognized by the international community as the new President of Somalia. Djibouti, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Italy were among the countries that officially extended recognition to Muhammad’s administration. However, he was not able to exert his authority beyond parts of the capital. Power was instead vied with other faction leaders in the southern half of the country and with autonomous subnational entities in the north….
…Aidid saw UNOSOM II as a threat to his power and in June 1993 his militia attacked Pakistan Army troops, attached to UNOSOM II in Mogadishu, inflicting over 80 casualties. Fighting escalated until 19 American troops and more than 1,000 civilians and militia were killed in a raid in Mogadishu during October 1993.”
As you can see, Wanta claims to have been made a Somalian ambassador and the chairman of the Somalian central bank at a time when there was open warfare on the streets of Mogadishu. While he was supposedly receiving his ambassadorial appointment in June of 1993, Aidid’s militia was attacking UN troops, and the Blackhawk Down incident happened just a few months later. Also worth noting is that the only quasi-recognized Somali President at the time was Ali Mahdi Mohamed, not the man who supposedly gave Wanta his positions, Haji Mohamed Hashi Haile.
When searching for information on Haji Mohamed Hashi Haile, I came across this article at The American Muslim…
>>> The vampire image comes into greater focus when one notes the growing indications of involvement of international organized crime. The south central lands of Somalia were colonized by Italy. Specialists on Somalia have noted that the individual with the largest army in Mogadishu is an Italian “who refuses to give his surname.” The principle accused toxic trade company is the Italian import-export firm Progresso. The Sunday Telegraph of London dated September 13, 1992 ran an article entitled “Has the ‘savior’ of Somalia just sold his country for $4 billion?” The article speaks of the business relations that a person named Haji Mohamed Hashi Haile (who claims to be the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of Somalia and President of the United Somali Salvation) has with an organization called the Investor Corporation of America. The President of Investors Corporation of America is Joseph C. Ripp. Ripp was sentenced to four years in federal prison on November 13, 1984 after pleading guilty at a Pittsburgh court to a huge mail fraud scheme. He served more than three years. “Mr. Ripp is also alleged to have had links to the Mafia and the drug underworld” as a result of having “been identified as a business associate of Philadelphia La Cosa Nostra member Raymon ‘Long John’ Martorano, convicted on July 31,1984, in the murder of Philadelphia union boss John McCullough.” <<<
Given all this information, the most likely scenario is that Leo Wanta purchased his illegitimate ambassadorial credentials from this Somali scammer.
One further note on Wanta’s ambassadorial status is offered by Greg Szymanski in a 2006 pro-Wanta article on The Story Of Leo Wanta ‘The 27.5 Trillion Dollar Man’…
>>> Regarding the Rich arrest in Switzerland and his meeting with Foster, Wanta said this on The Investigative Journal last week:
“I was named Ambassador from Somalia to Switzerland and Canada as a cover to arrest Rich…” <<<
Here we have another example of a scammer telling so many lies to so many people that discrepancies in his story inevitably develop:
If the Somali ambassadorship was just a cover (and was demonstrably phony), why does his official bio claim the ambassadorship was real, and that he was also appointed as chairman of the Somali central bank? Why do Wanta and his supporters continue to call him “Ambassador Wanta”? (Because it impresses the rubes, that’s why.)
The Final Verdict
Having looked through all this information, I find myself remembering a passage I encountered in the first version of Leo Wanta’s Wikipedia bio…
“Wanta’s lawyer claimed that his client was delusional, and really believed to be a secret agent of international central bankers, being disappeared at the behest of powerful figures.“
…which is confirmed by Black Swan, White Hat on page 180…
“Chavez did not submit written evidence provided to him by Wanta in time to get it included in Discovery… thus, when it came time for Wanta to testify and present his evidence, none was available to prove Wanta’s history of working with American intelligence agencies as a covert operator. Thus, it was never presented to the jury. For example, AAG Haag and his chief witness (Dennis Ullman) – and even Wanta’s lawyer, Chavez – couldn’t decide (they told the jury) whether Leo Wanta was a secret agent or (playing the Swiss card) someone who imagined his life as Ronald Reagan’s James Bond.“
It’s pretty clear to me that Leo Wanta is indeed delusional, and like many of his type, he is convincing in his portrayal of himself. It is also clear that Wanta’s story is being used by a constellation of faux-truther figures, websites, and organizations to dupe awakening people into believing a false narrative about who is really behind the chaos in our world (and the New Order that will follow).
Seeing the ridiculously phony nature of Wanta’s story laid before us, what does it say about the people who actively promote it and/or treat it as though it is something real, such as…
> the editors and writers of Veterans Today,
> Alfred Lambremont Webre,
> Christopher Story,
> David Wilcock,
> Kerry Cassidy,
> Jeff Rense,
> Greg Szymanski,
> Benjamin Fulford,
(I will address these folks in the next entry of this series.)
All of these people promote each other’s garbage information in one giant circle-jerk of fraud, and the narrative they offer the public is nothing more than rancid pabulum for the infantile mind. It’s time to set aside the pabulum and start eating our broccoli.
During my time blogging, a number of people have written to me and said, “Ken, we need to kill the elite in order to put a stop to what they’re doing. No other solution will work.” This is not true. If we were to somehow kill off all the top-level parasites in the system, new parasites would inevitably gather to fill in the vacuum left behind. Wherever you have chum in the water, sharks will gather to eat it up, and wherever you have gullible humans, conmen will gather to exploit them. You don’t stop the con by killing the current crop of conmen; you stop it by educating the overly-trustful so they can’t be conned anymore.
The “elite” offer us the mainstream media and the controlled side of the alternative media to keep us ignorant and juvenile in our thinking, and by doing so, they make strong, capable humans into helpless children who need “parents” to guide them. If we want to move out of the shadow of our abusive and controlling “elite” parents, we have to grow up. So let’s give up the ridiculous fairy tales of White Hats versus Dark Hats and Nazionists versus Dragons and face reality. Facing reality is the first step to recovery.
Offered with love to all…