Alien Agenda VI: The Worm Has Turned
The Coming Exposure, Containment and Deconstruction of the Illuminati
by Preston James
Note: This article is written for retired military and Intel with advanced knowledge of Secret Space War matters. Its purpose is to provide information about a certain group of notably evil Alien ET visitors who formed a long-term association with Super-elite criminally-insane Psychopaths who hijacked America in 1913. These super-elite Deviants were given incredible power and authority in exchange for enacting the evil Agenda of this Alien ET group best described as Cosmic Parasites. This group of super-elite Deviants is best referred to as the Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) AKA the “Illuminati”.
If you are not aware of the background information and evidence that is available about this ongoing Secret Space War, you are probably wasting your time reading this and it won’t fit into your mind.
The Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) has done their best to keep you from knowing about Secret Space War matters. There has been a long term energetic effort to keep this information from “We the People” as well as anyone including the High Military Command who does not have what they define as an “absolute need to know”.
Recently during the last several years Majestic-12 (AKA MAJIC), the Secret Group that has maintained authority over all Alien ET matters since it was created by President Truman in 1947, has apparently voted to allow public disclosure.
The Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) is comprised of a Working Alliance between the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC) and the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS). This Ruling Crime Cabal/Coalition is best described as the Illuminati because that is what they call themselves and prefer to be called by Insiders.
This RCC gained power in three major Coup d’ Etats, the first in 1913 with the illegal, Unconstitutional passage of the Federal Reserve Act, the second with the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and the third with the deployment of a Gladio-style, False-Flag Inside-job Nuclear Attack on America on 9/11/01. It was during this time that Israel used nuclear blackmail to coerce the US Administration and top USG officials to allow the creation of Homeland Security (DHS).
The creation of Israeli-controlled Homeland security (DHS) provided an illegal, Unconstitutional consolidation of all American Alphabets, Law Enforcement and most Intel into one large, easy to control Israeli occupying Police State Army inside America.
This article will claim that the “Worm has Turned” at a very high level and the RCC is now being contained, dis-empowered and deconstructed piece by piece due to an interesting convergence of various forces and entities including the US High Military Command. Because this article contains information leaked by insiders and as well as numerous speculations, use your own judgment to evaluate what is presented and come to your own conclusions.
Be aware that many good individuals have been seriously harassed, stalked, threatened and even murdered to bring you this kind of information because the Ruling Criminal Cabal (RCC) does not want you to have any of this information about Secret Space Wars or Alien Agenda matters. The reason? This will be explained in the article and is best summarized that full public disclosure will likely result in a major immediate loss of power for the RCC at every level and will create a complete disruption of the Alien Agenda they are working so hard to fulfill which is about as anti-American and anti-human as possible.The Worm Has Turned
When Shakespeare used that simple phrase, “The worm has turned,” he knew his audience would understand its meaning and origin. A widely used expression even today, it indicates a reversal of fortune, but few who use it know why.
The most secret Agency of the US Government has apparently decided that Disclosure is now going to be allowed, despite the existing official, but secret USG policy against it.
New information has emerged. It now appears that even though the Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) aka the Illuminati, has been against Alien ET Disclosure, the super secret organization called Majestic-12 has decided that Disclosure will be allowed.
Apparently Majestic-12 has also decided that this Disclosure must be done in a controlled manner so as not to panic the populace or fracture the existing everyday social and economic order.
Disclosure will lead to the implementation of Populism, the implementation of Free Energy, and the end of the petroleum based economy, which would be the RCC’s biggest nightmare.
In contrast to the apparent new policy of Majestic-12 for full disclosure in orderly steps, strong efforts are still being made by the Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) to maintain this secret policy of no disclosure. These efforts to prevent disclosure are now doomed to failure, mostly due to the emerging worldwide populism that has spontaneously arisen as a byproduct of the Internet and its ability to communicate information at the speed of light. But there is another reason that Disclosure is imminent.
Free Energy Systems have been discovered and developed and are ready to be rolled out and will completely displace the Petroleum based energy systems which control the World.
Apparently Majestic-12 has decide that the time for the implementation of “Free Energy” is now here as long as it is implemented in an orderly manner. This is also know as “Zero Point Energy” or “Dark Energy” or “Cosmic Wind”. It is believed that Tesla discovered this and was able to harness it.
There have been previous anecdotal reports of one Alien ET group, the Tall Whites (aka Nordics) have been pushing for “full disclosure”. And there have been other anecdotal reports suggesting that another Alien ET group, known as the evil Reptoids (aka Dracos) are reputed to be serving as advisors to certain leaders of the RCC and are pushing hard to maintain complete secrecy and “non-disclosure”.