Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Global Avaaz Community: Pledge to Meditate Weekly for World Peace

The Global Avaaz Community: Pledge to Meditate Weekly for World Peace

Sign Pledge At.....



Why this is important

The upcoming 13th anniversary of 9/11 is a sobering reminder of the violence and destruction rampant in the world. Indeed, the potential for global conflict seems greater than ever if we follow the news.

But we are not powerless - we can speak with a powerful collective voice on the matter. Recently, Deepak Chopra promoted a 'Global Meditation for Peace' which was to be held on August 8, 2014.

While over 40,000 registered to participate, being held on a Friday somewhat restricts the number of possible participants. This petition is simple: pledge to meditate every Sunday at 3 PM Greenwich Mean Time ( wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/ ) for world peace. Only 3-5 minutes is all that is needed, as the power lies in the number of participants. A well-documented phenomenon called the 'Maharishi Effect' shows the power of mass meditations in achieving reductions in crime and military conflict. Imagine what we - the Avaaz community - can achieve if we spread this far and wide.