Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Lindsey Williams Update - September 15, 2014

A teaser for a new LW DVD is out. The DVD is for sale now. I will watch it when I can get a copy, and give a summary here. I personally, am interested in what his "elite friend" has to say about the housing market, etc. Note that his source wants us to get worked up about a new currency this or next month, just like some of David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford's sources. I'm too jaded on that subject to expect much. But who knows? Also, we may finally find out what he meant last time, when he said "divine intervention" was expected. His teaser spelled it "devine intervention," and that makes me wonder if it's the devil's equivalent? 


You asked for details, dates and specific events scheduled for 2015.
I contacted my elite friend at your request and to my amazement he gave me what you asked for. 

The date in 2015 for the financial collapse...


What will happen to the housing market.
Warnings about the stock market.
Chaos in the derivative market.
Corporate bankruptcy.
Divine intervention in 2015.

In September or October 2015 - Beware of a new reserve currency.
- Chaplain Lindsey Williams
- Author of The Energy Non-Crisis 
