Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Interview with COBRA by Rob Potter - August 26, 2014

Published on Sep 2, 2014
Dear Promise Family, This page has been created specifically and exclusively for you and those from, as well as the followers of Cobras Portal 2012 Blog.

We hope that every month you will submit your questions that I will ask COBRA for you during our exclusive regularly scheduled interviews. You may send your questions to .

Your e-mail must have in the title and subject line “Cobra Questions” or I may miss them. I must have these restrictions to file these questions properly I hope you will understand.

I have in the past received so many repeated requests to have asked Cobra to answer individual questions that it was with honor that I told Cobra I would provide a platform for this exchange of information to take place.

Cobra has generously agreed to allow me to interview him on occasion so the more advanced, long standing and active members in the greater community of light workers can have a forum to increase their knowledge directly from Cobra.

You will notice these questions are more metaphysically oriented than the average interview.
Though there are many worldly questions in regards to the worlds stage answered here, there also more profound inquiries as well. I was pleasantly surprised to receive so many well thought out questions from Cobras awake and aware following.

Those questions which are repeated by numerous people will receive priority.
I apologize if your questions were not asked we will do our best to ask them next time. Due to technical restrictions with my Revolution Radio Protocols which makes pre recorded shows impossible at this time, these interviews will not be posted on You Tube or My Regular “Victory of the Light Radio Show” links.

I am very grateful to Rique Seraphico for his time to edit these interviews and to modulate Cobras voice so professionally. No one can possibly know the amount of time blood sweat and tears Rique has put into these shows to make Cobra and I sound so good.

I will also thank my Transcriber volunteers Laurie from and also Danell Glade the leader of the PFC finacial Team who have done us all a wonderful service by donating their time for these transcriptions. .

You can also see the link to Smaly Seven You Tube

Please check on Cobras Blog. PrepareForChange and my TPR blogs for announcements and links to this page.

Thank you all for your wonderful questions ! If you have questions YOU want answered just e-mail me Ninety percent of the questions are directly from you
Thank You Cobra for taking the time for the interviews.

Warm Regards
Victory to The Light
Rob Potter