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Caught red handed lying, wounded tiger (NFK) lashes out at conned followers who awoken
This is an urgent post on request. Caught red-handed with his lies and fake Amanah papers, Neil Keenan is like an angry wounded tiger; witch-hunting and lashing out wildly at those followers who had awoken. He is using underhand tactics (online and offline) to hit back at those who he suspected had exposed him. Please spread this and other recent articles, to take off the heat on those who are being harassed by agents working for him.
Dark connections - Keenan working for the Cabal, not for the people.
Shoddy forgery exposed in 1963 Green Hilton Agreement docs presented by Keenan
Keenan's Hoax Production - Weapons of Endless Mass Distraction
Keenan Uturn-drama series: Drake BS on C&D Order to Keenan 1 month before it was issued
2009 $134 billion US Bond Mystery - solved
To cover the initial lies, you have to make up more lies. Eventually, you get caught in your own web of lies. Here's one example:
On Feb 9, 2012 David Wilcock published his interview with Neil Keenan.
MY INTERVIEW WITH NEIL KEENAN AND KEITH SCOTTAfter I interviewed Fulford and gave a detailed but flawed critique of the lawsuit, Neil Keenan and Keith Scott contacted me. I wanted to get to the bottom of the story. I had many questions. I have not censored any of their answers.
I found their answers fascinating, and it dramatically increased my understanding of the underlying issues. This also serves as their first public presentation of written statements since the release of the lawsuit itself.
Some of the highlighted key points are given in the right-hand panel for
comparison with the facts contained in the Cease & Desist Order
issued by Dr Seno to Keenan & co. on 7th Oct. 2012. (left hand
The centre panel is Keenan & Scott's own Cease & Desist order to
UBS and BIS dated May 14, 2012. Keenan's lies are very obvious if you
refer back to what he said in the Feb 9, 2012 interview with David
Briefly, Keenan confirmed Dr. Edy Seno Soekanto was the legal heir to
the referred Soekarno Trust ( aka Soekarno Family Heritage aka Soekarno
papers aka Amanah Assets). In that interview, Keenan lied that Dr Seno
had turned over the Trust to Keith Scott, Keenan & a 3rd person (now
known as Drs Stanley P.D. Hoop). Keenan confirms it in his dodgy
C&D dated May14, 2012. The difference (from the Feb interview) is
person who signed over the Full Power of Attorney for the Amanah
Instead of Dr Edy Seno Soekanto, it was Mr. Bayu Soekarno Putra. Also
note that Mr. Bayu claimed to be the Chairman, the appointed head and
Authorised Officer of the Amanah Papers. Mr. Bayu signed over the power
of attorney to Keenan & co allegedly on 30th day of Jan, 2012. That
was well before the David Wilcock interview published on Feb 9, 2012.
Doesn't that sound confusing? Not if Keenan lied. In that interview, Keenan was confident he would get Dr Edy Seno to hand over the Amanah Papers or did he lie? Obviously, Dr. Edy Seno was the "first choice". But when Keenan was rejected by Dr Edy Seno, he fell back to an "easier meat". Otherwise he would have named Mr. Bayu as the legitimate heir. See the twist?
Of course the date of handover (Power of Attorney) could easily be changed (back dated to Jan 30, 2012). Keenan had so many lies, he obviously forgot to cover all the ground. Further, if he had already secure the Power of Attorney on Jan 30, 2012, why did he wait 3.5 months to issue the C&D order to the banks? Isn't time of the essence? With trillions in monetary terms, why wait? And he claims to be a shrew (honest) businessman?
Of course when Dr Edy Seno heard about Keenan's false claim, he felt sick and had to issue his C&D order to Keenan & crooked co. Keenan had hoped Dr Edy Seno would have died of a heart attack considering his ill-health. Well, Man plans but God disposes. Dr Edy Seno 's C&D was a huge embarrassment and a big dent to Keenan's reputation. Thus, he got his trusty schill, Kent Drake Bailey to pre-empt Dr. Edy Seno's C&D almost a month earlier on his Sept 6, radio show. Mr. Bayu must have alerted Keenan from the ruckus kicked up by Dr Edy Seno in the Elders' meetings.
If you think this is the only lie, think again. Of course, David Wilcock abstained from asking the hard questions. Why not, if he was promised lucrative tours and television shows.
Doesn't that sound confusing? Not if Keenan lied. In that interview, Keenan was confident he would get Dr Edy Seno to hand over the Amanah Papers or did he lie? Obviously, Dr. Edy Seno was the "first choice". But when Keenan was rejected by Dr Edy Seno, he fell back to an "easier meat". Otherwise he would have named Mr. Bayu as the legitimate heir. See the twist?
Of course the date of handover (Power of Attorney) could easily be changed (back dated to Jan 30, 2012). Keenan had so many lies, he obviously forgot to cover all the ground. Further, if he had already secure the Power of Attorney on Jan 30, 2012, why did he wait 3.5 months to issue the C&D order to the banks? Isn't time of the essence? With trillions in monetary terms, why wait? And he claims to be a shrew (honest) businessman?
Of course when Dr Edy Seno heard about Keenan's false claim, he felt sick and had to issue his C&D order to Keenan & crooked co. Keenan had hoped Dr Edy Seno would have died of a heart attack considering his ill-health. Well, Man plans but God disposes. Dr Edy Seno 's C&D was a huge embarrassment and a big dent to Keenan's reputation. Thus, he got his trusty schill, Kent Drake Bailey to pre-empt Dr. Edy Seno's C&D almost a month earlier on his Sept 6, radio show. Mr. Bayu must have alerted Keenan from the ruckus kicked up by Dr Edy Seno in the Elders' meetings.
If you think this is the only lie, think again. Of course, David Wilcock abstained from asking the hard questions. Why not, if he was promised lucrative tours and television shows.
Some of our readers reported Jean Haines being harassed and intimidated
online and offline. Please support her by commenting on Keenan's blogs
to back off. These were some of the blocked postings on Sept 6, 2014
quote from Bet Fox:
No matter what, Neil iKeenan is a man of action. He is out there risking his life while we sit on our cushy pillows and blog.
When it comes to love vs fighting which
seems a contention between Neil and Jean, I can only say this: Christ
Jesus, one of the greatest men who ever walked this planet and left us a
timeless example on how to live, — when it came to the money changers
in the temple, he didnt stand back and send them love and light! He
kicked them out, he used force and violence! Think about that. That is
why I think Neil has more vision than the ascension sheeple.
Bet Fox, the way you vilified Jean &
others who questioned "Questionable Characters" in Keenan's team, seems
to suggest you know for sure Keenan is a God-send Good Guy (comparable
to Jesus,in your opinion) & a man-of-action to kick the butts out of
the Kabal.
Even if Keenan is (but there is ample
evidence he is not, action speaks louder than meaningless comparison) it
doesn't give him the right to dumb down & threaten Jean &
others who raised valid questions on his "distorted truth" &
association with shady characters. "Guilt by association-collusion" is
one of the surest ways to look into one's heart or intention. A truly
good person would rather sacrifice his life than collude to betray
Jesus welcomed all in his arms
irrespective of their past sins or professions but he did so, out of
compassion and genuine interest in helping them overcome their
weaknesses and to be loved again. He did not associate with sinners to
exploit (take advantage of) them. But even Jesus had a limit. The Evil
Deceptive Banksters like the present Kabal; who are incorrigible liars.
That means if Keenan is a really good
guy at heart (in yr opinion comparable to Jesus), then he should not
associate with deceptive-cons like Slippery Silva, Keith Scott (a
self-confessed traitor and pedophile), Kent Drake Bailey, Keith
Alexander (Prince of NSA Darkness) etc, who were proven to be
incorrigible liars.
Actions speak louder than words. In some
of his videos, Keenan speaks more like a mafia boss than a crusader
bent on stamping out the Kabal. None of his "promised" court actions
ever see the light of the day. Why does he need to withdraw his
11.22.2011 lawsuit? Was Keith Scott designated to play the
"traitor-villain" again, as the main cause in failing to refile and get
all the necessary evidence for real action (not just empty promises)
until now, > 2 years later.
All past deceptions were ultimately
exposed by asking simple straight forward questions like Jean &
other bloggers had. Ascension sheeple?? Drake actually spoke a lot about
ascension, if it did not originate from him. Notice that Jean had
abstained from speaking anything bad about Keenan himself,
understandably so for being objective. That is how a truthful morally
upright person should conduct him / herself. She did not send her agents
to vilify Keenan. We all chipped in independently, out of the goodness
of our hearts voluntarily, to assist someone whom we see as being
victimised by Keenan. BTW, Jean doesn't know me before this.
Keenan on the other hand, doesn't know
everything but he acts as if he does. And he claims to be all powerful,
to be able to terminate Jean (or anyone) with just a phone call, if he
wants to. Now, are those the words of a gentlemen (never mind the savior
Further would "honest businessman" use deception & forgery to fool his customers?
Why would Keenan knowingly use obvious
fakes in his Cease & Desist order in May 14, 2012? Why would Keenan
co-sign and co-issue the said C&D order with a known pedophile by
the name of Keith Scott?
Who are actually the sheeple? They are
actually the “no-questions-asked” ones who foolishly and blindly follow
Keenan who had not shown any tangible results for more than 3 years.
Excuse me, before you use Keenan's 22.11.2011 (even the date of document
smack of evilness connected to JFK assassination) lawsuit as evidence
that he was a “man-of-action”. More like “Man-of-Crisis Acting”. Did it
ever occur to you that the attempts on his life might have been staged?
Plenty of evidence on crisis acting on youtube. The twists & turns
are reminiscent of tv drama series.
One of the first reasons we suspect
Keenan to be working WITH the Kabal rather than AGAINST, was the
lawsuit. We had observed that many law suits were filed by
psyops-infiltrators (secret agents) of the Kabal just to prove they were
against the KABAL to win public support. For one reason or another,
the cases would be dismissed, withdrawn or postponed repeatedly. This is
just one of the many tricks up in their sleeves. The fact that Keenan
has not refiled yet (after multiple excuses over 2 years) is one of the
many evidence we are sure he is working secretly with the KABAL to
distract sheeple like Bet Fox.
When the buying stops, so can the
killing. We, the awaken ones do not sit comfortably in front of our
desktops to blog meaningless criticisms. It is hard work to sieve
through the muddled “cyber battlefield” for true facts contaminated by
sticky opiniated-distorted facts. Slightly distorted truths are more
dangerous than outright lies. Blogging doesn't mean NO ACTION in the
physical 3D world. Blogging is the cyber expression one's morality and
Silence in the face of tyranny & oppression is consent by default.
But it is all worth it when a thousand
words can awaken and save a million sheeple who would otherwise be slain
by a thousand swords. Proving once again, the pen is mightier than the