Tuesday, September 16, 2014

David Wilcock Comments on Ben Fulfords Blog - Septermber 15, 2014

http://stopmensonges.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/David-Wilcock.jpgWow… caught this one quick!

Lots going on right now. I have so much work to do launching my second Gaiam TV show that I am still hoping to update my site some time this week before diving back in.

I just did interviews this weekend for the show and have three more coming up. We’re building up a whole bank of episodes and guests before launching it.

Still have to read this but wow… there was only 3 comments when I “randomly” arrived!

- David


OK… another film with some degree of anti-Cabal disclosure in it is “Edge of Tomorrow.” This is the one where Tom Cruise is a soldier who keeps repeating the same day over and over again, re-starting each time he dies.

A conquering alien race has a central brain that is a sphere inside a pyramid-shaped area of vertical columns, almost like tentacles. It has taken over much of Europe and a new World War is being fought to try to bring it down — but every time they try, in this time loop, they get totally wiped out.
The first hiding place of this alien mother is in Germany, interestingly enough — invoking Nazism. The real kicker is that this ends up being a decoy location. The final, correct location is BENEATH THE PYRAMID IN THE LOUVRE.

This is exactly where Da Vinci Code said the body of Mary Magdalene has been interred — the alleged wife of Jesus and mother of the Illuminati bloodline.

They have retitled this movie “Live. Die. Repeat. Edge of Tomorrow” and it just came out. This is another major step towards disclosure out of Hollywood. Nothing overtly outrageous but if you consider these squid-like ETs to be a symbol of the Illuminati it makes a lot of sense.

I did go and see “Guardians of the Galaxy,” also a Marvel film like Captain America, and although it dealt with multiple human or humanoid ETs and had beautiful visuals, it was basically a kids’ movie and had no overt signs of disclosure in it like what I’m describing above.

- David
Another interesting thing I noticed this past week is photographs of the third beheading on Daily Mail had a different-looking knife than other photos of the same thing. On Daily Mail the knife was slightly blurry.
This didn’t seem to be something done to avoid offending people’s sensibilities. It seemed intended to get people thinking the knife was fake. It’s very obviously Photoshopped when you compare it to other photos where the knife looks the same.
I do think Ben is right about the world not believing the lies anymore. Major stuff was planned to happen in September by the Cabal, according to the insiders I know, and we will have to see if anything unusual comes to pass. So many of their plans and ideas get thwarted that there is no real way to predict what will happen in advance with any precision — but the move in a positive direction is increasingly inevitable.

- David