Thursday, September 25, 2014

Breaking News: Attorney General Eric Holder to Resign

Attorney General Eric Holder to Resign

PHOTO: Attorney General Eric Holder announces the Justice Departments civil rights division will launch a broad civil rights investigation in the Ferguson, Mo., Police Department on Sept. 4, 2014.
According to the official, "Attorney General Holder has discussed his plans personally with the president on multiple occasions in recent months, and finalized those plans in an hour-long conversation with the president at the White House residence over Labor Day weekend. 

"At a formal announcement later today, the attorney general plans to express his personal gratitude to the President for the opportunity to serve in his administration and to lead the Justice Department, which he will call the 'greatest honor of my professional life.' He will note he has loved the Justice Department since, when he was a boy, he watched how, under Attorney General Kennedy, the Department played a leadership role in advancing the civil rights movement. During his tenure as Attorney General, Holder has had Attorney General Kennedy’s portrait in his conference room."
Holder will remain at the Department of Justice until his post is filled. 

In an interview with ABC News’ Pierre Thomas earlier this year, Holder reflected on the personal sacrifices he had made during his nearly six-year tenure. 

“There's no question that this is a -- it's a demanding job. But it is the honor of my professional life to serve the American people as attorney general,” Holder said. “There are sacrifices that I've had to make, that my family has had to make. And I am forever in the debt of my wonderful wife, who has done a great job with our kids while I've not been able to be there as much as I've wanted to be. And I also am indebted to my kids, who have, you know, missed their dad over the course of these 5 1/2 years or so.”