BIS wishes to keep global central banking system intact after revolution
The Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, is angling to keep its central role in world power even if the Federal Reserve Board secret government of the United States in overthrown, according to BIS and MI5 sources. The Swiss claim, with some justification, that they have always been a neutral place for nations to deal with each other, even in times of war. They wish to keep this role as a neutral financial arbiter. The Russians are also trying to position themselves as the conduit between East and West in the event of the fall of the secret government of the West, Russian agents in Japan say.The real question though, is about who is going to control the secret “trading platforms” that are used by the current rulers of the global financial system to funnel “money” into the world economy. These are now controlled by George Bush Sr. and his Nazi cronies and are what keep the US military industrial complex financed.
Here is what MI5 had to say about the situation:
“The central role of trading platforms in the growth of Nazi corporations and institutions (including CIA One Frankfurt) cannot be understated. It has been the core of world industrial growth for the chosen few. This system is so embedded that institutions such as the Pentagon will not survive without it. There must be some attempt to understand and plan the evolution of this mechanism within the system.”
China is clearly angling to take over from the Federal Reserve Board as the controller of the world’s reserve currency. The BIS want to support China and the BRICS alliance in order to keep much of its financial power intact. As MI5 put it “there is nothing to stop the trading platforms from continuing in operation even after Bush 41 is gone. The printing presses (computer screens) will deal in any currency.”
In other words, the BIS, and the esoterically placed trillionaires behind it, are offering to allow
the Chinese yuan to take over from the Fed debt notes (US “dollars”) in exchange for being allowed to keep some control.
The MI5 source said this “transition will be difficult as the trading platforms are the main conduit for channeling debt onto the masses and cash to the chosen ones.”
By “difficult” the source was no doubt referring to the so-called ISIS and Khorasan crisis being pumped up in by the Western propaganda apparatus. This is a veiled threat by the military industrial complex to cut off the world’s oil if they are treated harshly by the incoming regime. The name Khorasan means son of ISIS, that is to say is Horus, whose symbol is the eye on top of the pyramid. In other words, Khorasan represents the owners of the petrodollar system that charges the world high prices for Middle Eastern oil and then deposits that money into cabal controlled banks.
These owners have good reason to be scared into making threats. There is an unstoppable groundswell of discontent in the US at their rule. Although it is not reported much in either the corporate or the alternative media, the legal sharks are getting ready for a feeding frenzy during which they plan to tear apart the big banks. According to the P2 lodge, the Vatican is using its pull to make sure the Supreme Court and the legal system allow these lawsuits to proceed according to the law. Here is a partial list of some of the lawsuits I was able to find just for the state of Illinois:
The lawyers who made billions suing big tobacco, and many others, are joining this feeding frenzy.
Federal Reserve Board inspector Carmen Segarra, who recorded 45 hours of insider collusion between the New York Fed and Goldman Sachs is part of this ongoing attack by the legal profession against the feds. The resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder has also removed a major obstacle to legal action against the Feds and their Washington D.C. puppets.
Then of course, this week brings the September 30th end of the US corporate governments’ fiscal year so, once again everybody is wondering if the Chinese will finally get the cohones to stop rolling over their debt. This is all the official Chinese Xinhua News Service had to say about it:
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