Fact Check #125
(res-pe-chay ad-spe-chay pro-spe-chay)
Once again, it’s time to assume a readiness posture and remain patient for events to transpire. We continue to watch with high anticipation and expectation.
We do not know in what precise form these events will manifest themselves to the general public. Such exact plans are not a part of our pay grade, and never will be. That is perhaps a very good thing. However, as we ALL know, these plans are real, they are going to come about, and we have been warned to prepare for them (See FC115). If, by some chance, we are entrusted to release information of a contemporaneous nature, we will do so. By that I mean, “as the event unfolds”.
In the recorded history of Earth I am not aware of a time when a new century held so much potential for a culture to move forward as one, and with enough talent, technology and understanding to learn from past mistakes and make improvements that far exceed any that would have been possible in decades past. There are no shortages of people who want to assist with such advances. I am lucky to know a few of them. There are also no shortages of people who want to hinder them – just for personal gain and power – at the cost of literally holding back an entire planet from making much needed adjustments and preparations for the future. Remember, the future is something we create. It is not some cold mathematical formula that is necessarily pre-ordained by a shrink-infested, half-ass focus group, or burnt out, mentally ossified, intransigent statisticians.
It’s bad enough that we are faced with so much resistance to cultural advancement from within our own species. We also have to contend with threats from off world acts of nature that we are not adequately prepared to deal with. One example is found here. We better get busy and focus on important matters, and those are not things like Kim Kardashian’s buttocks, or Miley Cyrus’ tongue.
The basic mission we have been following for so long is simply stated as “repairing the world’s shattered, looted and hopelessly bankrupt financial system“. That is WHY these events are needed. It is not something to do for lack of something better, or to impress people at cocktail parties. This is a very serious step for the world to take – but is often cheapened by the “used car salesman” atmosphere of the self promoters and braggarts . But, even then, when all is done and we have achieved the goals set forth, then what?
To that end, look ahead. The past is fixed, but the future is not. There is much work to be done, and as a culture, we are pretty far behind.
Continue to disregard guru “intel” and simply wait for things to happen. Even if you knew every detail, every timetable, every nuance and direction of every erg and dyne of the entire matter, there is little most of you could do to take advantage of it. We are all in a good position to know what is possible to be known. There is no need to wander the landscape in search of more.
No matter what the outcome, I want you all to know that it has been my pleasure to assist in bringing forth information and greater understanding of this journey into the future. This includes introducing many more people to the work of the White Hats and how such ties into anticipated events. For now, baring any further unexpected need, this will be our last Fact Check until such time we are given authorization to deliver further information to you.
Again, our thanks goes out to our White Hat contact, the White Hats, their colleagues, support staff and all those who are working on these important matters.
Now…….let’s see what a little more patience and time reveals.
Thank you all!