Saturday, July 19, 2014


Published on Jul 18, 2014
Ron begins the conversation by asking the ambassador about ET's and Dragons. The ambassador explains that there are many claims by people relating themselves to the Annunaki or other hybrid races that intermingled humans; and he invites them to join with those who want to do the right thing and to stop aggressing against people. He talks about Karen Hudes, inviting her and others like her to not play the games of deception that the cabal has been playing for so long. As always, he states clearly that is the Dragon Family's desire to liberate humanity from wars of aggression, financial deception and other crimes. Ron asks about the gold standard and the Golden Age. He calls for an end to fiat currencies and a return to a standard based on gold and silver. He says that all interest payments are money paid to the cabal and 666. We need to set ourselves free from this tyranny. This is only the beginning. Many other subjects are addressed in the conversation, including the fact that the US is one of only three countries that did not sign the Patriot Act. Surprise!