Phase 3 UPDATE (Please see video below)
Hang in there folks! What is happening as a result of the 3rd phase
build for the QEG in the UK is strong sturdy and monumental growth for
the way that free energy is being brought through to the people, after
hundreds of years of suppression. We are still working and many
groundbreaking discoveries are being made and captured.
Currently the FTW team has hours of video and interviews to edit, and
information from some of the worlds’ best free energy engineers to
transcribe. All of which we will be releasing in our famous opensource
style! Half the team is in editing mode while the engineers are
continuing the work. Many have continued their travel back to QEG’s
being built in other countries to replicate and continue exciting
research on some of our findings.
Here is a quote from one of the engineers that spent time at the UK Build:
“Rotor balancing in the UK was a huge success. It was done by a company
that specializes in such work. The QEG with the balanced rotor ran very
much quieter than what I have heard in previous versions that did not
have precise rotor balance. What took up much of our time trying to find
the resonate sweet spot(s) was the wiring and rewiring of capacitors in
both tanks, also wiring the load bank from series to parallel and
series/parallel arrangement. Likely 30% of our time was used in doing
this. The conclusion here is that a properly equipped lab in the future
must have switchable caps banks and load banks if we are to make best
use of our research time.
Because we were working long days and into the early morning hours,
most of the days we were not reporting as much, as we went along hoping
to find that ‘holy grail’ loopback of the motor for self-running. Evens
and I were only scheduled to be in the UK until the morning of the 20th
but Phillip & his China partners agreed to buy us a new ticket so we
could stay until this past Monday morning, and we thank them very much
for this.
Tesla brought us the technology through his work and patents. When we
can understand what he brought us and what he really knew we will
progress in leaps and bounds. We are not there yet but we have the minds
here in this group to grasp all that is necessary to move forward and
uncover all the overunity secrets. This will take a LOT more research,
understanding and sharing of our finding to do this. I am now committing
myself in the days to come to contact each and every one in our
research group personally, and see what each of us can individually
research in various areas and then bring it all together into a unified
Due to being away from homefront responsibilities for three months
(while teaching so many engineers in other countries how to build a
QEG), the Lead Engineer James had to return to the U.S. Work will resume
on Monday July 7th in the original Pennsylvania location, to achieve
self-running, and a target/goal date of the end of the month.
Your participation and donations in this project have ensured that the
people of the world will have access to this technology; over 40
countries have QEG workshops going! Please continue to support this
effort as you can – we are almost there!! (Please watch video)