Sunday, July 13, 2014

Prosperity Programs Update - Paymaster says "this is going down"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
just received email from out of the blue

Posted By: in2thelight [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 13-Jul-2014 18:02:23

Dear folks,
I have been in the programs for 22 years and
I have never lost faith that this would happen
one day. I had the great fortune of talking with
Mike K. long ago and he clued me in to what would
have to transpire before the funding could happen.
I have also had several significant dreams that have
kept me informed as to the progress of our dreams.
So, out of the blue I received an email from someone
that is close to one of the pay masters from one of
the programs. It was stated," this is going down.
Your Life and this world are about to be changed
forever. You are about to embark on the greatest
journey in the history of the Earth.
Congratulations, you made it"
So, I share this with you, as I was asked to.
Luminous Blessings, Jonathon