Some kind of major show-down is looming this month as new BRICS bank set to launch
There are many signs the ongoing financial war for the future of the
planet is heading for a major inflection point as the BRICS heads of
state meet July 14-16 to formally set up their alternative to the cabal
controlled IMF and World Bank. The cabal has already signaled its
displeasure by blowing up a bridge in Brazil, according to CIA sources.The cabalists are also trying to make their own move to pre-empt the BRICS, by using the Abe slave government in Japan. World Bank lawyer (apparently she never quit) Karen Hudes was in Tokyo recently where she sent messages to over 70 governments falsely claiming Japan would provide the gold needed to back a new financial system, according to CIA sources in Asia who monitored her activities. Hudes did not respond to an e-mail asking for her reply to these allegations. In any case, Japan does not have the requisite gold, according to Bank of Japan sources.
The Abe government works according to a script written in part by Nazi drug smuggler and murderer Richard Armitage and Mossad scum bag liar Michael Green. Green lied to Asian gangsters that this writer was a “speed addict who beat women,” in an attempt to get them to agree to carry out a murder contract on me. Message to Green and Armitage: you are going to jail.
The plot written by these criminals for Abe also mentions the 311 nuclear and tsunami mass murder and terror incident as a great opportunity for the Japanese and US military to work together. The report can be seen here:
In any case, the attempt to use Abe to fool the world about non-existent Japanese gold may be connected to the cryptic occult numerology press conference by IMF head Christine Lagarde,
as reported last week, that seems to indicate some big event is planned for July 20th. Alert readers of this newsletter also forwarded this link where a high level insider gives concrete evidence the cabal
expects a new financial system to be in place by August.
As always, we recommend readers to take predicted dates with a grain of salt because so many have come and gone without the predicted event happening. However, it is clear from many seemingly unrelated events that tensions are reaching a crescendo.