"The RI Did Happen-Good News for Us" by Mnt. Goat
Hi Everyone,
But we are so far away…..so I am making this news letter because I must come to you once again and explain some findings about this IQD and recent events.
Today’s News
As I described in last week’s news letter I believe we are in the final round of a fight and there is now a countdown. Who is knocked out and now laying down on the mat?
These are the people in
the USA government who have been stalling this RV with Iraq. They
formally agreed to the RV out of pressure and then are bent on holding
it up as long as they can. Agreement after agreement they have make and
then break. This past weekend we experienced a typical case of these
stalling tactics.
So let me now start from the beginning so you can understand just want transpired over last weekend.
During last week the CBI and GOI of Iraq finally put their foot down and wanted the USA to commit to a final real date on when they would complete the international rollout process of their country’s revaluation.
A revaluation not a reinstatement was agreed to at this meeting. The rate was set for $3.71.
In these negotiations they (USA, IMF and Iraq) agreed to a final rollout date of Friday 4/25 date with a backup date of 4/27 in case last minute issues arose or the had technical difficulties.
You see already these crocked people in USA were setting the stage for yet another delay since they already padded the timeframe with a possible excuse. The reality was they had no intentions of even completing the rollout on Friday or Sunday and would just use another excuse when the time came. I know this for a fact. This is what is so disturbing to me.
So my office waited in anticipation to see just what would transpire and sure enough like clockwork, on Saturday morning the excuse came. The excuse this time was that the oil credits with another country were under dispute. The negotiations would take a day or two, passing the window of opportunity for this week’s rollout. So here we go again…. This bad news was then disseminated out to the intel gathers as propaganda once again. Most believed it and swallowed it hook line and sinker.
This information was then passed on to Iraq through channels since they would have to know first hand if the RV rollout was completed. They would have to approve the posting of their new website (controlled by the UST) with the new rate and finish a few other details.
So what was Iraq’s reaction to all this?
First let me explain that when the GOI negotiated last week for the Friday timeframe they were very much against any buffer date of Sunday. They were so upset with even delaying it until Friday’s timeframe. The final stages of the rollout has been delayed now since December of 2013 over and over again. No more excuses!
I believe Iraq’s reaction once they heard of another stall was simply that they grew tired of waiting on the USA to get over whatever they were doing holding up the RV, which had been approved and agreed upon since last December.
So Iraq decided to reinstate their currency, which they had every right to do.
They also have control over this process since they are now out of all sanctions and well on their way to ascension to the WTO.
The IMF also agreed to and fully supported this action taken by Iraq. In fact I heard from my IMF contact that the IMF actually advised this action with Iraq GOI.
This group of people I call the “elite entity” do not want this RV to happen since they are making billions every time it is delayed. Everything is about dollars and cents with these people and the power money holds. So as I said in my last news letter the changes that are coming are inevitable. These people in the USA government are only making it difficult for the USA now to save face in the final stages of this process.
Future dealings between the USA government and Iraq are going to be difficult and the trust factor is very low. This conflict will continue until at least 2016 when hopefully the American people will clean house of these crocked politicians once and for all.
Impact of this reinstatement
First let me say this reinstatement did happen.
Just because your intel source(s) did not yet talk about it does not make it go away. Let me now explain what the reinstatement of a currency is. For Iraq they are simply reinstated the sanctioned currency on-hold value to what it was prior to the second gulf war at a rate equal to the prior international rate. Normally they are also allowed to add on a 25% equity according to the 10 years following the war.
Since we all know the plan is to go to an asset backed currency values (which would determine this equity value) one might think the value would be around $3.22 plus 25% equity = $4.02. However this is not going to be the case since this reinstatement is outside of the Global Reset process. It gets complicated but they are not being allowed to add any equity to their rate at this time.
The Good News in all this Mess
As I stated in many, many of my past news letters this entire revaluation process has been one huge mess once the egos of the USA power structures and the greedy bankers got their hands in the mix.
Those directly involved in creating this mess should be fired and never allowed to hold any position of power or authority again in their careers within the government of the USA and thus also the UST. It is now your responsibility, in fact a duty, as citizens of the USA to find out who these culprits are and to ensure this process of justice is done. Is it the only way to ensure this madness stops in future dealings.
Remember that our democracy gets eroded bit by bit, a seemingly small event of corruption goes unpunished. This leads to even larger events and soon it gets out of control. A democracy is only as good as its citizens who take action even in such small situations. This does not mean violence since there are always ways to use the democratic process in such situations too.
Don’t let them fool you either by their double talk to try to justify what they have (or in this case have not done). It very clear to all of us. Either you did the job you promised you would to or you neglected your duties. Were these holdups intentional or really necessary? We appoint these people to represent us globally. Is this how we all want to be perceived by the rest of the world?
So now that the Iraq GOI forced their hand and through the reinstatement what does this mean to the us as investors?
This means legally the USA has 72 hours to complete the rollout process of the newly reinstated rate. Believe me some are jumping for joy and others are rolling over playing dead. Overall it is a scrambling effort to figure out the next step and to cover their tracks. In my heart I say why. Why does it have to be this way?
This is what I am hearing will happen
We will never see the reinstatement rate.
They will wait until after the elections are completed and the new Iraq government is seated (just a few days from now) and then less than a week later push out the full revaluation and complete the global currency reset (GCR). Until then the news media will not tell us anything of Saturday’s event.
It would be of great benefit to Iraq to come out at the higher rate in the later revaluation. The revaluation could be over $4.00 but at least $3.71 rate. It will be on a controlled float.
I know this for a fact so let’s not even waste our time arguing over such a moot point. They seek a $3.71 rate. For now Maliki has pushed the issue. I have to say this has been one of the most decent things he has done for Iraq. In fact when I heard the news I could hardly believe it and you all know I do not care for the guy.
From my perspective we are in good shape to see the RV soon,
at least we are out of the stalling tactics that could have possibly
held this up further. As I said they already had plans to hold this up
way beyond last Sunday regardless of what they say or negotiate.So let me now start from the beginning so you can understand just want transpired over last weekend.
During last week the CBI and GOI of Iraq finally put their foot down and wanted the USA to commit to a final real date on when they would complete the international rollout process of their country’s revaluation.
A revaluation not a reinstatement was agreed to at this meeting. The rate was set for $3.71.
In these negotiations they (USA, IMF and Iraq) agreed to a final rollout date of Friday 4/25 date with a backup date of 4/27 in case last minute issues arose or the had technical difficulties.
You see already these crocked people in USA were setting the stage for yet another delay since they already padded the timeframe with a possible excuse. The reality was they had no intentions of even completing the rollout on Friday or Sunday and would just use another excuse when the time came. I know this for a fact. This is what is so disturbing to me.
So my office waited in anticipation to see just what would transpire and sure enough like clockwork, on Saturday morning the excuse came. The excuse this time was that the oil credits with another country were under dispute. The negotiations would take a day or two, passing the window of opportunity for this week’s rollout. So here we go again…. This bad news was then disseminated out to the intel gathers as propaganda once again. Most believed it and swallowed it hook line and sinker.
This information was then passed on to Iraq through channels since they would have to know first hand if the RV rollout was completed. They would have to approve the posting of their new website (controlled by the UST) with the new rate and finish a few other details.
So what was Iraq’s reaction to all this?
First let me explain that when the GOI negotiated last week for the Friday timeframe they were very much against any buffer date of Sunday. They were so upset with even delaying it until Friday’s timeframe. The final stages of the rollout has been delayed now since December of 2013 over and over again. No more excuses!
I believe Iraq’s reaction once they heard of another stall was simply that they grew tired of waiting on the USA to get over whatever they were doing holding up the RV, which had been approved and agreed upon since last December.
So Iraq decided to reinstate their currency, which they had every right to do.
They also have control over this process since they are now out of all sanctions and well on their way to ascension to the WTO.
The IMF also agreed to and fully supported this action taken by Iraq. In fact I heard from my IMF contact that the IMF actually advised this action with Iraq GOI.
This group of people I call the “elite entity” do not want this RV to happen since they are making billions every time it is delayed. Everything is about dollars and cents with these people and the power money holds. So as I said in my last news letter the changes that are coming are inevitable. These people in the USA government are only making it difficult for the USA now to save face in the final stages of this process.
Future dealings between the USA government and Iraq are going to be difficult and the trust factor is very low. This conflict will continue until at least 2016 when hopefully the American people will clean house of these crocked politicians once and for all.
Impact of this reinstatement
First let me say this reinstatement did happen.
Just because your intel source(s) did not yet talk about it does not make it go away. Let me now explain what the reinstatement of a currency is. For Iraq they are simply reinstated the sanctioned currency on-hold value to what it was prior to the second gulf war at a rate equal to the prior international rate. Normally they are also allowed to add on a 25% equity according to the 10 years following the war.
Since we all know the plan is to go to an asset backed currency values (which would determine this equity value) one might think the value would be around $3.22 plus 25% equity = $4.02. However this is not going to be the case since this reinstatement is outside of the Global Reset process. It gets complicated but they are not being allowed to add any equity to their rate at this time.
The Good News in all this Mess
As I stated in many, many of my past news letters this entire revaluation process has been one huge mess once the egos of the USA power structures and the greedy bankers got their hands in the mix.
Those directly involved in creating this mess should be fired and never allowed to hold any position of power or authority again in their careers within the government of the USA and thus also the UST. It is now your responsibility, in fact a duty, as citizens of the USA to find out who these culprits are and to ensure this process of justice is done. Is it the only way to ensure this madness stops in future dealings.
Remember that our democracy gets eroded bit by bit, a seemingly small event of corruption goes unpunished. This leads to even larger events and soon it gets out of control. A democracy is only as good as its citizens who take action even in such small situations. This does not mean violence since there are always ways to use the democratic process in such situations too.
Don’t let them fool you either by their double talk to try to justify what they have (or in this case have not done). It very clear to all of us. Either you did the job you promised you would to or you neglected your duties. Were these holdups intentional or really necessary? We appoint these people to represent us globally. Is this how we all want to be perceived by the rest of the world?
So now that the Iraq GOI forced their hand and through the reinstatement what does this mean to the us as investors?
This means legally the USA has 72 hours to complete the rollout process of the newly reinstated rate. Believe me some are jumping for joy and others are rolling over playing dead. Overall it is a scrambling effort to figure out the next step and to cover their tracks. In my heart I say why. Why does it have to be this way?
This is what I am hearing will happen
We will never see the reinstatement rate.
They will wait until after the elections are completed and the new Iraq government is seated (just a few days from now) and then less than a week later push out the full revaluation and complete the global currency reset (GCR). Until then the news media will not tell us anything of Saturday’s event.
It would be of great benefit to Iraq to come out at the higher rate in the later revaluation. The revaluation could be over $4.00 but at least $3.71 rate. It will be on a controlled float.
I know this for a fact so let’s not even waste our time arguing over such a moot point. They seek a $3.71 rate. For now Maliki has pushed the issue. I have to say this has been one of the most decent things he has done for Iraq. In fact when I heard the news I could hardly believe it and you all know I do not care for the guy.
Truly Saturday’s action are a step in the right direction and we are moving forward again.
Peace and Luv To Ya All,
Mnt Goat