NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | They’re Bugging Us!
The week of March 9th, after a meeting, Neil was not feeling well. By Saturday the poisoning symptoms became obvious and Neil started his antidote protocols put in place by Dr. Group. By Sunday he was feeling better. By Monday he was near 100%. But on Tuesday Neil felt exhausted and passed out for two days. When he regained consciousness, his hands and feet were paralyzed. There was major swelling in his left ankle.
After the swelling went down on his left ankle, two red marks became obvious. Hair in that area was gone. And what was confirmed to be an injection site was located.
The arrow on the image to the left is a zoomed-in section of Neil’s ankle. You can see one of the red marks slightly off center to the upper left. Just left of the arrow you can see a white circle with a dark center, which has been confirmed as the injection point.
So how did they get to Neil? Experts that we consulted with have concluded that it was a remote control flying robotic insect which likely infected Neil the evening of Tuesday, March 18th.
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