Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Cobra Interview with Elizabeth Whitney - March 16, 2014

Interview Transcription: Elizabeth Whitney and Cobra
Recorded via Skype, Point Reyes Station, March 16, 2014
[Red Resonant Earth]

Elizabeth: …The mystery of this airplane 370. I’m wondering what you’d like to say about that because it is certainly a huge topic…Where can you go with that? What can you share?

COBRA: It was definitely not a UFO because the Light Forces are not working that way. There was no extraterritorial involvement in that, that’s all I can say right now. There was a lot of information released about the patents and advanced military technologies. It is actually a conflict between the Unites States and China about those technologies. And according to some sources they are behind the downing of that plane. But I would say the whole story is actually a distraction because there are many things happening that are more important than that right now.

E: Almost an intentional distraction?

C: Yes. In a way, yes. Because people have a tendency to focus on the most sensational aspects of a whole situation, and this tends to diffuse the focus, which is now needed for the planetary liberation.
E: But the event in itself of the plane is fairly sensational. It eludes so much of our tracking skills or is…

C: You see, military technology can easily disrupt a radar signal. That’s not a big deal. It was happening since World War II. Events like this were happening quite regularly during the war. In World War II and onwards—it’s nothing unusual. Many planes have “disappeared” during military conflicts.

E: To me, it has created such a lot of attention, as you said, whatever resolution arrives, when it comes out, whether the people are alive or not, will also create a lot of attention. If it’s an ending that is positive that will have an impact on people, or the other way around. It was kind of remarkable to see this thing develop….

C: OK.

E: Not a UFO. OK.

C: No. It was not an UFO. I can confirm that. There was zero extraterrestrial involvement in the whole scenario.

Continue Reading at ..... http://timebandit15.wordpress.com/2014/03/18/conversations-with-cobra-part-ii/