We have a Global problem. It’s called indifference.
We can allow for the Third World, and the poorly educated, who know no better. But you do. So why, in your time, on your watch, is our world so badly misaligned?
Vast wealth has been accrued. But all sequestrated. Off balance sheet funds exist in hundreds of Trillions.

4 December 2013
The US Shadow Military Industrial Cabal, in conjunction with the Rothschild’s Zionist Mafia, have a complete Oligopoly on the US Treasury and US Federal Reserve. Grey Screens, Black and Blue Screens cross trade in QUAD Trillions, funding also a vast array of projects outside of Congressional Oversight or awareness. In short, via their Global Military and Mineral/Energy and Weapons manufacturing combines, backed up by Spying Agencies, Immoral Contractor organizations randomly and ruthlessly killing for money, are slowly taking over core industries upon which all countries are primarily dependent. CIA networks of companies, interfacing with the likes of Carlisle Group, and other Bush type operations, are rapaciously hovering up companies and Prime Real Estate sites for profits. Nations Leaders get sucked into the food dependency chain by receiving lucrative Cabal offers of Directorships or consultancy retainers after leaving office, as long as they assist grease the wheel in favor of the Cabal while in power. All Trust in office is abused.

The likes of Tony Blair, now accused of an affair with Rupert Murdoch’s own wife, is now to be found like all of his Lounge Lizzard types, cruising the Mediterranean on Yachts as a guest of Billionaire’s selling his influence for reward of Grace and Favor. Such is the low tone of grubby Politics today. Phoney Tony’s abound. Peter Mandelson, ex Blair Spin Doctor, is to be found selling his Soul to the Rothschild’s or any Russian Oligarchs wanting a rented Mutt for hire. Peter Puff has a thing for Young Boys. His days in power are over, but still he sells his favors. Truly, a sad world. Misfits rule. We are facing a 10 year Global Seismic shift in power. The clear signs are there, but ignorance rules. And all the time among so many desperate cries, another poor Soul dies. Why? It doesn’t have to be this way! Mega Yachts, Hampton vacations and Plastic Trophy wives. What is real?